Butter, margarine, mixes … The shelves are bending from spreads to bread and it's hard to tell. Because what is the difference between delicatessen butter and choice butter, and margarine in a box from that in a cube? What to choose for our he alth?

Opinions aboutbutterandmargarineare still divided. Gourmets of butter argue that it has an advantage over margarine because it is a natural product, it smells good and tastes better. And it is he althier, because it contains easily digestible vitamins A, E and D, and during production you do not need to add any chemical ingredients to it. Advocates of margarine believe that it is as good as butter, and most importantly, it provides the body withunsaturated fatty acidsand there is no cholesterol in it. In addition, it is easier to spread it on bread. So which is better: butter or margarine? Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. Both butter and margarine have their advantages and disadvantages. Butter is best for children, margarine is best for seniors. Different spreads are recommended for he althy people, others for those with high cholesterol. Extremely popular blends of vegetable and animal fats, the so-called mixes aren't perfect either.

Rules for choosing butter and margarine

No matter what spreads you use, there are general rules for buying and storing them.

Pay attention to the use-by date. Do not buy butter or margarine if the numbers are illegible or have a price tag on it. The date can be printed or "punched", e.g. 24/09 means that the product is fit for consumption until September 24, of course, provided that it is properly stored.

Some products are certified. The letters PL in the ellipse, a cryptic number underneath and the letters EC even below indicate that the product comes from Poland, was made in a plant with a given registration number assigned by the veterinary inspection, in accordance with European Union standards, eg PL 04111601 WE.

You must do it

Before you decide to buy a specificbutterormargarine :

  • read the information on the label carefully. The more messages the manufacturer provided, the more you can be sure that you will not buy a pig in a poke.
  • compare also withingredients of different spreads, and you will choose the best product for you.

Rules for storing butter and margarine

All Store spreads in the refrigerator, preferably at a temperature of approx. 5¼C. Fats turn rancid under the influence of light and high temperature. Then, toxic substances are formed that can be harmful to the gastrointestinal tract (irritate its mucosa). Moreover, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids contained in fats are partially destroyed during oxidation. Rancid fat also has a negative effect on other food ingredients, e.g. it hinders the absorption of protein. Butter goes rancid the fastest.

Wrap the butter tightly before putting it in the fridge. It is extremely easy to absorb foreign smells. Transfer the butter to a glass or ceramic container and wrap it carefully in paper.

Do not defrost bread fats in a microwave oven. Then they defrost unevenly, so some of the product may experience frying processes. It is best to remove the butter from the refrigerator 15 minutes before consumption.

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