Buckwheat flour is gluten-free, therefore its properties and nutritional values should be appreciated by people on a gluten-free and vegetarian diet. In addition to being gluten-free, it has a low glycemic index, which is why it has been used as a blood sugar regulator. In addition, buckwheat flour is a good source of protein, especially important for vegetarians because it provides lysine and arginine - amino acids that are not synthesized in the body. Check what other properties of buckwheat flour and try the recipe for buckwheat flour.
Buckwheat flouris made from buckwheat by grinding them. It is characterized by a gray-brown color, thanks to which it gives the products obtained from it a darker color. The taste of buckwheat flour is characteristic and resembles that of buckwheat. Buckwheat flour has found a wideapplicationin the food industry - for baking bread, making pasta, making cakes, as a separate ingredient or in combination with wheat flour.
Buckwheat flour - nutritional value and he alth benefits
Buckwheat flour is a naturally gluten-free product, so it can be successfully used by people with gluten intolerance. In addition, buckwheat flour is an excellent source of protein and fiber.Buckwheat flourhas a lowglycemic index , which means that it can be used by diabetics and people with elevated blood glucose levels.
He alth properties of buckwheat flour
- improves digestion, supports muscle regeneration thanks to the high content of magnesium
- has a positive effect on the circulatory system: it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure due to the presence of phosphorus, zinc and B vitamins
Buckwheat flour has a low glycemic index (IG=40).
- lowers cholesterol levels due to the high content of dietary fiber
- protects against free radicals, protects DNA against damage and prevents the formation of cancer cells, thanks to the presence of antioxidant compounds - polyphenols
- has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, the formation and functioning of red blood cells, and fat metabolism, thanks to the high content of copper
- helps to keep the levela constant level of blood glucose, which prevents the onset of diabetes, metabolic syndrome. Reduces insulin resistance in diabetics
- fights headaches, helps with depression
What flour for what? Check! [TOWIDEO]
Worth knowingBuckwheat flour - nutritional values in 100 g of the product
Caloric value - 335 kcal Protein - 12.6 g Fat - 3.1 g, including:
- saturated fatty acids - 0.68 g - monounsaturated fatty acids - 0.95 g - polyunsaturated fatty acids - 0.95 g
Carbohydrates 70.6 g Fiber 10.0 g
Minerals(% of RDA for an adult)
Phosphorus 337.0 mg (48%) Potassium 577.0 mg (12%) Sodium 11.0 mg (0.7%) Calcium 41.0 mg (4%) Iron 4.01 mg (40 %) Magnesium 251.0 mg (63%) Zinc 3.12 mg (28%) Copper 0.52 mg (58%) Selenium 5.7 µg (10%)
Vitamin C 0.0 mg (0%) Vitamin B1 0.42 mg (32%) Vitamin B2 0.19 mg (15%) Niacin 6.15 mg (38%) Pantothenic acid 0.44 mg (9%) Vitamin B6 0.58 mg (45%) Vitamin B12 0.0 µg (0%) Folate 54.0 µg Vitamin A 0.0 IU (0%) Vitamin E 0.32 mg (3%)
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Nutrition Standards, IŻŻ Amendment, 2012
Buckwheat flour - use
Buckwheat flour in the food industry is used for baking bread, cakes, rolls and pasta making. In Ukraine, buckwheat flour is used in the preparation of soups, while in Belarus it is used for the production of cold fruit dessert, the so-called kulagi made of fermented dough based on buckwheat flour. In Polish cuisine, you can prepare it:
- cakes, cookies, muffins
- pancakes, omelettes, fritters, waffles
- dumplings, dumplings
Buckwheat flour can be mixed with a small amount of wheat flour, then the taste of the dishes will be softer. The bitterness characteristic of buckwheat flour will also be less noticeable. In addition, the food will be less dry.
Worth knowingHow to make buckwheat flour at home? Recipe for homemade buckwheat flour
Buckwheat flour can be easily prepared at home. You need a high-speed blender to which you need to throw buckwheat. The groats should be ground until the flour is fine.
What can be made of buckwheat flour?
Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN