Educational and promotional campaigns, campaigns in schools, TV spots … All these activities mean that today almost everyone knows about the necessity to eat five portions of vegetables and fruit every day. Still, it doesn't translate into eating habits, and most of us eat around three servings a day. How to include five portions of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet? Read our practical guide with examples.

Why is it worth eating vegetables and fruits?

Eating vegetables and fruits is essential to keep yourself he althy, vital and to minimize the risk of many diseases. One of the he althiest models of nutrition, i.e. the Mediterranean diet, is rich in these ingredients, and the inhabitants of the Mediterranean basin are distinguished by their life expectancy and he alth compared to other Europeans and Americans. Let's follow an example from them!

Vegetables and fruits are essential in the diet due to the content of valuable vitamins: mainly vitamin C, β-carotene and folic acid, as well as minerals: calcium, potassium and magnesium. Antioxidants play a very important role as they protect cells against oxidative stress - they prevent diseases and premature aging.

Vegetables and fruit are also distinguished by the presence of fiber, which is a kind of physiological brush - it cleans the intestines of debris, regulates the rhythm of bowel movements, collects toxins, helps in removing excess cholesterol and has a positive effect on blood glucose levels.

Most vegetables and fruits contain 80-90% water, so they are low in calories and help maintain a he althy body weight. Numerous studies have shown that consuming the recommended amounts of vegetables and fruits reduces tissue insulin resistance and is beneficial in heart disease and cardiovascular disease.

Eat more vegetables than fruit

The World He alth Organization recommends eating at least 400 g of vegetables and fruit a day. It may seem like a lot, but if you realize that an average apple weighs around 150g, 400g a day is perfectly achievable.

Remember that five servings each day is the recommended minimum, and that fruit should be 2 out of 5 servings. Choose vegetables as 3 out of 5 servings and each subsequent. Vegetables cannot be eaten too much, but the amount of fruit should be controlled, because the sugar (fructose) they contain, contrary to the still popularis fattening, and excessive consumption of fruit may result in the accumulation of energy in the form of adipose tissue.

A serving of fruit or vegetables - how many grams are they?

We constantly revolve around the concept of "portion", but let's see what the actual amounts are.One serving of vegetables or fruit should weigh 80-100 grams . This applies to fresh, cooked and frozen products. You can replace 1 serving of fresh fruit with a handful of dried fruit (20 grams), but you shouldn't do it too often due to the high sugar concentration and lower nutritional value.

Does five servings of vegetables and fruits a day mean you have to eat them five times a day? Not necessarily. By eating a large grapefruit or a glass of cherries at once, you will get 2 servings of fruit, and a dinner of roasted vegetables with meat of half zucchini, half a pepper and two carrots will provide 2.5 servings.

Of course, it is best if vegetables or fruits appear in every meal, but for getting five servings during the day, it is not necessary. A glass of juice can be used as a portion of vegetables or fruit, but only if it is prepared by yourself and drunk shortly after preparation.

We are sure that our juice was not made from a concentrate and thus we guarantee that the valuable ingredients contained in vegetables and fruits will not break down and will go to the body.

Examples of vegetable portions:

  • medium cucumber
  • 1 pepper
  • 1 tomato
  • big carrot
  • large parsley
  • 1/3 root celery
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 beetroot
  • glass of vegetable salad
  • 3 cabbage leaves
  • half cup of beans
  • half a cup of chickpeas
  • half a cup of lentils
  • a large handful of green beans
  • 3/4 cups of broad beans
  • pumpkin slice
  • 1/2 zucchini
  • 1/2 eggplant
  • 1/2 cauliflower
  • 1/2 broccoli
  • 5 handfuls of lettuce
  • 5 handfuls of kale
  • 4 handfuls of fresh or half a cup of frozen spinach
  • cup of peas
  • cup of corn
  • 1/2 cups of cooked vegetables
  • glass of vegetable juice

Potatoes are a separate group of food products and they are not included in the 5 servings of vegetables.

Examples of fruit portions:

  • medium apple
  • 2 slices of watermelon
  • 2 slices of melon
  • 3 pineapple slices
  • 2 kiwi
  • 1 large peach
  • 1 large nectarine
  • 2 apricots
  • 2 mandarins
  • 1orange
  • 1/2 large grapefruit
  • 1/3 mango
  • 3 plums
  • 1 pear
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cups of grapes
  • 1/2 cups of cherries
  • 1/2 cups of cherries
  • glass of strawberries
  • cup of raspberries
  • cup of blueberries
  • glass of blueberries
  • cup of currants
  • glass of fruit juice

A minimum of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables in practice - menu

How to compose meals to follow the recommendation "Eat at least 5 portions of vegetables and fruit a day?". Below we suggest what to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner in order to implement this recommendation.

DAY 1 - 5 servings of vegetables, 2 servings of fruit

  • Wholemeal bread with sausage, fresh tomato and cucumber salad with natural yoghurt
  • 1 apple
  • Baked vegetables (1/2 zucchini, 1/2 pepper, a few mushrooms) with brown rice
  • Cocktail of 2 slices of watermelon with mint
  • Boiled broccoli salad with hard-boiled egg and feta cheese

DAY 2 - 3 servings of vegetables, 2 servings of fruit

  • Scrambled eggs with chives and a few radishes
  • 3 plums
  • Chicken fillet with new potatoes and cauliflower
  • Oat or rye flakes in milk with a handful of raspberries and blueberries
  • Cottage cheese with tomato

DAY 3 - 5 servings of vegetables, 2 servings of fruit

  • Wholemeal bread, cottage cheese mixed with natural yoghurt and a cup of raspberries
  • A cup of currants
  • Young cabbage bigos with dill and lean meat
  • Tomatoes (2 pcs.) With mozzarella
  • Salad with arugula, grilled zucchini, chicken and sun-dried tomatoes

DAY 4 - 4 servings of vegetables, 2 servings of fruit

  • Graham bun, 2 soft-boiled eggs, tomato with onion and natural yoghurt
  • Banana and peach smoothie with milk
  • Baked salmon with dill sauce and a bunch of asparagus
  • A glass of vegetable juice, rice cakes
  • Zucchini cream soup

DAY 5 - 3 servings of vegetables, 2 servings of fruit

  • Oatmeal in milk with dried cranberries and raisins, 1 orange
  • Natural yoghurt with pineapple slice
  • Pancakes with stewed spinach, garlic, mushrooms and chicken
  • Cold beetroot soup
  • Salad with iceberg lettuce, pepper, cucumber and chives with tuna

DAY 6 - 3.5 servings of vegetables, 2 servings of fruit

  • Omelette with mushrooms and arugula
  • A cup of boiled broad beans
  • Pork tenderloin with potatoesand a salad of young cabbage, carrots and dill
  • Smoothie with 1 banana and a cup of raspberries
  • Wholemeal bread with cheese and tomato

DAY 7 - 3.5 servings of vegetables, 2 servings of fruit

  • Wholemeal bread with sausage, lettuce and radish
  • A glass of orange juice, oatmeal in milk with dried cranberries and raisins
  • Spaghetti with tuna steak, broccoli and sun-dried tomatoes
  • 1 pear, glass of kefir
  • Zucchini (half) stuffed with minced meat, peppers and mushrooms
See the gallery of 9 photos
