Kurzajki is nothing else than warts caused by viruses. Unfortunately, warts are very contagious and sometimes it is quite difficult to get rid of them. It is worth knowing how to defend yourself against them.
Huckelberry Finn, one of the heroes of Mark Twain's book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," had his own ways of getting rid of warts. He needed beans or a cat for this, and it was all at midnight, at a crossroads, or in a cemetery. Many anti-dust spells can also be found in folk medicine. This only proves how old and vexing the problem is. It's still difficult to get rid of warts today, although scientists are constantly investigating the problem. They are still an unknown mystery to medicine.
Kurzajki disfigure the skin and hurt
Kurzajki- gray-brown, lumpy growths with a rough surface - they do not add charm, but their annoyance does not end there. If they grow around the nail, they can lift the nail plate, causing severepain . In people who bite nails , wartsmay also appear on the lips. Those that appear on the hands can be considered extremely capricious. It happens that a lot of them grow, and suddenly all of them disappear within a few days. They just die on their own, although no treatment has helped before. Those that develop on the feet can take its toll because they penetrate deep into the skin and cause inflammation. Pressed by the weight of the body, they stick like a nail and make walking much more difficult. They are often confused with prints, cut or lubricated with crimping fluids. Such treatment is never successful.
HPV is responsible for warts
All warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which has many varieties. Each virus produces a different type of wart (verucea vulgaris), such as regular, flat or mosaic warts. The papillomavirus cannot be grown in laboratories on artificial media. Therefore, an effective drug for all of its strains has not yet been found. So far, 77 varieties have been characterized using molecular techniques. A further 30 genotypes have been identified but not yet fully understood. Some types of HPV have oncogenic features - they cause cancer of the skin or mucous membranes. HPV genotypes numbered 16, 18 and 33 are found in the mucosa of people suffering fromgenital cancers.
Don't scratch warts!
We can get infected with warts through direct contact with an infected person, using a shared towel, household items, but also in the swimming pool, sauna, solarium, cloakroom, wherever there are many people. The paddling pool (despite the disinfectant) is a paradise for viruses in the pool, which you have to go through when entering the pool. Some people have a hereditary predisposition to catch viruses. It is favored by young age (children, adolescents), minor skin injuries on the hands, including those caused by biting the nails. It is also dangerous to cut cuticles and borrow pedicure tools. Kurzajki can be had at any age. Parents of young children, doctors, nurses, pedicurists, massage therapists and people with impaired cellular immunity often have them.
There are many methods for removing warts, but not all are equally effective
Experienced dermatologists say that since there are many methods of wart removal, probably none of them is one hundred percent effective. However, you must always try to get rid of such warts. An old, but often effective method of eliminating warts is lapping (you can buy a lapis stick at a pharmacy). They can be lubricated with liquid, gel or ointment containing salicylic acid, lactic acid or urea. Treatment-resistant warts can be removed with prescription-only preparations, as only a dermatologist can decide on their use. In dermatological offices, warts are removed by freezing them with liquid nitrogen or by curettage. Before that, however, the wart should be softened. Usually it is enough to cover it with salicylic ointment and cover it with a plaster without a dressing. After the treatment, remember to rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide for a few days and cover it with a plaster. Small warts can be removed using electrocoagulation. If these methods fail, bleomycin is injected into the wart, which is painful but effective, and usually, no matter how many warts, one or two are removed at a time. After the treatment, the remaining warts often disappear. Nobody knows why this is happening.
ImportantFolk medicine recommends celandine for warts, also known as swallow herb. They are easy to meet on roads and on the edge of forests in summer. Orange juice leaks from the stem when the stem is broken. It contains alkaloids, biogenic amines, flavonoids and mineral s alts. Lubricate the wart with juice for a few days. Sometimes more time is needed for this, but apparently - sooner or later - the wart will disappear. Celandine should be used very carefully. Rubbing the eyes with the juice of the stem can be the causeserious complaints. Allergy sufferers should not use it at all.

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