Hypermnesia is otherwise absolute autobiographical memory. Although we associate memory disorders primarily with a reduced ability to remember, there is also a phenomenon characterized by the opposite properties. Is it possible to remember too much? What exactly is hypermnesia and should it be treated?
Hypermnesiastands for absolute memory, also known as HSAM (highly superior autobiographical memory) syndrome. A person with hypermnesia has an unlimited capacity to reproduce their acquired information and experiences. This is the opposite of hypomnesia.
What is memory? Types of memory
Before we start describing memory irregularities, it is worth explaining what memory actually is. Memory is a process that is responsible for recording, storing and, what is especially important - recreating experiences and using them in various life situations. Thanks to memory, we can maintain the relative continuity of our lives and the events that took place in it.
Basic allocation of memory includes:
- short-term memory- this is the so-called quick memorization, in this case the storage of information lasts up to several seconds,
- long-term memory- in this situation, the storage time of the information memorized is practically unlimited. However, the process of remembering is much slower and requires more work and commitment from us than in the case of short-term memory.
From a medical point of view, a properly running memory process includes three phases, that is, remembering, storing information, and also retrieving it later. Incorrect course of any of these stages leads to memory disorders.
Memory disorders - types
Typically psychiatrists deal with memory disorders. In psychiatry, the basic division of memory disorders includes:
- qualitative disorders, i.e. paramnesia,
- quantitative disorders, i.e. dysmnesias.
In this article, we will focus on hypermnesia, which, along with hypomnesia, ecmnesia and amnesia, belongs to quantitative memory disorders.
Hypermnesia - what is it?
From the point of view of psychiatry,hypermnesia is the unlimited ability to reproduce recorded information and experiences . The ability to accurately reproduce data is usually characterized by a very narrow scope - it applies to a specific situation and time. It is therefore the opposite of hypomnesia, which is a reduced ability to reproduce one's memories.
Hypermnesia - causes
It is believed that the causes of hypermnesia are related to, inter alia, with feeling strong emotions. There are known cases of hypermnesia resulting from post-traumatic stress disorder. This syndrome affects people who have experienced a traumatic event - e.g. a seizure.
Post-traumatic stress disorder often affects witnesses of war events and mass accidents. In this ailment, hypermnesia consists in re-creating the unpleasant event which is compulsive for the patient. Traumatic situations return to the patient in very detailed pictures.
Hypermnesia and psychostimulants
Hypermnesia can also be caused by taking psychostimulants, including amphetamines, cocaine or mephedrone. Other psychological symptoms that may appear after taking these substances include:
- elevated mood,
- brake release,
- anxiety,
- impulsivity,
- aggression,
- euphoria,
- visual and auditory hallucinations.
Sawant's syndrome - what is this phenomenon?
This syndrome occurs typically in people on the autism spectrum and in patients with intellectual disabilities, and is characterized by outstanding ability and talent in a specific field, for example in mathematics, painting or music. There are also known cases of Sawant's syndrome in people who have experienced mechanical trauma to the hemispheres of the brain.
An example of a patient with Sawant's syndrome is a few-year-old boy who, after reading a several-volume work on history, was able to accurately recite its content. A similar case inspired the creation of a novel called Rain Man - the hero of this work was able to recite over 7,500 books from memory, which is undoubtedly something unusual.
In addition, he had a remarkable memory of numbers - he knew all US highway numbers and postcode numbers, yet could not cope with daily activities and was dependent on other people for this.
Sawant's syndrome - causes
It is believed that these extraordinary abilities may occur in up to 10% of people with autism spectrum disorders. From the viewpoint ofin neurobiology, it is assumed that these characteristic features result from the predominance of the right hemisphere of the brain over the left hemisphere.
In some case reports it has been noticed that the features of Sawant's syndrome appeared after injuries that affected the left hemisphere of the brain.
Hypermnesia - treatment
Hypermnesia that is not associated with post-traumatic stress disorder or substance dependence does not require treatment and is not clinically significant. In the case of abuse of psychostimulants, it is first of all necessary to treat this addiction. Addiction treatment clinics, day and 24-hour wards are available for patients.
When hypermnesia is associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, psychotherapy is necessary, and sometimes it is also necessary to start pharmacological treatment with antidepressants (typically selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs for short).
In conclusion, not only memory impairment but also having overly good memory can turn out to be a problem. If hypermnesia impairs our functioning and is a source of mental discomfort for us, it is definitely worth going to a specialist psychiatrist and consulting him about your problem.