Herbs smell great and add variety to the taste of cooked speci alties. But many of them, such as turmeric, ginger, chives, rosemary, parsley and garlic, have he alth benefits. Herbs help fight cancer, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Herbsplay an important role in the treatment of cancer. The mainanti-cancer properties of herbsinclude inhibition of the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids responsible for the formation of cancer cells, in addition, the herbs prevent adhesion of cancer cells, increase the production of T lymphocytes, are cytotoxic and counteract oxidative stress. The use of plants and herbs in the treatment of diseases (including cancer) is called phytotherapy.
Anticancer properties of herbs:
Mint, thyme, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, basil
Some scientists compare their power to Gleevec - a drug that has been hailed as a miracle because it effectively blocks the mechanisms that allow tumors to grow. Taken daily, it makes the tumor less dangerous.
It turns out that mint, thyme, marjoram, oregano, rosemary and basil work in a similar way. Herbs owe their aroma to terpenes. The recently discovered carnosol, a terpene found in rosemary, limits the ability of cancer cells to attack adjacent tissues.
After research at the National Cancer Institute, it has been proven that rosemary extract supports the effects of chemotherapy in breast cancer. Apigenin, found in parsley and celery, reduces the formation of blood vessels that can nourish tumors. So every day, let's not regret herbs for taste and he alth.
Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound with anti-inflammatory properties. It has been proven in laboratory studies that curcumin reduces the development of leukemias, colon cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, and ovarian cancer because it forces cancer cells to die.
Scientists from the Houston Cancer Research Center have found that people who consume 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric per day suffer from lung cancer 8 times less, breast cancer 5 times less, and kidney cancer 10 times less, even when live in a very polluted environment.
In some cancers, such as breast cancer, curcumin penetrates the cells and destroys them. In pureform is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. To be effective, it must be combined with paprika or black pepper (as in curry). Paprika 10 thousand times it increases its absorption by the body.
Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, who suffered from brain cancer himself, also found studies confirming that even such a dangerous tumor as glioblastoma is easier to chemotherapy when used with curcumin.
It is best to buy turmeric separately, because only 20% of spice mixes.
How to use turmeric?
Mix 1/4 teaspoon of powder with 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of pepper. It is a good sauce for fresh salads and soups. The bitter taste will disappear after adding a few drops of agave nectar (available at he alth food stores).
Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Effectively supports the fight against cancer cells, because it limits the formation of new blood vessels.
It can be added as a seasoning to salads, soups. As an appetizer or additive to fish, you can serve slices of fresh ginger marinated in lemon juice.
Ginger root, sliced and doused with boiling water for 10-15 minutes, is an excellent drink (hot and cold) to relieve thirst. It also stops nausea.
Garlic, onion, leek, shallots, chives
Garlic, onion, and leek are rich in sulfur compounds, which weaken the carcinogenic effect of substances formed in meat burnt on the grill. They promote the death of cells in colon cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and leukemia. They lower blood sugar levels, which hinders the development of cancer cells.
Garlic and onion work best when crushed and mixed with olive oil. This sauce can be added to salads, pan-fried vegetables or dipped in whole grain bread.
More about diets to fight cancer>>Nutraceutics or diets to support cancer treatment
Red wine against cancer There are many polyphenols in red wine, including resveratrol, which protects cells from aging. It also protects the body against the rapid growth of cancer cells. The most resveratrol is Pinot Noir, which is pressed in Burgundy, which has a humid climate. For he alth, we can drink one glass of wine every day. Read also:What to eat to avoid cancer?
Worth knowing