People who want to gain weight often make mistakes that delay the appearance of training effects. Most often they result from the false belief that the more training and the greater the load, the better. Nothing could be more wrong. Learn the 9 mistakes that make it harder to gain weight and learn how to train so that the results of exercise are visible faster.
Errors that make it difficult toincrease weight most often consist in choosing too much weight in relation to your abilities. This applies to the weight of weights as well as the number of repetitions performed and the frequency of training.Mistakesalso result from neglecting the basic principles of strength training, such as proper warm-up or setting the necessary breaks for muscle regeneration.
Find out about the 9 most common mistakes that inhibit the effects of your training and hinder the growth of muscle mass.
1. No specific training target
People starting strength training often do not think for what purpose they want to exercise or set several goals for themselves, which cannot be achieved at the same time. An example is the reduction of adipose tissue while increasing muscle mass. Both endeavors require a completely different type of effort (in one case - cardio, in the other - strength) and a different diet (reduction diet or high-calorie diet). When setting the goal of your training, it is therefore worth determining what we care about in the first place and arranging your training plan and menu from this angle.
2. Starting with too much weights
Starting training with too much load is a common mistake of beginners. They are convinced that the higher the bar for themselves, the sooner they will notice the results. As a rule, the effect is the opposite - after exhausting exercise, soreness appears, muscles regenerate slowly and the motivation for further exercise disappears. In addition, the risk of injury or trauma is significantly increased.
To avoid this mistake, beginners should start with complex exercises (a good solution is, for example, Full Body Workout, calisthenics) to get the body used to increased effort. When switching to isolated exercises on machines, it is worth seeking advice from an experienced trainer who will help you adjust the loadto our abilities.
3. No training plan
Without an appropriate training plan, we are not able to control our progress and make the necessary changes to the training regimen. It is necessary to determine exactly how often we will exercise, on what days of the week, what exercises we will use, and how many series and repetitions. The task is not easy, so if we expect specific effects, it is not worth relying on your own intuition, but ask a professional for advice.
The most recommended trainings that facilitate the building of muscle mass are: hypertrophic training, pyramidal training, training for growth hormone.
4. Too long workouts
Intensive strength training should last about 30-40 minutes (excluding warm-up and cooling-down exercises). If you are exercising for an hour or more, you are likely not giving your best or spending too much time taking breaks. You will get good results only when you are focused on the effort as much as possible. Therefore, during training, make sure that you are not distracted by anything - turn off the phone, do not talk to outsiders, do not prolong your rest.
5. Incorrect exercise technique
Carrying out the exercises carelessly, without knowing the technique, not only can slow down the progress in training, but also risk a serious injury. Bad technique increases the risk of injury and destroys the strength potential of the muscles. Therefore, before you start mass training, carefully analyze how the exercise is performed, do a few practice repetitions and only after mastering the technique, start training. An even better solution is to book a few individual classes with a trainer who will help to eliminate possible mistakes.
6. Too little protein in the diet
According to specialists, in training for a mass of 80% of the effects depends on the choice of the appropriate diet. You will not achieve your dream figure without changing your current diet. In order for muscles to develop continuously, they need a building block, i.e. protein. The diet of strength training people should contain at least 1 g of protein per kilogram of body weight (in the case of intense training, even 2-2.4 g per kg of body weight).
It is important to provide your body with protein within 2-3 hours after training. This phenomenon is called the anabolic window and its proper use determines whether the muscles regenerate and grow properly.
7. Skipping the warm-up
Many people are unaware of the serious consequences for building muscle mass, skipping a warm-up. This short seems to bethe introduction to the exercises is not very important and only takes precious time - thinking like that is the biggest mistake!
Warming up is very important as it prepares your muscles for exercise and thus increases their strength potential. Warmed up muscles can lift more weight and perform more repetitions. They also become more flexible, thanks to which the risk of injury during training is significantly reduced.
8. No time to regenerate
The more trainings, the better the results - such thinking still persists among many beginner athletes. Meanwhile, this is only part of the truth. Regular training is important, but training day after day, without rest, can even inhibit the effects of exercise and prevent muscle growth.
This is because the growth of muscle tissue does not occur with exercise, but after it as the body recovers. Then the body repairs damaged structures and additionally strengthens them to make them more resistant to training loads in the future. If the muscles are not given enough time to regenerate, their growth is inhibited. Hence, it is so important to keep at least a 24-hour break between trainings of the same muscle groups.
9. Too rare modifications to the training plan
In order for muscles to grow, they must receive new and more intense stimuli for development. Training for several months according to the same training plan, using the same repertoire of exercises, will not make our figure begin to change. At some point, the muscles will get used to the same loads and stop developing. In order to keep progress in gaining muscle mass, you should modify your training plan every 8-9 weeks: change exercises, add a new load, increase the number of repetitions.