Hydrotherapy, also known as hydrotherapy or aquaterapy, is one of the oldest methods of treatment. It is recommended both for he althy people to increase the overall immunity of the body or reducing stress, as well as for people suffering from numerous diseases, incl. heart and circulatory system, nervous system or pain. Check what other uses of hydrotherapy have been found.

Hydrotherapyotherwise known ashydrotherapyor aquaterapy. This is one of the oldest treatments in physiotherapy. It uses the physical and chemical properties of solid, liquid and gaseous water for medicinal purposes. Recommended both for he althy people to increase the overall immunity of the body or to reduce stress, as well as for people suffering from numerous diseases. Due to the huge variety of treatments and the intensity of the stimulus doses, everyone can choose something for themselves.

Hydrotherapy: indications

Some of the many advantages of hydrotherapy include: increasing immunity, improving metabolism, improving the functioning of the heart and circulatory system, reducing stress and eliminating pain irritation even at the subliminal stage. Therefore, the indications for hydrotherapy are:

  • heart disease
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • respiratory diseases
  • chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • diseases of the reproductive organs
  • urazy
  • insomnia

Hydrotherapy: types of treatments

There are over 120 treatments with the use of water in hydrotherapy, which include:

  • Pearl bath

The pearl bath owes its name to the air bubbles generated by the compressor located at the bottom of the pool. It uses domestic or sulphide-fluorine water. The patient is immersed in warm water (35-37 ° C) and after a moment of adaptation, the compressor is turned on, thanks to which bubbles of compressed air appear in the bathtub. 1-2 minutes before the end of the treatment, the compressor is turned off, which prevents the possibility of circulatory disorders and improves mood. The additional advantages of the treatment are: reduction of menstrual discomfort, general improvement of the skin appearance,reducing the visibility of stretch marks, cellulite reduction and a significant increase in blood supply to the skin. The treatment takes 10-20 minutes.

Recommended for people suffering from rheumatic and degenerative diseases, circulatory disorders, hypertension, decreased muscle tone, insomnia, neurosis, intestinal peristalsis and general weakness of the body, as well as for people suffering from injuries during rehabilitation.

Contraindications: fungal infections, purulent skin problems, low blood pressure, drowsiness.

  • Hydromassage (underwater massage)

Hydromassage involves massaging a part or the whole body of the patient immersed in warm water (34-36 ° C) with a jet of water under pressure. It reduces pain, increases joint mobility, relaxes muscles and reduces overall nervous tension. Additional advantages of hydro massage include the reduction of adipose tissue and cellulite, improvement of metabolism and general improvement of skin elasticity and blood supply. The procedure takes approximately 20 minutes. There are two types of hydro massage: classic underwater massage and underwater whip shower. Compared to the classic, underwater whip spraying is more effective.

Recommended in post-traumatic musculoskeletal conditions, osteoarthritis (spine and peripheral), muscle atrophy, neuralgia, fatigue or neurosis.

Contraindications include: varicose veins, diabetes, skin diseases.


Hydrotherapy - contraindications

  • psychosis
  • advanced anemia
  • wasting the organism

  • Brine baths- take place in sodium chloride waters. The brine normalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation, stimulates metabolism and lung ventilation, and relaxes. Recommended for non-advanced atherosclerosis, infertility, chronic respiratory diseases, obesity and insomnia.
  • Aromatic baths- have a systemic effect, essential oils are used during this type of bath and, depending on the properties of plants on the basis of which the oils were created, have special properties. There are baths that help reduce cellpit, moisturizing and soothing, relaxing, energizing and others.
  • Waterings- are done by pouring cold or very cold water over the skin. They have a hardening and anti-inflammatory effect, improve blood circulation and metabolism. Recommended for varicose veins of the lower limbs and anus, weakened foot muscles, flat feet.
  • Wraps- are divided into cold and hot, they consist of applying a damp cotton fabric to a given part of the body. InDepending on the type, they have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, reduce swelling or inhibit bleeding.
  • Finnish bath- the bath takes place in hot air with low humidity (after pouring water over the stones, the humidity temporarily increases rapidly). Recommended for diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, circulation, movement and nervous system, orthopedic and traumatic diseases, female and skin diseases.
  • Fixed, mobile showers- rely on the water pressure acting on the patient's body. In fixed showers, the stream of water affects the body in the same way all the time, in moving showers, a moving stream of water acts on the body, which may differ in temperature, degree of dispersion and the force of pressure of the stream of water on the body.
  • Scottish shower- the body is poured with a stream of water of variable temperature and degree of dispersion. The procedure is performed on the whole body or on specific parts of it. They have a positive effect on the circulatory and nervous system, they are indicated in the case of muscle atrophy, obesity, after traumatic conditions (fractures, sprains, soft tissue injuries).
  • Full and partial baths- the patient sits down in a bathtub filled with water. In the case of a partial bath - the bath is half full and the water reaches at most to the navel and the patient is poured over and rubbed with it (especially the breasts and back). In the case of complete baths, the immersion takes place down to the neck and this type of treatment should not be performed on an empty stomach.

    Worth knowing

    Hydrotherapy in spas - voivodships:
    Dolnośląskie : Dom Zdrojowy Uzdrowisko Świeradów "Czerniawa", Hotel Medical Spa Malinowy Manor
    Kujawsko-Pomorskie : Krystynka He alth Resort, "Orion" He alth Resort Sanatorium of the Ministry of the Interior, Lila He alth House, Eden Ciechocinek - PZN Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Modrzew Sanatorium
    Lubelskie : Sanatorium Uzdrowiskowe Farmer in Nałęczów, Railway He alth Resort Hospital in Nałęczów
    Małopolskie : Sanatorium Patria- Uzdrowisko Krynica- Żegiestów
    Podkarpackie : Mining Union Sanatorium Górnik
    Pomorskie : Sanatorium Uzdrowiskowe Leśnik Sopot
    Śląskie : Hotel Magnolia- Sanatorium Ustroń
    Świętokrzyskie : Sanatorium Marconi Busko Zdrój
    Warmińsko-Mazurskie : Sanatorium Uzdrowiskowe Wital in Gołdap
    Zachodniopomorskie : Arka Medical SPA, Agricultural Rehabilitation Center KRUS NIWA in Kołobrzeg u


    Kasprzak W., Mańkowska A.,Physical therapy, spa medicine and SPA , Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, Warsaw 2008
