Herbs for the liver will bring quick relief when you feel pain and crushing on the right side under the ribs. It's a good idea to use them after overeating, if you overdo it with alcohol or if you are taking medications that can harm your liver. How do herbs for the liver work, which herbs for the liver are the best and how to use them?
Herbs for the liveris an invaluable support for an overloaded liver. They will help if you find it difficult to function normally after a hearty lunch, or if your liver needs a detox because of too much alcohol.
They support drug treatments, and sometimes they are also a salvation for the liver strained by an excessive amount of medications.
It should be remembered, however, that even if used regularly, they will not help in the long run, if you do not change certain habits at the same time: you do not give up alcohol or limit fatty, hard-to-digest food.
Therefore, if you have liver problems, it is worth taking a closer look at your lifestyle and taking care of an easily digestible diet - and use herbs for the liver to support this important organ. Which herbs for the liver will help regenerate it the fastest and support its proper functioning?
Who should use herbs for the liver and when?
It is worth using herbs for the liver prophylactically, but the fastest effects of their action will appear when the body signals that the liver needs support: symptoms of a sick liver appear, such as abdominal pain on the right side under the ribs, nausea, slower metabolism .
It is worth noting that the liver as such does not hurt, because it is not innervated by the senses: while the serous membrane hurts, irritated by an enlarged liver, pain may also appear as a result of compression of the organs around it by an enlarged liver.
The best herbs for the liver
There are many plants that can be invaluable support for an overloaded liver. They support digestion, but each of them has additional, valuable properties for the liver. Some of them, however, deserve special attention.
The best herbs for the liver:
- milk thistle
- dandelion
- common artichoke.
Herbs for the liver: milk thistle
The leading herbal remedy for the livermilk thistle. It looks like thistle, a common weed that grows abundantly in meadows, but has unusual properties, which is due to the presence of very valuable substances.
The most valuable is natural silymarin, which stimulates the regeneration of liver cells and at the same time supports the production of new ones, also protects the liver against toxic compounds, stabilizing the cell membranes of hepatocytes. Silymarin also reduces the concentration of bilirubin in the blood.
Consumed regularly, milk thistle improves the condition of the liver, protects against chronic hepatitis, and also reduces the side effects of drugs, such as antibiotics, antiviral drugs or cytostatics used during cancer therapy. You can prepare an infusion or a decoction of milk thistle. It is enough to add 2 teaspoons of ground milk thistle to tea or pour a glass of very warm water, cover, leave for 10 minutes and drink half a glass twice a day.

Herbs for the liver: artichoke
The common artichoke has a distinctive appearance: its flowers are surrounded by several layers of leaves that resemble scales. Not only does it taste great, but it is like a soothing balm for the liver. Artichokes are rich in cynarin, a polyphenolic acid that acts cholagogue and protects the cells of this organ.
Cynarin has a number of important functions in the liver: it improves blood supply to the liver, supports its regeneration, accelerates the removal of triglycerides and cholesterol along with bile, inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol, protects liver cells against toxins and stimulates the processes of emptying the gallbladder from stones made of cholesterol .
Artichokes are also rich in minerals and vitamins, including B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, as well as antioxidants, triterpenes, flavonoids, tannins and sterols. The artichoke herb can be used to prepare infusions and a home-made tincture.
The recipe for artichoke tincture is simple: 100 g of artichoke herb should be poured with 250 ml of pure 40 percent. vodka, and then macerate for two weeks, shaking the dish several times a day. After this time, put the herbal mass through gauze and squeeze it out properly. The tincture can be stored in a refrigerator in a dark bottle and drunk 2-3 times a day before a meal (dissolve 20 drops of the tincture in a glass of water).

Herbs for the liver: dandelion
Dandelion roots contain large amounts of sesquiterpene, triterpene, tannins, phytosterols and inulin, as well as flavonoids, organic acids, essential oil and mineral s alts. These substances are forlivers are very valuable - they stimulate the production of bile, regenerate, detoxify, and accelerate the removal of toxins.
Dandelions should be used (after consulting a doctor) in the case of viral hepatitis, problems with the gallbladder, after surgeries or gallstone disease. You can make an infusion, juice or tincture from it. The infusion is the easiest: just pour 2 tablespoons of crushed dandelion roots with 2 cups of hot water, bring to a boil and keep it covered over low heat for 5 minutes, then let it stand for 15 minutes and strain - you can drink it for half a glass 2 times a day before a meal.
Dandelion tincture, helping with digestive problems, requires more trouble: 50 g of crushed dry dandelion roots need to be poured about 750 ml of white wine, set aside for 2 weeks in a dark place and shake the bottle every day - after this time, strain and drink 25 ml of wine 2 or 3 times a day after a meal.
Dandelion juice can also be made to help with indigestion: after washing and drying, fresh dandelion leaves are put through a juicer or juicer, and in case of indigestion, drink a spoonful of juice 2-3 times a day.