Oregano is best known as a spice. However, oregano and the oil extracted from it have been used in natural medicine for many years because they have many healing properties. Oregano shows, inter alia, antifungal and antiviral effect, improves digestion, soothes cough. Some even argue that it can prevent civilization diseases. Check what properties oregano has.

What is oregano?

Oregano , i.e.common marjoram , tospice , whichthe properties ofwere already appreciated by the ancient Greeks. They applied the leaves of this plant to relieve muscle aches. In turn, the Romans used them for the bites of scorpions and spiders.

In the old days, men used a mixture of oregano and olive oil as a way to grow hair. The same combination (oregano with olive oil) has been recognized as an effective remedy for rheumatism and sprains. Oregano oil, on the other hand, was used to strengthen immunity.

Oregano - properties

Currently, oregano is used more in the kitchen than in medicine. However, modern research shows that oregano, as well as oregano oil, has many healing properties:

  • can prevent civilization diseases,
  • has antifungal and antibacterial properties,
  • improves digestion,
  • helps with cough and toothache,
  • has a calming effect,
  • will work in the fight against bedsores.

The addition of oregano may reduce the carcinogenic properties of meat cooked at high temperatures.

A similar opinion is shared by researchers from the University of Arizona, who argue that coating the meat with a chemical compound found in this popular spice stops the process that leads to the formation of carcinogenic substances when grilling, roasting or frying.

Oregano contains an antioxidant called carvacrol, which blocks the formation of heterocyclic amines (which initiate the formation of cancer) when meat is processed at high temperatures.

It is also suspected that the ingredients of oregano may have antidiabetic activity and counteract lipid oxidation.

Oregano oil

Research shows that water and alcohol extracts of dried oregano and oregano oil,which is obtained from the fresh leaves of this herb, works against fungi and bacteria. Scientists argue that oregano oil can be classified, after horseradish and garlic oils, to the group of the most active against microorganisms.

Oregano works against many bacteria and molds, incl. onE. coli , golden staphylococcus, aspergillus, fungiCandida albicans

Oregano can prevent civilization diseases

Oregano can prevent civilization diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. All thanks to the high content of phenolic components, scientists argue. Preliminary research confirms its antioxidant properties and its ability to scavenge free radicals and suggests that oregano may have anti-cancer properties.

This will be useful to you

Oregano infusion - recipe

2 tablespoons of the herb pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave, covered, for 15 minutes. Set aside for 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 / 2-2 / 3 cups 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before eating as a gastric and antispasmodic drug, and after meals - as a carminative and expectorant. It can also be used to rinse the mouth and throat.

The recipe comes from: A. Ożarowski, W. Jaroniewski, "Medicinal plants and their practical use"

Oregano and antifungal and antibacterial properties

Herb lebiodki contains up to 1.2 percent. an essential oil, rich in, among others in carvacrol and thymol, the amount of which can reach up to 40 percent. These are substances that have a bactericidal and fungicidal effect, which has been scientifically proven.

Oregano is a natural bactericide and fungicide.

Oregano to improve digestion

Marigold herb increases the secretion of saliva, gastric juice and bile, and thus improves the processes of digestion and assimilation of food. Oregano is also considered a good carminative and anti-diarrheal agent.

Modern phytotherapy recommends the use of oregano also in the case of gastritis, indigestion, intestinal atony, and excessive intestinal fermentation and flatulence. On the other hand, in natural medicine, marigold oil is used to treat intestinal parasitic infections.

Oregano for cough

Oregano increases the secretion of mucus by the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi, therefore in herbal medicine it is used in catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, cough and difficult expectoration.

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Oregano for toothache

In Russia and Ukraine, marigold oil, known as "hop butter", is used as a remedy for toothache. The oil is also part of the painkiller ointments .²

In addition, oregano supports the work of the sweat glands and kidneys, gently increasing the amount of urine excreted.

Oregano to calm down

In folk medicine, marigold herb is considered an effective sedative, used in some mental disorders, such as hysteria.

Oregano for bedsores

Oregano can be used for itchy skin and difficult-to-heal wounds, as well as for washing the body of bedridden people who do not leave the bed, in order to prevent the formation of pressure ulcers.

Worth knowing

Nutritional values ​​of dried oregano (in 100 g / one teaspoon - 1 g)

Energy value - 265/3 kcal

Total protein - 9.00 / 0.09 g

Fat - 4.28 / 0.04 g

Carbohydrates - 68.92 g / 0.69 (including simple sugars 4.09 / 0.04)

Fiber - 42.5 / 0.4 g


Vitamin C - 2.3 / 0 mg

Tiamina - 0.177 / 0.002mg

Riboflavin - 0.528 / 0.005 mg

Niacin - 4.640 / 0.046 mg

Vitamin B6 - 1.044 / 0.010 mg

Folic acid - 237/2 µg

Vitamin A - 1701/17 IU

Vitamin E - 18.26 / 0.18 mg

Vitamin K - 621.7 / 6.2 µg


Calcium - 1597/16 mg

Iron - 36.80 / 1.37 mg

Magnesium - 270/3 mg

Phosphorus - 148/1 mg

Potassium - 1260/13 mg

Sodium - 25/0 mg

Zinc - 2.69 / 0.03 mg

Fatty acids

saturated - 1.551 / 0.016 g

monounsaturated - 0.716 / 0.007 g polyunsaturated - 1.369 / 0.014 g

Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Oregano - instead of buying herbs in the store, it's better to arrange your own herbarium

Source: lifestyle.newseria.pl

This will be useful to you

Oregano for bedsores and bathing - recipe

Mix 2 handfuls of maroon herb, knotweed herb and dandelion herb. Pour it all over with 3 liters of cold water. Heat to a boil and simmer, covered, for 5-10 minutes. Filter, ready-made product can be used to wash the body of peopleseriously ill or for bathing. It prevents the formation of pressure ulcers to some extent.

The recipe comes from: A. Ożarowski, W. Jaroniewski, "Medicinal plants and their practical use"

Oregano - use in the kitchen

Oregano adds flavor to yeast bread, pickled vegetables, black beans, zucchini, eggplants, roasted meats and fish. This spice enriches the flavor of cheese and egg-based dishes. Oregano can also be used to make stews and soups.

Oregano is perfectly combined with garlic, thyme, parsley and olive oil. However, oregano is best known as a pizza spice.

Worth knowing

What does oregano look like?

Fresh oregano should be light green and un wilted. Avoid plants with blackened or yellowed leaves and stems. Oregano should have a sweet, aromatic fragrance. Fresh oregano can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
