A vegetarian diet is becoming more and more popular. No wonder that younger and younger people are reaching for it. "I don't eat meat" - such a declaration is heard more and more often by parents of teenagers. Is A Vegetarian Diet He althy During Adolescence? When should a vegetarian diet be consulted with a doctor? We clarify doubts.

A vegetarian diet in a teenagermay raise concerns among parents. Their main concern is whether, after discontinuing meat products, their child will run out of important nutrients, which may adversely affect their he alth and development, e.g. inhibit growth or weaken immunity.

Doctors and nutritionists, however, dispel these doubts.A well-balanced vegetarian diet is completely safe and ensures the proper development of a young person . This is confirmed by research carried out by the Children's Memorial He alth Institute, which showed that the physical development of vegetarian children is harmonious and within the normal limits.

As the National Center for Nutrition Education claims: “Children on vegetarian diets may have a slower growth rate, and their body weight is at the lower limit of the normal range. They become equal to their peers with age or even taller, but still slimmer. There were no differences between bone density and fracture risk in children following vegetarian and standard diets. In most cases, the blood levels of iron and hemoglobin are within the normal range. ' Therefore, it is worth approaching the matter calmly, because a well-balanced vegetarian diet has many advantages.

A vegetarian diet has a positive effect on he alth

A properly balanced vegetarian diet contains all the nutrients the body needs:

  • carbohydrates,
  • proteins,
  • fats,
  • vitamins,
  • minerals.

Moreover, the proportions of these substances are especially beneficial for he alth. Vegetarians, unlike meat eaters, eat more than carnivores:

  • vegetables,
  • fruit,
  • wholemeal bread and pasta,
  • thick groats,
  • seed,
  • nut
  • and vegetable fats.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber that supports proper digestion.

Whole grain cereal products are state of the artan excellent source of complex carbohydrates that provide a he althy portion of the energy necessary for a young body. Seeds and nuts are rich in he althy fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

In turn, vegetable fats contain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, extremely valuable for the body. As a result, properly balanced reduces the risk of developing in adulthood:

  • obesity,
  • type 2 diabetes,
  • hypertension,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • ischemic heart disease
  • and other diseases.

A vegetarian diet promotes a slim figure

In Poland, every fifth teenager is overweight or obese . This has a negative effect on the he alth and quality of life of a young person. It can also cause problems in dealing with peers, complexes, poor self-esteem, and even depression. Therefore, overweight must be counteracted.

Thanks to the high content of easily digestible and low-calorie vegetables, a vegetarian diet is conducive to maintaining a he althy body weight. It is also helped by the whole grain cereal products contained in it, which provide dietary fiber that supports good digestion and satiate for a long time.

In addition, by switching to a vegetarian diet, a young person begins to pay attention to what he eats. She searches for information on he althy eating, reads food labels, and browses blogs with recipes for he althy and nutritious veggies.

Teenagers giving up meat usually try to consciously choose the ingredients of their menu and properly compose their meals. They acquire he althy eating habits. These in turn are conducive to a he althy weight and a slim figure.

A vegetarian diet makes you feel better

For young people, particularly vulnerable to animals and aware of the devastating effects of climate change, it is of utmost importance that a vegetarian diet is good for the environment. By using it, they contribute to its protection. Thanks to this, they feel that something depends on them.

This sense of agency often gives them satisfaction and has a positive effect on self-esteem. But the improvement in mood also has a … chemical source. A vegetarian diet is rich in omega-3 fatty acids (they are provided by he althy vegetable fats, especially olive oil and rapeseed oil), which have a positive effect on the nervous system, and thus - well-being.

Added to this is the pleasure of discovering new, interesting flavors and the satisfaction resulting from conscious, he althy eating.

Vegetarian diet - different varieties of the vegetarian menu

Specialists distinguish at least a fewvarieties of a vegetarian diet. So if a child tells us that he or she is veg, it is worth asking what exactly he means.

Some teens choosesemivegetarianism , which is based on vegetables, fruits and grains, but also eats milk and milk products, eggs, fish and sometimes white meat (chicken, turkey , rabbit).

This diet is sometimes referred to aspseudo-vegetarian . Regardless of the name, such a choice can only be applauded. Because this is the menu that nutritionists consider the he althiest and worth recommending.

Most often, however, young people decide to completely exclude meat from the menu. They can then choose a more or less radical variant of a vegetarian diet. The most important of them are:

  • lactoowowegetarianizm- in addition to products of plant origin, the menu includes milk and its products and eggs,
  • lacto-vegetarianism- only vegetables, fruits, cereal products as well as milk and its products are present in the diet,
  • owowegetarianiam- in addition to products of plant origin, the menu includes eggs,
  • veganism- a vegan diet allows you to eat only plant products.

Vegetarian diet - well-balanced, which is what?

A properly balanced diet is one that provides the body with all the necessary nutrients. So it must contain properly selected products in the right proportions.

For vegetarians, substitute meat, which is a good source of protein, iron, and vitamin B12 in your standard diet. Fortunately, the first two ingredients can also be found in products allowed in a vegetarian diet.

High-value protein is provided primarily by legumes:

  • soybeans,
  • lentils,
  • chickpeas,
  • beans,
  • green beans,
  • peas,
  • green peas,
  • broad beans.

Therefore, it is very important to include them in the daily menu of a young vegetarian. Protein is also found in eggs and dairy products, which are eaten by some vegetarians.

The source of iron for people on a vegetarian diet can be, among others :

  • pumpkin seeds,
  • nuts,
  • sesame,
  • bran,
  • legumes,
  • parsley,
  • kale,
  • egg yolks.

However, in order to fully meet the body's needs, you need to eat products rich in valuable ingredients in the right amounts.

Because at the beginning it may seem difficult to balance your menu correctly, it is bestseek the advice of a dietitian who will help us develop a he althy menu.

Vegetarian diet - when to consult a doctor?

If your adolescent has not opted for a mild, but more restrictive, semi-vegetarian diet, it is advisable to consult a physician. The complete elimination of animal products may result in a vitamin B12 deficiency.

A specialist will probably recommend its supplementation.

It is also worth going to the doctor if:

  • despite the advice of the dietitian, we have doubts whether the child is eating he althy,
  • the child suffers from a food allergy and cannot eat many products,
  • a young vegetarian is weak, sleepy, irritable, or has other he alth problems.

A specialist may refer your teen to a blood test to see if an important ingredient is missing. If the result shows a deficiency, he will recommend appropriate supplementation or modification of the diet.

  • Veganism - the principles of a vegan diet. What can vegans eat?
  • Tips for vegetarians: 12 tips for those who don't want to eat MEAT
  • VEGETARIAN DIET - a way for a good and long life
