The properties of Brazil nuts should be appreciated especially by men. Brazil nuts are a treasury of selenium - an element that improves the quality of semen. In addition, Brazil nuts improve brain function and are just as effective as walnuts. And one serving of this exotic delicacy improves the lipid profile. Check what other properties and nutritional values Brazil nuts have.
Brazil nuts , otherwisepara peanuts(from the Pará region in Brazil, where they come from) grows on one of the highest trees in the Amazon rainforest - brazilian dormouse. Brazil nuts have manynutritional values .
They are characterized by a high concentration of calcium (160 mg / 100 g) that strengthens bones and teeth, magnesium (376 mg / 100 g) to soothe nerves and potassium to lower blood pressure (659 mg / 100 g). They also contain vitamin E, i.e. the vitamin of youth (5.65 mg / 100 g) and folic acid, which is important for pregnant women (22 µg / 100 g).
However, Brazil nuts are valued mainly for their selenium content, which is the highest in all nuts.
Brazil nuts will improve sperm quality
Brazil nuts are known to be the richest source of selenium out of all foods. According to the data of the National Food Institute - Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 100 g of Brazil nuts contain 103 µg of this element.
Meanwhile, the daily requirement for selenium is 55 µg. Selenium increases the body's resistance. It may also lower the risk of some forms of cancer. It is also essential for the metabolism of thyroid hormones.
In addition, selenium is especially needed by men, because it improves the quality of sperm, has a positive effect on the efficiency and speed of sperm movement.
Worth knowingNutritional values of Brazil nuts (in 100 g)Energy value - 659 kcal Total protein - 14.32 g Fat - 67.10 g Carbohydrates - 11.74 g (including simple sugars 2.33) Fiber - 7.5 gVitaminsVitamin C - 0.7 mg Thiamine - 0.617 mg Riboflavin - 0.035 mg Niacin - 0.295 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.101 mg Folic acid - 22 µg Vitamin E - 5.65mgMineralsCalcium - 160 mg Iron - 2.43 mg Magnesium - 376 mg Phosphorus - 725 mg Potassium - 659 mg Sodium - 3 mg Zinc - 4.06
Fatty acids
Saturated - 16,134 g Monounsaturated - 23,879 g Polyunsaturated - 24,399 g
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Brazil nuts - just one serving improves the lipid profile
Taking just one large portion of Brazil nuts significantly improves the lipid profile, argue Brazilian scientists. 10 he althy volunteers took part in their study. First, they didn't eat Brazil nuts, then they took 5, 20, and finally 50 g of nuts.
At each stage of the experiment, the lipid profile was repeatedly checked. The reduction in the "bad" LDL cholesterol was significant after 9 hours, and the increase in the "good" HDL cholesterol 6 hours after taking 20 or 50 g of nuts.
This effect lasted until the 30th (last) day of the study. Interestingly, it was shown that with 20 g of nuts, these changes were more pronounced than with 50 g, which indicates that consumption of this amount (20 g, which is just a few nuts) seems to be sufficient to improve the lipid profile.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreImportantBrazil nuts can cause allergies!
Brazil nuts can cause symptoms of food allergy when consumed, such as gastrointestinal disturbances (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain) or skin changes (various types of rash) or runny nose accompanied by swelling and stinging in the around the lips, mouth and throat.
Brazil nuts support the work of the brain
Brazil nuts, after walnuts, are the richest source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fats are divided into two families: omega-6 and omega-3.
Omega-3 fatty acids are especially important in the diet because they play an important role in maintaining the proper functioning of the brain and eyes and have a positive effect on the heart and circulatory system. These acids have also been shown to inhibit the multiplication of cancer cells.
Brazil nuts and slimming. How many calories do Para peanuts have?
Brazil nuts,like other nuts, they are very caloric. 100 g provides as much as 659 kcal. One Brazil nut weighs about 4 g therefore provides about 26 kcal.
However, they should not be completely excluded from the slimming diet, because, as scientists argue, the fat contained in nuts activates processes in the body that accelerate fat burning.
Therefore, Brazil nuts can help you lose weight, but only if you do not overdo it.
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Brazil nuts accumulate bar and radium Brazil peanuts can accumulate barium and radium - two highly radioactive elements. Fortunately, not in such an amount that could harm your he alth. Brazil nut oil contains fatty acids and vitamin E, i.e. the vitamin of youth. It is recommended for the care of dry, sensitive and aging skin as it moisturizes, nourishes, rejuvenates and improves the skin tone. It also works well for dry, dull hair and brittle nails. Fresh, shelled nuts can be eaten raw or added to fruit salads or cheese boards. Scalded and chopped, they can be used to bake cakes, cakes and stuffing. In addition, sweet butter is made of them. It's worth knowing that Brazil nuts go well with spicy spices. Bibliography: Zdrojewicz Z., Starostecka E., Królikowska N., Kuźnicki P.,Effect of ingredients contained in nuts on the human body , "Medycyna Rodzinna" 2015, No. 3Brazil nut oil - use in cosmetics
Brazil nuts - use in the kitchen
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