Strawberry legs, i.e. red spots after epilation and shaving, are a common problem that appears in summer. Their formation is favored by any skin irritations caused by the sun and sea water. What causes the strawberry legs effect and how is it treated?
The effect of strawberry legsappears most often in summer, when we expose our body toatmospheric conditions , such as the sun right after shaving or epilation , wind or sea water. Importantly, this is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a medical one - if left untreated, it can cause serious complications.
Strawberry legs - symptoms
We can talk about the effect of strawberry legs when characteristic blooms appear on the shaved skin, which appear as:
- irritation,
- reddening of the skin,
- tiny pimples,
- serum fluid or pus around the hair follicle
These lesions can blend together and form clumps of lumps that itch and even cause pain. Importantly, we should not squeeze them, because inflammation can thus move to the deeper layers of the skin.
This type of irritation can occur not only on the legs, but also in other places that we often shave: on the face, under the armpits or around the bikini area.
Strawberry legs - reasons
The most common cause of the strawberry legs effect is inflammation of the hair follicles, which occurs after shaving your legs with a shaver or waxing.
How does folliculitis occur? As a result of shaving, the so-calledlipid coatis rubbed at the mouth of the hair follicles, which protects the skin against irritation and the penetration of dangerous microorganisms. Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that the microtrauma caused by shaving becomes so great that the hair follicles become the port of infection. Bacteria penetrate the follicles and multiply in them, causing inflammation, which is manifested by the characteristic effect of strawberry legs.
This is what strawberry legs look like! [GALLERY]

Strawberry legs - how does this happen?
Strawberry legs can be infectious and non-infectious.
Infectious inflammationfolliclesis most often caused by infection:
- bacteria, incl. golden staphylococcus, purulent streptococcus, blue oil stick,
- viruses, e.g. herpes virus,
- mushrooms, e.g. yeast,
- parasites - usually Demodex.
Infection with these microorganisms occurs most often as a result of bathing innot very clean water : in lakes, rivers, but also in swimming pools, spas.
Folliculitis can also be caused bya non-infectious factor , such as e.g. drugs (especially corticosteroids) or the sun (so-called radiation folliculitis).
Strawberry legs - how to heal?
If we have the strawberry legs effect, we should report todermatologistas soon as possible. This problem cannot be underestimated, because with time, there may be more and more unsightly pimples on the legs - the infection will spread from one bellows to the next.
Chronic folliculitis can, in turn, lead to the development of a boil or sycosis.
Treating the effect of strawberry legs depends on the cause of the inflammation. If we are dealing with a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate antibiotic or antibiotic ointment, which is enough to apply topically2-3 times a day . Also, be careful that the skin in this area is notrubbedby clothing. During this time, you are also not allowed toshave your legs .
We also have appropriate medications for yeast and herpes. If the reason is medication, you should avoid taking these medications together with sun exposure.
Strawberry legs - how to prevent them?
For the strawberry legs problem, prevention is more important than cure. Here are some simple tips:
- After each epilationwash and disinfect the razorthe razor (preferably with salicylic alcohol or hydrogen peroxide).
- After depilation, use gentle cosmetics to moisturize the skin and improve its condition, preferably with the addition ofurea .
- If you are prone to folliculitis, use onlynatural cosmetics , no dyes, preservatives or parabens.