Effervescent lime (drinkable), aka calcium, is good for an allergy? If you asked what sparkling lime helps, most people will say it's allergic. As soon as allergic symptoms such as itching, tearing or rash appear, allergy sufferers reach for calcium, as it is widely believed that it alleviates these symptoms. Apparently, lime is also a proven method for colds? Is it true? Check if lime is a means of allergy, what properties it has and where it is used.
Wapnosparkling (drinking), otherwisecalcium , goodfor allergy? Lime is widely believed to help relieve allergy symptoms such as rash, itching, tearing and swelling. Apparently, calcium is also a proven method for colds. What's the truth?
Lime for allergy?
Lime is widely believed to be a proven sensitizer. Allergy sufferers reach for calcium, regardless of whether the allergic symptoms are rash, runny nose or tearing. Most patients say that calcium helps with allergies.
How is lime supposed to fight allergies? One of the theories of allergy is related to the deficiency of calcium ions in the body, hence calcium supplementation in the period of allergy significantly alleviates the unpleasant symptoms of allergy.
In addition, lime is supposed to seal the endothelial cells of the vessels, which reduces swelling, which often tires allergy sufferers. At the same time, it is noted that lime is not an antiallergic drug! It is an adjuvant that is used to relieve allergy symptoms.
Lime must be used with other antiallergic medications to be effective, otherwise it will not help combat the symptoms of an allergic reaction.
Drinking lime is available in tablets, capsules, sachets, lozenges, syrups or granules. It is recommended to use 1 or 2 tablets twice a day.
What's the truth? Research conducted in the 1990s, incl. by German scientists from the Klinikum Mannheim Universität Heidelberg¹ or specialists from the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf², suggested that lime helps to alleviate the symptoms of allergy.
On the other hand, current allergological studies question the effectiveness of lime in the treatment of allergies- incl. those conducted by scientists from the Medical University of Warsaw .³ They showed that lime not only does not work, but also can be harmful.
Specialists from the Medical University of Warsaw, under the supervision of an immunologist, Dr. Wojciech Feleszko, MD, PhD, examined several dozen adult patients diagnosed with allergic rhinitis and / or asthma. In patients, the diagnosis of allergy was previously confirmed, inter alia, by means of skin tests. The subjects were given allergens subcutaneously and were divided into two groups.
For three consecutive days, the first received calcium supplements, and the second - a placebo. It turned out that the effectiveness of the "treatment" was almost identical. Lime doesn't work, but that's not the only reason researchers don't recommend it.
If you take a modern antiallergic agent that blocks the histamine responsible for an allergic reaction after the calcium supplement, e.g. a corticosteroid drug, you should take into account that the effect will be weaker than usual .³
Lime for colds
Lime is also widely believed to be a proven remedy for colds. Meanwhile, there are no reliable studies that would confirm that taking calcium supplements has any effect on the course of colds. It is known, however, that lime thickens bronchial secretions, which makes it difficult to expectorate it when coughing.
Thick mucus disrupts the function and movement of the cilia, which results in thick discharge, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria and may lead to the development of secondary bacterial infection. In addition, lime reduces the effectiveness of drugs designed to remove residual secretions.
Lime is therefore not recommended in diseases of the respiratory tract. The effectiveness of lime preparations (usually administered in effervescent tablets in combination with vitamin C) in the treatment of colds is another myth.
Lime will cleanse the body of lead
Lead is a heavy metal considered to be one of the most dangerous poisons. People who have professional contact with this metal are the most exposed to lead poisoning, mainly those who work in plants producing crystal glass, batteries, cables, typefaces, bushings or bearings.
Workers of copper and zinc smelters are also at risk. Especially such people should supplement with calcium as it removes lead from the body.
Calcium supplements are not only safe, but also benefit when taken at the recommended doses. The problem is taking them in excess
- When someone works as a carpenter, it is to protect the body andliver, can be supplemented with natural calcium. Lime is a natural preparation for removing lead from the body. Such properties are also shown by selenium, which removes lead and cadmium, says the news agency Newseria Lifestyle Weronika Łapińska, specialist in laboratory medicine and medical dietetics at the Revitum Organism Diagnostics Center.
Lime and calcium. Properties and use of lime
The calcium available in pharmacies, or calcium (Ca), is actually calcium - an important component of bone tissue, it determines proper nerve conduction and muscle contractility.
It is essential in the blood clotting process. Calcium, or calcium, has been used in the prevention and supplementation of calcium deficiency in the body, e.g. during pregnancy or lactation, in the treatment of osteoporosis.
1. Reduction of reactivity to allergic rhinitis with intravenous administration of calcium. Clinical-experimental study on the effect of changes of local airway resistance after nasal allergen provocation]., Https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2080949
2. Influence of oral calcium medication on nasal resistance in the nasal allergen provocation test., Https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8436775
3. Lime does not help allergy sufferers: surprising Polish research, http://zdrowie.gazeta.pl/Zdrowie/7,101580,22235895,wapno-nie-pomaga-alergikom-zaskakujace-polskie-badania.html