Your child is constantly sick, has a runny nose, cough and fever forever? Perhaps his immune system needs support. Fortunately, there are ways to boost your baby's immunity and prevent them from catching infections as often.

The immune system (immune) gains its full defense capacity only around 6-7. age. Until then, he learns to recognize and deal with microbes. Unfortunately, he is not always able to react effectively. Kindergarten and school are conducive to infections not only because it is easier to contact a sick person there.

Separation from parents is a huge stress for a child, which is one of the most important factors in reducingimmunity . Occasionalinfectionsare normal. The situation becomes serious whenchildgets sick almost all the time. Continuous respiratory tract infections lead to a decrease in immunity. A common cold may then end up in a complication, e.g. inflammation of the heart muscle.

Infections in a child: remember about vaccines

All children, especially those who are frequently ill, should be vaccinated against pneumococci and flu. Vaccines will increase immunity as the child's body produces more immune antibodies after vaccination. Booster vaccines are another type of vaccine.

They come in the form of a suspension or tablet with the most common disease-causing bacteria particles. The child's immune system "trains" on them, but neither of them allows to produce the so-called. immunological memory, i.e. their effect lasts only when the toddler takes them. Such vaccines are administered either orally (Luivac, Ribomunyl) or by injection (Polyvaccinum, TFX), and some are in the form of a nasal spray (IRS 19). The vaccine is always selected by a doctor and is available only on prescription.


What is an autovaccine?

This is a specific method of stimulating immunity, considered a controversial method, so it should not be recommended for children ( although some doctors do). The concept behind autovaccines is simple: since the body is unable to cope with the germ that infected it, the same germ should be given differently to stimulate the immune system to function. Bacteria are collected from an infected area (such as the throat) and then -specially crafted - given in a series of injections.

Infections in children: diversify diet

When the diet is too lean, the body does not have the strength to produce the right amount of lymphocytes (white blood cells responsible for fighting microbes). The diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables containing a lot of vitamin C to help fight viruses. Its best source is blackcurrant, parsley, kiwi, sauerkraut, oranges, grapefruits.

The child should also eat lean meat, eggs, dairy products and sea fish that provide anti-inflammatory ingredients. An important component of the diet are foods rich in vitamin A (prevents infections) - carrots, apricots, peaches, and those with vitamins from the group B vitamins that strengthen the body - they can be found in legumes, bananas, plums and figs.

Iron, a component of red blood cells, is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. Iron is in red meat, soybeans, green vegetables. Immunity will also be improved by enriching meals with products with probiotics (yogurt, acidophilic milk) and prebiotics (they are in bananas, asparagus, onions, garlic).

Infections in children: heat-cold method

Rapid temperature changes teach the body to deal with a change in weather. When walking on a cool, windless day, remove the child's hat - first for 5, after a few days for 10 minutes. Let him run around the house barefoot. In the evening, after bathing, rub your child's feet with cool water.

Climate change is also hardening. When the body has to adapt to new weather conditions, it mobilizes all its strength, thus increasing immunity. It is best to take your child to high mountains in winter, where the air is thinned. This forces the body to increase the production of red blood cells and strengthens the body.

Infections in children: get allergy tests

Experts estimate that nearly 70 percent. children treated for recurrent background infections of the upper respiratory tract have allergies or asthma. Pediatricians are misled by a runny nose and cough, which are not only a symptom of a disease, but also an allergy, e.g. against dust mites.

Whether the child is allergic can be checked by an allergist who will order allergy tests and make a diagnosis based on them.

Infections in children: encourage walks

Do not allow your child to constantly watch TV and play on the computer. He should spend 2-3 hours outside every day. Movement in the fresh air makes the blood circulate faster and the body gets used to temperature changes more easily. The mucous membranes of the throat and nose are well moistened,so they are a better barrier for microorganisms.

Whenever you can, take your child for a walk in the coniferous forest. It has a specific microclimate thanks to the essential oils emitted by pines and spruces. The respiratory tract "irritated" by the ingredients of the oils, cleans better, thanks to which the gas exchange in the alveoli is also better.

Infections in children: prevent overheating

Too warmly dressed several-year-old has an inefficient thermoregulation system - he freezes quickly and tolerates temperature changes badly. Due to the cold, the blood vessels in his throat contract, and the ischemic and dry mucosa ceases to be a barrier to viruses. To get your baby used to the lower temperatures, dress them lighter outdoors than you do. Try to keep the temperature in the apartment below 20 ° C.

To kindergarten or school, put on the layers of the child - so that he can undress when he gets hot.


For reinforcement

After consulting a doctor, the child can be given preparations containing purple echinacea extract (Echinacea, Echinapur), shark liver oil (Iskial, Pre-ventic, BioMarine, Ecomer) or vitamins (Vibovit, Kin-derbiovital). Preparations with probiotics are also valuable for immunity. It is important not to combine different measures, as they may have opposite effects.

Infections in children: take care of good air at home

When it is too dry in the apartment, the child may cough at night, and bacteria and viruses penetrate the body more easily through mucus-free membranes. Ventilate your apartment often, turn on the humidifier at night or hang stoneware with water on the heater. If this is not enough, buy a sea water spray preparation for moisturizing the mucous membranes of the nose and throat at the pharmacy.

Infections in children: do not smoke in front of your baby

There are more harmful substances in the side stream of smoke (it is produced by burning a cigarette) than in the inhalation stream of a smoker. Passive smoking weakens the heart, impairs the immune system, irritates the throat and bronchi. By causing coughing, it also increases the risk of middle ear infections and promotes the development of bronchial asthma and allergies.

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