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With the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetal organs are already in shape. The fetus is already able to make many movements, and even - even though it has no ears yet - hears the first sounds! We describe how the fetus develops in the third month of pregnancy.

In the beginning3. monthfetal lifefetusmeasures 5-6 cm (from the crown to the end of the body) and weighs approx. 8 g. The most important internal organs, such as the heart, kidneys, liver, the intestines, the brain are already formed and functioning. For the rest of yourpregnanciesthey will just keep growing and maturing. In the 10th week after fertilization (that is, the 12th week of pregnancy), the pituitary gland begins to produce hormones - a gland extremely important for the growth and functioning of the human body. Constant changes take place in the external structure of the fetus. The fingers and toes, so far connected by the membrane, separate from each other. Nails grow on them. The first hairs, as delicate as a nap, appear on the head. The eyes move towards the nose, making the face look more and more human. Irises begin to develop under the fused eyelids. Both lips are formed and they open and close.

The course of pregnancy: in the third month, the sex of the fetus cannot be recognized yet

In the 10th week, the fetal genitals begin to assume a gender-specific form, but you need a very sensitive apparatus to detect differences so early - during this period, the male and female organs are still very similar. The vulva resembles a penis - it is strongly convex and has a rounded tip that will slightly elongate to form the clitoris. Detecting your gender during an ultrasound examination will be possible no sooner than after the 13th week of gestation.


How does it look now

At the end of the third month of pregnancy, the fetus is 8-9 cm long (parietal-seat length) and weighs 25 g. The skin is still transparent, internal organs can be seen through it. A delicate fluff appeared on the skin. The baby's eyelids are still fused together, but he moves his limbs more and more efficiently, he can also lift his head and turn it sideways. He has developed external genitalia.

The course of pregnancy: bones and muscles are formed

The cartilage that used to make up a child's skeleton gradually turns into bone, which makes the skeleton harder and stronger. They grow upalso muscles and nerve connections. Thanks to this, a 12-week-old baby already makes many movements and can really do a lot. He can move his arms and legs (slightly weaker), bend and straighten his fingers, yawn, suck his thumb, and even swallow amniotic fluid!

Hiccups - though it may hardly be considered a skill - sometimes have fetuses that are 8 weeks old. The little boy can even make faces: he can frown, and also … smile, although these are, of course, completely unconscious movements. At the end of week 11, the neck - so far too weak to lift a large and heavy head - begins to lift it, and shortly thereafter may turn it sideways. A three-month-old fetus also moves its chest rhythmically - in this way, it trains the breathing movements that will be necessary when it begins to breathe air. All these movements are still imperceptible to mum, because the uterus does not touch the abdominal wall yet.

The course of pregnancy: what does the fetus look like in the third month

When the fetus is 12 weeks old, it measures approx. 9 cm (from the crown to the end of the torso) and weighs 25 g. This is the beginning of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. The entire body of the fetus then begins to be covered with a delicate nap (so-called lanugo). These hairs, which regulate the body temperature, create a pattern on the surface of the skin, somewhat reminiscent of fingerprints. Despite the fluff, the internal organs can be seen through the baby's skin, because it is still very thin and transparent. The baby's movements are becoming more and more rhythmic - he can bend the limbs in his wrists and knees, getting ready to kick, which he will soon give his mother.

You must do it

genetic ultrasound

This is one of the most important tests nowadays, which should be performed in every mother-to-be between the 11th and 14th week of pregnancy (i.e. between the 9th and 12th week after conception). The test is non-invasive, completely safe for a woman and a child, and allows you to precisely determine the risk of genetic defects of the fetus (Down's, Edwards or Patau's syndromes). It allows you to identify up to 90 percent. Down syndrome cases. Usually it is a transabdominal ultrasound. During the examination, the doctor measures the so-called nuchal translucency (NT), i.e. a reservoir of fluid on the neck of the fetus, as well as the fetal parietal length (CRL) and assesses the presence or absence of the nasal bone (NB). Based on these parameters and the age of the pregnant woman, a numerical risk of genetic defects can be calculated. An abnormal result means an increased risk - then additional tests are proposed, e.g. amniocentesis, which will exclude or confirm fetal chromosomal abnormalities. The examination is reimbursed if the expectant mother is over 35 years of age. In the restin cases you have to pay for them (about PLN 200).

Fetus hears without ears

A hearing aid grows in the middle ear. However, since there is no hearing center in the brain yet, and the hearing organ itself is not fully developed, the fetus cannot perceive sounds in this way. But despite this, scientists say he hears as early as 12-13. week of gestation. As? The amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby conducts sound waves, so baby picks up the vibrations directly through the skin. Initially, he only "hears" vibrations, then picks up individual sounds. By this time, the vocal cords are also formed and the baby is able to cry long before it is born.

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