Indigestion or reflux? Indigestion is an ailment, reflux is already a disease. Symptoms may be somewhat similar. The persistence of the symptoms is crucial. Find out what the difference between indigestion and acid reflux is.
Is it just anotherindigestion or acid refluxthat isacid reflux disease ? It is worth asking yourself this question when you experience repeated digestive ailments. Untreatedacid refluxcan cause serious complications.
Indigestion or reflux?
When we eat too much or we had foods on our plate that increase the production of gastric juices (fatty, fried, sour, spicy, alcohol, carbonated drinks) or relax the esophageal sphincter (e.g. onion or chocolate), we may feel definitely bad . Stomach pain, belching, heartburn, nausea and the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. These could be symptoms of indigestion. They testify to the enormous difficulties our digestive system has to digest what we have provided to it. You need to neutralize stomach acids and give your stomach a rest using a three-day easily digestible diet or switch to biscuits and gruel for this time. But if the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus is not an occasional symptom, it happens after most meals, it teases you when you bend over and put pressure on your stomach, or it occurs while lying down - it could be acid reflux disease.
Reflux or acid reflux disease
Reflux is caused by the relaxation of the esophageal sphincter muscle in the passage between the esophagus and the stomach. This muscle should be constantly tense and relaxed only for the few seconds needed to let the flowing food, fluid or saliva pass through. When the stomach is too relaxed, the acid content of the stomach flows back into the esophagus (especially when the stomach is overloaded or pressed, or in a supine position). The relaxation of the esophageal sphincter muscle is often a consequence of many years of smoking, drinking alcohol and large amounts of coffee, obesity (being overweight increases abdominal pressure, the sphincter weakens under the influence of increased pressure), hiatal hernia, sometimes a consequence of gastric surgery. Acid reflux disease should be treated because it causes inflammation of the esophagus, it can even cause cancer.
Reflux treatment
DiseaseReflux is treated primarily by switching to an easily digestible diet - avoiding foods that stimulate the production of gastric acid, and eating more and smaller meals. Medicines are also given to inhibit the production of stomach acid, as well as to improve the tone of the esophageal sphincter and protect the esophageal mucosa. Sometimes surgery is needed to treat acid reflux disease.