Artichoke juice is a drink that has many he alth properties. First of all, it is recommended for people who want to take care of their liver, and also struggle with various ailments from the digestive system.
Artichoke juicehas a specific taste, but is undoubtedly very he althy. Artichoke juice is considered to be the elixir of youth and a remedy for all problems with the digestive system. Additionally, artichoke juice accelerates weight loss, which has been proven!
Artichoke juice - properties
In artichoke juice, as well as in the artichoke itself, we findcynarin , a substance with choleretic effect and accelerating the reduction of bad cholesterol in the blood. There have been clinical trials that have documented that it can lower total cholesterol by up to 60% and lipid levels by 25%. Impressive result!
In artichoke juice we can also find inulin (a substance similar to fiber), niacin and numerous antioxidants (silymarin, chlorogenic acid, rutin), carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, iron, magnesium , phosphorus.
Chlorogenic acid, which has been confirmed in research, slows down the secretion of glucose into the bloodstream after a meal. So it lowers the level of glucose and insulin, preventing the development of type 2 diabetes.
Artichoke juice - action
Artichoke juice has the following effect:
- lowering cholesterol and blood lipids,
- accelerating liver regeneration,
- to improve the functioning of the intestines,
- accelerating metabolism,
- regulating blood sugar levels,
- to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes,
- burning excess body fat,
- anti-aging.
Artichoke juice - slimming
Artichokes and their juice have an effectiveslimming effect . Artichoke juice is low in calories, accelerates fat burning, and inulin (like fiber) ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time. Niacin, of which we can find large amounts in artichokes, accelerates the transformation of fatty acids and carbohydrates.
Artichoke juice - for beauty and against cancer
There are many in artichoke juiceantioxidants: quercetin, rutin, anthocyanins, gallic acid, luteolin, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, silymarin and cynarin. As we know, antioxidants destroy free radicals, thus preventing the development of cancer and delaying the aging process.
Artichoke juice - who is it for?
- for people who care about the proper functioning of the liver
- for people eating improperly,
- for people with a diet rich in hard-to-digest meals,
- for people who consume alcohol,
- for people with reduced ability to digest fats,
- and finally for people taking synthetic drugs on a regular basis.
Artichoke juice - contraindications
In the case of biliary insufficiency, artichoke juice may induce cramps and painful liver colic. If the patient is diagnosed with gallstones, he should first ask the doctor about the possibility of supplementing the diet with artichoke juice.
Artichoke juice - dosage
Just drink artichoke juice every day to feel its beneficial properties. Artichoke juice should be drunk before a meal. Just drink 30 ml of artichoke juice each time.