How to make aloe vera juice, which increases immunity and regenerates the body? There are several home remedies. It is also worth making aloe vera tincture. The first step is to buy the right plant. Here's a recipe for aloe vera juice and aloe vera tincture.

Bothaloe vera juice recipeandaloe vera tincture recipestart the same way: fresh aloe leaves. In addition, honey (for juice that is stored longer) or citrus juice will be useful when you plan to drink it during the week. To make the aloe vera tincture, you will need alcohol: vodka or spirit or wine.

Aloe leaves for juice or tincture - how to get it?

Aloe leaves for preserves should be older than two years, but less than five years old. Therefore, we need to know the age of the plant and reproduce it by noting when we planted young cuttings.

Gardeners recommend that you buy plants about 30 cm high, then the lower leaves will be usable. Let's check if the plant has side shoots. If so - it is known that he has been alive for over a year. The best raw material is Aloe vera.

Aloe requires sandy soil and a light position, but does not like standing in full sun. You should water it moderately, once or twice a week, to prevent the roots from rotting.

If we are going to use the leaves for juice or tincture - the plants from which we cut them, do not water them for two weeks. Cut the leaves for the preserves with a sharp knife right at the base and put them in the fridge for 24 hours. Cooling down increases the activity of the aloe vera ingredients.

Squeezed juices - what are their advantages?

Aloe vera juice recipes

  • Aloe with citrus

A bunch of aloe vera leaves (more or less so that you can put two hands around it) put in the fridge for a day. After taking it out, cut the edges with spikes and hollow out the flesh. Put it into a wide jug and add 1/2 liter of citrus juice (orange, grapefruit, lemon juice) and mix.

The so obtained, viscous juice can be wiped through a strainer, then poured into a dark glass bottle and placed in the refrigerator. The juice can be stored for a week.

  • Aloe Vera Juice with Honey

Cut the leaves of the whole plant and freeze it in the refrigerator. Then we cut the whole leaves andmix or put into a juicer. Pass the mixed juice through a sieve. Add a tablespoon of honey to the juice and mix it. Pour into a dark glass bottle. Store in the refrigerator.

Aloe juice should be taken 2-3 times a day, a teaspoon, alone or mixed with the juice.

  • Lovely aloe. Science has confirmed the beneficial effects of aloe
  • Aloe helps you lose weight! Properties and use of aloe in slimming
  • Aloe cosmetics - cosmetic properties of aloe
  • Aloe vera gel: how does it work and what are its properties? Where to buy aloe vera gel?
See the gallery of 5 photos

Recipes for aloe tincture

  • Strengthening Tincture

Leaves from large aloe vera put into a juicer or blend and rub through a sieve. We add red wine to the obtained juice in a proportion of 1: 1 and 200 g of liquid honey. Stir, pour into a dark glass bottle and set aside in a dark place for 10 days.

We drink the finished tincture once a day in a small glass.

  • Tincture for digestive problems

100g of blended fresh leaves mixed with 50g of honey and 50ml of spirit. Pour into a dark glass bottle and set aside in a dark place for 5 days. Then put the tincture in the fridge. Take the prepared aloe vera tincture before eating, one teaspoon at a time.

Read also:

  • Medicinal elderberry tincture. Recipe
  • Recipe for pine syrup. How to make syrup from young pine shoots?
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