In summer, when children spend a lot of time outside, they rarely have a drink while having fun, which is why they become dehydrated more often at this time of the year. If you suspect your baby is dehydrated, contact your pediatrician as soon as possible. If your baby becomes seriously ill, they will need to be hospitalized.

Dehydrationis most often associated withdiarrheaandvomiting . But water also escapes from the body in other ways. The baby loses it in the urine and when breathing, and also when sweating profusely. This is what it is like in summer, when children spend a lot of time outside. Absorbed in play, they seldom voluntarily reach for something to drink. This is why dehydration occurs more often in the summer, although the child is not sick at all.

Dehydration symptoms

According to the encyclopedic definition, dehydration is a state in which the water content in the body drops below the value necessary for its proper functioning. It happens when water loss is at least 2%. body weight. In other words, if a child weighs 20 kg, to become dehydrated, they must lose at least 400 ml of water. The initial phase of dehydration is without obvious symptoms. When the water loss is 2% weight, the child begins to feel a strong thirst. Water loss within 2-4 percent. makes itself felt with dizziness, a feeling of weakness, and the amount of urine output is reduced. The child may then have sunken eyes, dry tongue and mouth, trouble speaking, and his skin loses its elasticity (when pinched and released, it returns to its previous state very slowly).

Is dehydration harmful to your he alth?


Which drinks should be avoided?

Children should not drink colorful fizzy drinks. In addition to sugar, colors and flavors, which are harmful in themselves, they also contain carbon dioxide - can cause stomach pain and gas. Until you read the label carefully, do not also buy your child colorful fruit drinks in funny bottles. The regulations do not specify the percentage of juice in them - it may well be several dozen or a few percent. Some drinks of this type only have a fruit flavor which is obtained by mixing artificial improvers. We encourage youand to quench your thirst with traditional home-made compotes - but not too sweet.

Preventing dehydration in children

In he althy children, the most dangerous situation usually does not occur when the water loss reaches 10-15 percent. (then there are disturbances in consciousness, convulsions, the child cannot speak and loses consciousness). Nevertheless, it is worth taking care not to allow less water loss as well. The only way to do this is to make sure your child is drinking enough fluids each day. According to the nutritional recommendations, it should be 100 ml for each of the first ten kilograms of the body, 50 ml for each of the next ten kilograms, and 20 ml for each kilogram over 20 kg. A five-year-old weighing 25 kg should receive 1.6 liters of fluid a day (more when the child is active). This amount consists of both the water in the soup or fruit, and everything that the child gets to drink. The drink that will be the most valuable for your child is still, low-mineralized mineral water. The following are also a good suggestion:

  • Acidophilic milk. It has a slightly acidic taste and contains live cultures of probiotic bacteria. If you drink it regularly, it helps to strengthen your immune system.
  • Fruit and vegetable juices. You can squeeze them yourself, e.g. from carrots, apples or oranges, or buy them (they are better without added sugar).
  • Nectars. These are drinks containing juice with the addition of water and sugar. When buying nectar, make sure it contains no preservatives, artificial flavors, and colorings.
  • Water with homemade syrup or juice. Seasonal fruit syrups - raspberries, apples, cherries - can be made in a juicer. You must dilute them with water before drinking.

Emergency state

If you suspect dehydration, see your pediatrician as soon as possible. If your baby's condition becomes serious, they will need to go to hospital. In other cases, frequent administration of small amounts of water or - on the recommendation of a doctor - rehydration fluid is usually sufficient to replenish the level of minerals lost with the water. In pharmacies without a prescription, you can buy, for example, Orsalit, as well as Dicodral Liquido, a ready-to-drink liquid with an orange flavor.

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