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Plums are a natural remedy for constipation. They owe their healing properties to the high fiber content - pectin. Thanks to it, they improve digestion, accelerate intestinal peristalsis, and thus regulate the digestive system. Check which plums are effective in helping to get rid of constipation: prunes or raw plums? Which species to choose: ordinary Hungarian plum, Dąbrowicka plum, or maybe mirabelle plum? Are compotes and plum juices as effective against constipation as fruit?

Plumsare an effective remedyagainst constipation . That is why they are included in many preparations that improve intestinal peristalsis and facilitate defecation. All thanks to a large amount of soluble fiber - pectin-and many other valuable compounds.

Which plums are better for constipation? Raw or dried?

Raw plum pulp contains pectin (1.4 g / 100 g) - a soluble fiber that mixes with water, thus helping to build the physiologically correct structure of fecal masses. Together with organic acids: tartaric and malic, it literally sweeps away any residual contents from the digestive tract and regulates the work of the intestines.

In turn, the fleshy skin contains sorbitol - a non-digestible sugar alcohol that creates a suitable environment for the development of beneficial intestinal bacteria. Thanks to it, the bacterial flora can function properly, i.e. ferment some nutrients, preventing stool from remaining in it. In addition, sorbitol attracts water, thus moisturizing the intestines, and thus - softens the stools and accelerates their defecation.

However, prunes are the best for constipation, as 100 g of them contain as much as 10 g of dietary fiber. That's seven times more than raw fruit. In addition, you can find large amounts of sorbitol in them, which makes prunes and preparations made from them (e.g. compote or juice) one of the most effective natural remedies for constipation.

However, prunes should be consumed in moderation, as they have almost three times more calories than raw fruit (100 to 360 kcal!). In addition, eating plums too often (both dried and raw) can be counterproductive and lead to flatulence and even diarrhea. Compote from these fruits can work similarlydrunk in large quantities. It's best to eat only a few plums a day and drink 1-2 glasses of juice. Then we do not expose ourselves to unpleasant gastrointestinal ailments.


Plum seeds contain amygdalin, which is poisonous to the body - a compound with prussic acid as one of its ingredients. Therefore, when choosing plums for preserves, pay attention to whether the flesh separates easily from the stone.

Which type of plum should I choose?

Hungarian plums are the most valuable. We can choose from ordinary Hungarian, Dąbrowicka, Łowicz and Italian. A valuable source of fiber are also greenhouse, varieties: althana, green, ulena. The home-made mirabelle plum and the peach plum contain slightly less fiber.

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How to dry plums yourself?

For drying, choose only very ripe Hungarian vegetables, the skin of which starts to wrinkle around the tail.

Wash the plums and tear off the tails. Dip the plums in boiling water for a minute to make the skin softer. Then, cut each plum and remove the pips. Then put them on a grill in the oven and dry them for 24 hours at 60 degrees Celsius. After taking them out of the oven, dry them in a ventilated place for another 24 hours.

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