Onychomycosis is a disease that is very easy to catch and much harder to treat. The mycosis will not go away by itself, and home remedies will not help either. Treatment of onychomycosis is effective only under the supervision of a dermatologist. Learn how to recognize onychomycosis and how to treat it effectively.
Onychomycosisaffects toenails more often than toenails. It can be limited to one tile or moved to adjacent ones. Usually, however, fungal infections affect the first and fifth toes. Probably because the shoes adhere the most tightly to them.
Onychomycosis: causes
Onychomycosis is often a consequence of athlete's foot- a disease that affects approx. 42% of people. Sometimes we ignore it, sometimes we don't notice it at all.
Feet itch, sometimes even sting, but we think that this is the result of excessive drying of the skin, bad soap and we do not seek help from a doctor. Maybe that's why onychomycosis is becoming a scourge among Poles. Doctors say that 21 percent of them suffer from it. population.
- In our climate, the main sources of infections are swimming pools, baths, saunas(wooden platforms). But you can also get infected by using someone else's shoes, socks or pedicure supplies.
- Systemic diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, anemia, hormonal, gastrointestinal, immune system and circulatory disorders, as well as long antibiotic therapy, taking steroids and chemotherapy, predispose to fungal infections.
- The development of mycosis is fostered by heat and moisture - careless wiping of the feet after washing, walking in windproof shoes and wearing plastic socks.
- Mycosis develops when the nail plate is damaged - if we cut ourselves or cut our nails too short, the fungus can easily get under it. Wearing tight shoes also weakens the plate. Just like acrylic nails and varnishes. If you do not intend to give up painting your nails or follow other rules, use preventive talcum deodorant and antifungal creams.
What it looks likeonychomycosis? See photos:

- The onychomycosis will not go away on its own, even in the early stages.No home remedies will help either. If left untreated, it will spread to the next toes. It can also spread to your fingernails. Therefore, each change must be checked by a dermatologist.
- The mycosis likes to recur.Therefore, after completing the treatment, you need to scrupulously follow the dermatologist's recommendations and even overly care for foot hygiene.
Onychomycosis: diagnosis
What are the symptoms of onychomycosis? Mycosis is usually caused by dermatophytes. The affected nail gradually changes its appearance.
Symptoms of onychomycosis:
- discoloration - first whitish, then yellowish, finally brown
- the tile flakes and delaminates, it becomes thicker and harder to trim
- feet smell bad because fungal deposits accumulate under the nails
After examining the foot, the doctor knows that he is dealing with mycosis.Sometimes, however, when the disease is not clear, he or she orders laboratory tests. Samples taken from under the nail and plate sections are examined under a microscope - this allows you to determine whether the disease was really caused by fungi.
Sometimes in the laboratory, mushrooms isolated from the sample are grown in order to determine their species and select drugs. Before taking the samples, do not paint your nails, apply cream on your feet or use powders.
Onychomycosis - treatment
The fight against mycosis often fails because the patient becomes discouraged from using the treatment after a few weeks. Sometimes he tries to save himself by using home remedies for onychomycosis, but these - which should be emphasized - are ineffective. What is onychomycosis afraid of?
Usually, one drug for onychomycosis is not enough.The time and type of treatment depend on the advancement of the disease.It is worth going to the doctor as soon as you notice the first changes in the appearance of the nail, because then usually it is enough to apply a special varnish for onychomycosis or sticking mini patches containing fungicides. But you still have to be patient. The treatment may last up to three months.
In the case of extensive lesions, when the plate is seriously damaged - oral medications are used.Thanks to them, the medicinal substance reaches the center of the nail (it is most needed there) and accumulates at the base of the plate by blocking the growth of fungi. Among the medications used, there are preparations that should be taken for at least 3 months, and sometimes evenyear.
More information on the treatment of onychomycosis can be found here.
Onychomycosis: pulse therapy
It involves the oral ingestion of a drug that only reaches the infected area. Take the drug for a week, then take a three-week break and swallow the tablets again for a week.The treatment lasts 3 months , but the preparation accumulated in the nails works for another 9 months. Such treatment is more convenient for the patient and, in most cases, avoids the surgeon's intervention (removal of the plates). We can see flawless nails after 10-12 months.
Treatment of onychomycosis: reconstruction of the nail plate
The drug therapy should be supplemented with nail polishing every 2-4 weeks.The more fungus plaque we remove, the more effective the treatment , because drugs (administered externally and internally) easily penetrate the diseased areas. Since the tissue under the nail is strongly innervated and the sanded plate provides little protection, it needs to be reconstructed.
A special mass is put on it. When it dries, a piece of fleece is glued to match the size of the defect. The operation is repeated several times until the tile is of the appropriate thickness.
The denture does not deform the nail fold. He althy plaque grows faster and does not overgrow.
Onychomycosis - how to prevent recurrence?
The shoes we put on the feet infected with mycosis are best thrown away.There must be fungal spores in them, which will cause the infection to recur. However, it is not always possible to do so. Therefore:
- to a foil bag put shoes and a container with 10% formalin solution(can be purchased at a pharmacy); close the bag tightly and keep it in a warm place; after 48 hours shoes should be aired, preferably in the open air 24 hours a day.
- 1 disinfectant tablet with disinfecting effect , antibacterial and antifungal (you can buy it at the pharmacy) dissolve in a glass of water; put a cotton or linen cloth soaked in a solution in each shoe; close shoes in separate plastic bags and tie them tightly; after 24 hours, take your shoes off and air them outside for 24 hours.
How can you become infected with onychomycosis?

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