Efficient memorization is needed not only by students. Thanks to a good memory, we can function efficiently. What is the purpose of memory and what can be done to make memory always reliable? Memory training and a diet that improves brain function are essential.
Memoryis not only the ability to store information or procedures. It's also the ability to get them out of the brain and use them on a daily basis. Thanks to this, we function in the environment and solve problems: from simple - such as safe crossing the road, to complex - such as creating a computer program.
Unfortunately, with age, the memory mechanism begins to jam. We do not remember where we put the keys, we "lose" our word during the conversation, we forget about an important date. Regardless of whether it is the result of exhaustion, stress or natural neurodegenerative processes - it means that it is more difficult for us to "pull" the information that is there from our memory.
It also means a weakening of concentration, which prevents fresh information from being recorded in long-term memory. In order to strengthen memory, it is worth acting in two ways: working on the development of cognitive reserve and on improving concentration.
Simple memory exercises
Excellent memory is the result ofmemory training . Therefore, every day you solve crosswords and puzzles, learn foreign words, remember phone numbers, book titles, jokes, count in your mind. When you have to master a difficult material, provide yourself with the right learning conditions so as not to be distracted unnecessarily (this applies to both the TV is turned on and a mess on the desk) - you will save a lot of time.
Also find your work style (what time do you study best, in what room). Engage several senses as you learn: read aloud, walk around the room, tap a rhythm. Also appreciate your imagination: take notes with mind maps (the technique of making notes using drawings and keywords - activates both hemispheres of the brain), and while reading, create dynamic images and crazy associations - thanks to this you will remember more. In order not to be discouraged from work, learn alternately the easier and more difficult parts of the material. Also, remember about systematic repetitions. To stay motivated, always think about the benefits ahead.
You can also take memory training courses andconcentration. They are useful not only for students, but also for people in high positions. The results may surprise you! Memory needs stimuli, it is not served by monotony and routine. Therefore, the more interesting life you lead, meet new people, places, learn new things, are creative, the more efficient it is.
Boredom is bad for memory. Routine puts the brain to sleep
The risk of early memory loss arises from relying on the same procedures over and over again. People who stopped at compulsory education often succumb to routine. Employees who carry out the same tasks for many years, as well as people with a high level of anxiety, for whom well-worn procedures give a sense of security are exposed to its devastating influence.
People with little social contact are at risk. The structure of the neural networks in the brains of such people is poorer because little new memory traces are formed. With age, this makes learning more difficult and, consequently, arouses more and more resistance to changes and novelties - and the vicious circle closes.
Movement is important for memory
The brain needs oxygen to function. Therefore, regularly play sports. As a result, blood flow in the brain increases and the oxygenation of gray cells.
Exercise activates the brain - not only because it oxygenates it. Cycling, playing volleyball, tennis or ping-pong stimulates the mind as these activities require a quick response to changing situations. The brain performs many operations, assesses the impact of unevenness on the path of the bicycle, predicts the ball's trajectory, makes lightning-fast decisions and sends commands to the muscles.
Any activities that require dexterity and coordination of movements, e.g. ballroom dancing, juggling, are beneficial. It is similar with computer games, as long as we enter higher levels or change the type of game from time to time. It is also worth engaging in activities that require the coordination of small, precise hand movements. It can be playing an instrument, crocheting, knitting or making jewelry. It has been proven that people who regularly engage in this type of activity are less likely to suffer from memory impairment and dementia.
In addition, by exercising, you also get rid of stress, which takes away motivation and destroys memory. Before learning, go for a walk, get on your bike, exercise, or at least take a few deep breaths with the window open and air the room.
This will improve your concentration and your mind will work more efficiently. Also, don't forget about breaks in learning - the brain is able to focus to its maximum for 40-45 minutes.
He althy sleep good by heart
According to the SwissFor scientists, good sleep is the best way to improve memory - it strengthens the connections between nerve cells (neurons), which affects learning and memory. Night rest provides the mind with oxygen and relaxation.
It also allows you to sort new information gained during the day and strengthens weak memories. Therefore, when you study intensively, do not take the night away, because it will do more harm than good - you will be tired and distracted, and knowledge will reluctantly enter your mind. Remember that three days without sleep destroy the brain.
It is assumed that a person needs 8 hours of sleep a day on average, but this is an individual matter - some need more, others less. It is important that it is a good-quality dream, i.e. about undisturbed natural phases.
ImportantMemory is what shapes us. However, the ability to remember diminishes with age. So find out ways to keep her in great shape.
Ripped hemispheres
The left brain (analytical) hemisphere is involved in the learning process. However, activating the right hemisphere (creative) increases cognitive abilities and the ability to remember and associate information. Synchronization of the work of both hemispheres causes deep relaxation, and this is when we acquire knowledge most easily.
How to activate both hemispheres of the brain? Simple exercises will help you in this, for example: write and draw with both hands at the same time, climb backwards up the stairs, write with your left hand (if you are right-handed) - turn on the light with it, brush your teeth - reach behind you with your right hand to your left foot and vice versa and … learn to juggle three balls.

Smart diet by heart
Proper nutrition affects the intellectual functions of the brain because it stimulates the production of neurotransmitters - they are needed for the transmission of impulses between neurons, and without them it would be impossible to think and associate. The diet should be rich in vitamins B, C and E, as well as magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium and phosphorus. So eat whole grains, groats, nuts, almonds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, raisins, fresh vegetables and fruits. Avoid sweets.
Do not overdo it with coffee, strong tea, cola - just like alcohol and nicotine destroy the ingredients necessary for the mind, and when drunk in excess they weaken concentration. Choose mineral water, green and herbal teas, and freshly squeezed fruit juices. Also reach for herbal preparations supporting memory, which contain ginseng, lecithin, borage oil.
Meditation is the perfect antidote to stress - it helps calm the mind and calm the body down. Lowers heart rate, blood pressure, slows down breathing,stabilizes the configuration of EEG brain waves. In addition, it lowers the level of the stress hormone (cortisol) in the blood, which is important because this hormone, when released in excess, damages the centers responsible for learning and memory in the brain.
Most meditation techniques involve focusing your attention on an object, such as a repeated word (mantra), a candle flame, your own breathing. It's best to meditate every day, even for 10 minutes. Then we will quickly develop a habit of meditation in situations where we need to control stress and focus on the task at hand.
Go out to the people
Research has shown that people who have more friends also have more neurons in the parts of the brain that analyze and think with less memory impairment. Their brain functions better under the influence of constant stimulation.
Talking face to face, we practice verbal intelligence, read body language signals and facial expressions. Social activity requires flexibility, the ability to get along. It engages all brain functions: memory, emotions, and the ability to think logically.
Worth knowingMnemonics
Memory techniques facilitate the faster memorization, storage and recall of information (dates, passwords, PINs, lists, telephone numbers, lecture content, etc.). They consist, for example, in creating acronyms (abbreviations) from the first letters of other words that we try to remember, arranging poems, sequences of associations. Mnemonics facilitates learning and is a specific training of memory and concentration.
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