Bulgur is a type of groats whose properties and nutritional values have been appreciated by the inhabitants of the Middle East for over 4,000 years. Bulgur groats are, next to rice, their basic dietary component. No wonder - it is rich in substances that support the work of the heart, soothe the nerves and lower blood sugar levels. Moreover, it is a treasury of folic acid, so important for pregnant women. Check what other properties bulgur groats have.
Bulgur porridgeis distinguished by itspropertiesandnutritional values compared to other wheat groats, i.e. couscous and semolina.
First of all, it is characterized by the highest fiber content, which it has over twice as much (4.5 g / 100 g after cooking) than the aforementioned groats. It is also the least caloric - 100 g of cooked bulgur gives 83 kcal, while semolina - 88 kcal, and couscous - 112 kcal. This Turkish delicacy is also distinguished by the content of potassium valuable for the heart and phosphorus - one of the building blocks of teeth and bones. However, the most nerve-calming magnesium is (32 mg / 100 g). This is 4 times more than couscous, which in 100 g contains only 8 mg of this valuable element (data: USDA National Nutrient data base).
Bulgur groats - how is it made?
Bulgur is obtained from boiled, dried and crushed grains of durum wheat - the most valuable variety of wheat. Nutritionists agree that durum wheat products are definitely he althier than those based on regular wheat, as they have more vitamins, minerals and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the body.
Bulgur is available in three varieties: fine, medium and coarse. The fine-grained variety is most often used for making salads, soups and stuffing vegetables, while the medium- and coarse-grain variety is used to make the famous Middle Eastern dish calledpilaf . Unfortunately, coarse-grain bulgur is not for everyone. Frequent eating of thick groats canharmsuffering from:
- gastric and duodenal ulcers,
- hyperacid gastritis,
- gastroesophageal reflux.
Bulgur groats supports the work of the cardiovascular system
Bulgur groats contain closely cooperatingminerals that are responsible for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system: potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium.
Potassium lowers blood pressure, and increases heart contractions during exercise to better oxygenate the body. Calcium plays a similar role, which is essential for heart contraction, therefore it plays an important role in the proper pumping of blood to all body tissues.
In turn, magnesium dilates the arteries, and thus can prevent a heart attack. In addition, it helps regulate calcium levels and improves potassium absorption. On the other hand, sodium and potassium regulate muscle tone and influence the conduction of stimuli in nerve cells.
Moreover, bulgur is high in fiber, which lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol and binds fats in the digestive tract. Thus, it reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, which can lead to a heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism and thrombosis.
Bulgur porridge may also aid in the treatment of anemia because it is rich in iron and folic acid, ingredients that help prevent anemia.
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Author: Time S.A.
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Find out moreBulgur for the stressed out
People who are nervous or live in constant tension and stress should introduce bulgur into their menu on a permanent basis. It is rich inB vitaminsand magnesium - substances that are responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system, and thus help maintain mental balance.
Vitamin B1 (thiamin) improves memory and thinking, and vitamin B2 (riboflavin) relieves headaches and dizziness. In turn, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) facilitates the absorption of magnesium and is necessary for the production of neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, the deficiency of which can cause depression and anxiety. Also vitamin B9, i.e. folic acid, improves the functioning of the nervous system and reduces nervous tension.
In contrast, magnesium facilitates the delivery of glucose to the brain. It is also necessary for the production of neurotransmitters. The complex carbohydrates that make up bulgur also improve your mood as they increase the level of serotonin, the "happiness hormone".
This will be useful to youNutritional values of cooked bulgur (per 100 g)
Energy value - 83 kcal Total protein - 3.08 g Fat - 0.24 g Carbohydrates - 18.58 g (including sugars - 0.10) Fiber - 4.5 g Minerals
Calcium - 10 mg Iron - 0.96 mg Magnesium - 32 mg Phosphorus - 40 mg Potassium - 68 mg Sodium - 5 mg Zinc - 0.57 mg Vitamins
Thiamine (B1) - 0.057 mg Riboflavin (B2) - 0.028 mg Niacin (B3) - 1.000 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.083 mg Folic acid - 18 ug Vitamin A - 2 IU Vitamin E - 0.01 mg Vitamin K - 0.5 ug
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Bulgur for faster digestion and constipation
Bulgur is a source offiber , which improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Hence, it supports the digestive process, improves intestinal peristalsis and prevents constipation, and some experts say that even colon cancers.
Bulgur and slimming. How much calories does bulgur have?
Bulgur, like other groats, is quite caloric - 100 g of cooked groats contain 83 kcal. However, thanks to its low fat content and a large amount of soluble fiber, it is one of the desired ingredients in a slimming diet. Fiber swells in the stomach, giving you a feeling of fullness for a long time. Therefore, bulgur is effective in helpingto control weight.
Kasza bulgur and diabetes
100 g of cooked bulgur contains 18.58 g of carbohydrates, of which only 0.10 g are simple sugars. No wonder it has a low glycemic index ( IG=46 ). Therefore, it does not cause sudden jumps in blood sugar levels, so they can reach for it without feardiabetics .
ImportantIs bulgur gluten-free?
Bulgur groats contain gluten, therefore it cannot be eaten by people suffering from celiac disease and those who are allergic to gluten. May also contain other allergens:
- peanuts and other nuts,
- sesame,
- soybeans,
- milk (including lactose) due to packaging in the plant where the raw materials containing the above-mentioned allergens.
Bulgur for pregnant and lactating women
Bulgur is rich in vitamin B9, i.e. folic acid ( 18 ug in 100 g ). It is very important for pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, as it can prevent the occurrence of congenital neural tube defects in the fetus - anencephaly, hernia of the nervous system and spina bifida.
CHECK>>Folic acid important before and during pregnancy
A diet rich in folic acid is also necessary duringbreastfeeding . According to recommendationsAmerican Academy of Pediatrics, folic acid intake during lactation should be0.5 mg / day . Bulgur groats - where to buy? Bulgur groats can be bought in hypermarkets and he alth food stores. The price for 500 g ranges from PLN 6 to PLN 9. Bulgur groats - how to cook? Pour bulgur with lightly s alted boiling water in the proportion1: 2.5(1 portion of groats for 2.5 portions of water). Then cook uncovered for approx.7 min . After this time, remove from heat, cover and allow to swell.