How to lead a he althy lifestyle? It is enough to follow a few basic rules to enjoy the well-being and prevent the development of many serious diseases. First of all, you should take care of a properly balanced diet and daily physical activity. Check what other elements make up a he althy lifestyle.
How to lead a he althy lifestyle?It is enough to take care of a proper diet, physical activity every day, give up stimulants, find time to sleep and rest, learn to deal with stress and perform regular tests prophylactic. By following thesehe althy lifestyleprinciples, you can not only improve your overall well-being, but also avoid the development of many diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and many more.
How to lead a he althy lifestyle? Take care of a proper diet
One of the most important elements of a he althy lifestyle is a properly balanced diet. According to specialists from the Food and Nutrition Institute, you should eat products from different food groups, i.e. make sure your meals are varied, so that you can provide your body with all the nutrients it needs every day - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, as well as vitamins and minerals.
According to specialists, grain products should be the main source of energy. Milk and dairy products should also be a regular part of your daily diet. It also includes vegetables and fruit. In addition, meat should be eaten in moderation - it is best to replace it with fish and legumes.
Experts from IŻiŻ recommend limiting the consumption of s alt and fats, especially animal fats, and avoid sugar and sweets. When composing a daily menu, it is best to follow the information contained in the He althy Eating Pyramid, remembering that you should eat 5 meals a day at regular intervals (every 3-4 hours).
How to lead a he althy lifestyle? Be physically active
A properly balanced diet should be combined with physical activity. Daily exercise allows not only to control body weight, but also to reduce the likelihood of developing cancer, the risk of developing depression, diabetes, and diseases.heart and circulatory system against the background of atherosclerosis, as well as ensure strong bones.
According to European recommendations (based on WHO recommendations), an adult needs at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a day for 5 days a week or at least 20 minutes of high-intensity physical activity 3 days a week.
We can choose jogging, cycling, swimming or exercising at the gym. However, some scientists argue that you only need a dozen or so minutes of walking a day to significantly improve your he alth. Scientists in Taiwan believe that a 13-minute walk a day could even extend your life by 3 years.
How to lead a he althy lifestyle? Give up stimulants
Stimulants have a very negative effect on he alth. Numerous studies have proven that people who use cigarettes, alcohol, legal highs or drugs are more likely to develop cancer of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, digestive system and urinary system than people who avoid them. In addition, cigarettes, incl. increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and may also contribute to male impotence and female fertility problems.
In turn, regular drinking of alcohol may result in the development of liver diseases and significantly weaken the body's immunity. The exception is red wine, which contains resveratrol - a compound that positively affects the work of the circulatory system and reduces the risk of heart disease. Therefore, one glass of red wine a day (125 ml) will not harm you and will support your he alth.
Overuse of painkillers can also have negative he alth effects.
How to lead a he althy lifestyle? Take time to rest
Properly, a day should consist of 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep and 8 hours for rest and other activities. The disturbance of this balance can cause enormous stress and, consequently, contribute to the deterioration of he alth.
Scientists confirm that overwork increases the risk of developing civilization diseases, therefore you need to take care of hygiene at work, regular rest and the right amount and quality of sleep every day.
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How to lead a he althy lifestyle? Take control of your stress
Learn to deal with long-term stress as its effects can be very dangerous to your he alth. Chronic stress not only increases the risk of cancer, heart disease and other lifestyle diseases.
Stress significantly weakens mental he alth, so living in constant tension canlead, inter alia, to memory and concentration disorders, and even to the development of depression. Relaxation exercises, meditation and even positive thinking will help you fight it. Thanks to this, you will reduce the level of anxiety and mental fatigue, as well as improve emotional stability.
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How to lead a he althy lifestyle? Perform preventive examinations
Regular preventive examinations will prevent the development of many diseases or detect them at an early stage of development, when there is the best chance of a cure. This especially applies to cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Women should have regular blood counts, breast self-examination, cytology and urine testing. In addition, after the age of 40, colonoscopy and mammography should be performed from time to time.
Men should also have regular blood and urine tests. Those in their forties, on the other hand, should ask their doctor for a referral to colonoscopy, rectal examination of the prostate and PSA levels.