When you feel pain on the left side of your chest, you think, "it's the heart." Contrary to opinions, it is located a bit differently! So what is a symptom of a pain in the heart or chest pain? It doesn't have to be the heart - it could also be a signal that something is wrong with another organ.
Stinging in the heart- this is what we say colloquially, but in fact it is not always a pain in the heart. The heart lies in the center of the chest, just behind the breastbone. And the chest pain on the left side is related to other organs. Protected by the ribs, the lungs, pleura, trachea and esophagus are also located here. From here, the muscles and nerves that originate in the spinal cord diverge. There is also the thoracic spine at the level of the heart. Each of these organs shows pain that it is overloaded and needs help.
Stinging in the heart - colds
A cold is often the cause of an unpleasant stinging sensation in the chest. Pain usually increases when coughing and when the temperature is high. When the cough is exhausting and dry, it injures the tiny nerve fibers. The costal cartilages are also overloaded and inflammation develops. It is he - and more precisely tissue damage that occurs as a result of chemical reactions during the inflammatory process - is the cause of our suffering. What will help? For the pain to subside, all you need to do is lie in bed for a few days, warm yourself well, take flu medications and drink cough-soothing syrup. You can also support the body with tea with raspberry juice.
Stinging in the heart - hard training
If you suddenly remembered the need to do gymnastics and spent a few hours in the gym, don't be surprised that everything hurts. The stinging in the chest after such exertion is the result of overloading the muscles. This is called myalgia What will help? The pains will pass when you slow down the pace of exercise and remember to take a warm bath with aromatic oils after each workout. Lactic acid accumulated in the muscles will spread throughout the body and the muscles will regain elasticity. If you are persuaded to massage once a week, your body will quickly regain its good shape. Muscle neuralgia is not harmful to he alth, but it is better to avoid them because they can be severe.
Stinging in the heart - damaged nerves
Pain in the area of the heart can be caused by minor damage to the nerves in the spaces betweenribs. Intercostal neuralgia is usually caused by trauma, exercise overload (e.g. lifting weights), or as a result of developing inflammation. In order to determine the exact cause of such a condition, the doctor orders an X-ray of the thoracic spine. What will help? If the x-ray does not show anything bad, you can deal with it yourself. You can get relief from taking over-the-counter painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.
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Stinging in the heart - along the trail of the spine
There are many important nerves running along the spine. When we neglect its condition, we will pay for it not only with pain in the heart area, but sometimes also with numbness of the left hand, up to the little and ring finger of the hand. Why is this happening? Shifted due to damage or degeneration, the vertebrae compress the nerves and we feel pain. The changes usually affect the cervical and thoracic sections, what will help? To get rid of ailments, you need to exercise. It is best when the appropriate set of exercises is prepared by a physiotherapist. Swimming is also advisable, especially on the back. If the work requires long sitting, position the chair so that your back is supported at waist level and your feet rest on the floor with all of your feet. Every hour, get up, walk a few steps, and stretch. It is also important to sleep on a flat pillow and a mattress that follows the shape of your body (it must not be too hard and not too soft). Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs will provide immediate help. If you can, go for a professional massage twice a month.
You must do itGo to the doctor when:
- pains appear often and are not justified, for example, by stress or exercise
- they are accompanied by fever or shortness of breath
- pain torments you at night
- you have high blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Stinging in the heart - stress
Living in high gear, which is often forced by professional and home duties, makes us stressed and exhausted. We also pay for it with an unpleasant stabbing in the chest. The main cause of stinging cramps is magnesium deficiency, what will help? It is necessary to take magnesium regularly, preferably with vitamin B, because in this combination it is easier to absorb. When at times of great mobilization you run out of breath, get away from your desk for a moment, stop the tiring conversation and take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes, spread your arms wide, and breathe fullybreastfeeding. After a few minutes, the unpleasant symptoms will pass. To keep yourself in good shape, do not drink coffee for several hours (e.g. two), as it stimulates the nervous system to work more intensively.
Stinging in the heart - gluttony
Stinging in the breasts can be the price for excessive appetite. When the stomach is full, it compresses the diaphragm. It first contracts, and when you want to stretch it, there is no place for it. Pressure causes a sharp stabbing in the area of the heart, what will help? The he althiest way to get up from the table is when you feel that we could still have a snack. After a meal, you must not work, because the pain will be more severe.
Stinging in the heart - or is it a hernia?
Pain ( although it is more often a burning sensation) in the area of the heart can be felt by people suffering from digestive system diseases, e.g. hiatal hernia, i.e. stretching of the tissues forming the esophagus walls that may break. In such a situation, you cannot help yourself. A hernia requires specialist treatment and sometimes surgery.
Don't do thatDo not underestimate the stinging in the chest, because although in most cases they are harmless, they can sometimes signal serious diseases:
- inflammation of the pericardium (the sac that holds the heart) - pain usually occurs suddenly, but with varying degrees of intensity. It is located near the sternum and often radiates to the neck, both shoulders, to the left shoulder blade, and to the fovea. It is sometimes confused with stomach ailments. It worsens with breathing and chest movements. It is accompanied by a fever, sometimes a slight shortness of breath. In such cases, it is best to see a doctor immediately.
- pneumothorax - manifests itself with stinging pain and shortness of breath when air enters the pleural cavity. People who smoke cigarettes suffer from it. If the emphysema is minor, we'll be fine. But when hypertension develops in the pleural cavity (the pressure in the pleural cavity is lower than inside the alveoli and is atmospheric), prompt medical attention is needed, which consists in removing excess air from the pleura.
- coronary artery disease (ischemic heart disease) - chest pain is caused by transient ischemia of the heart muscle. It occurs during exercise, when the heart needs more oxygen. Its deficiency causes two chemical reactions to take place in the body: anaerobic glycolysis and tissue acidosis. Then, lactates and pyruvic acid are released, which have a negative effect on the contractility of the heart. In ischemic disease, retrosternal pain radiates to the jaw and hands, and is aggravated by a sharp change in temperature. Such symptoms should not be taken lightly. It is necessaryspecialized treatment, change of diet, moderate exercise.