As we age, our memory gets weaker and we have problems remembering new things. But it doesn't have to be that way. Scientists advise to constantly exercise and improve memory from an early age. Here are some simple tips on how to make your memory more flexible and improve the functioning of your memory.
Memoryis the basic mechanism for storing experience. Thanks to it, you can remember new information, remember something that happened a few years earlier, refer to emotions and childhood stories. However, it is known that these activities become slower with age. Therefore, scientists advise to exercise memory from an early age.
Three types of memory
Memory can be divided into short-term, working and long-term. Short-term allows you to store information for a very short time (usually around 2 seconds), while long-term is a store of more or less long-termknowledge . Here we store data such as surname, first name, address, mathematical rules, etc.
Working memory, on the other hand, allows you to temporarily store the components of an activity performed at a given moment, i.e. when you practice, you remember the instructor's instructions given a few minutes earlier. In order for the memory to function properly, all its components must function properly.
Just as physical training keeps the body in good shape,memory exercisesmake your memory more flexible and improve
Exercises to improve our memory
- "House of remembrance" - imagine a house with many rooms, in which (in your imagination) you can put additional information. In retrieving this information, it is necessary to open another door to this house. This way of remembering also develops the imagination.
- Solve crosswords and logic puzzles, have fun with quizzes and associations.
- Play board games as well as popular remember games.
- Memorize lines, phone numbers, make a shopping list by heart Do exercises based on associations, that is, create stories in your imagination.
- Learn foreign languages.
- Create a memory bank. Record or write down remembered messages and every now and then try to test your memory by repeating them.
- Use art to exercise your memory.
- Learn to play the piano, sing, paint.
- Do physical exercise, especially onin the fresh air, they improve blood supply and oxygenate the brain, which has a positive effect on memory.