Dutch psychotherapist, doctor of psychology Carien Karsten, wrote a guide called "Like in thirty days to get out of your burnout" ("burn out" in English). The questions for the following test are taken from this book. Mark the extent to which the following statements apply to you.

Carien Kaarsten is a Dutch psychotherapist and coach in the field of work stress and burnout. She studied law and clinical psychology at the University of Groningen, where she defended her doctoral dissertation in the field of female addiction trauma. She is the author of many widely read publications.

Conducts training for managerial staff, which helps to counteract stress and the effects of burnout.

If you are exposed to long-term stress in the workplace, take the test to see if the burnout problem defined in Carien Kaarsten's book also applies to you.

If you suffer from excessive stress at work, it is worth going to a psychologist, talk to a loved one. It is important to meet with understanding. It may turn out that it will be necessary to talk to a good psychotherapist or group psychotherapy to help you find yourself.
