Tarnina is a plant that has been used in natural medicine thanks to its unique healing properties. Sloes are used primarily as a remedy for diarrhea. Modern phytotherapy also recommends using a decoction of blackthorn flowers in diseases of the urinary system. Check what other properties the blackthorn has.
Tarnina( Prunus spinosa L. ), also known as blackthorn or grater, is a plant whosehealing propertieshas been used in natural medicine for a long time. Tarnina starteduseas a means used, among others, in in ailments of the urinary system and stomach (it has a relaxing effect on its walls and smooth muscles of the digestive tract), and also as a laxative or as a medicine for diarrhea.
Modern phytotherapy recommends using mainly sloe fruits. They contain flavonoids - antioxidants that give them a dark blue color, vitamin C (20 mg in 100 g), beta carotene, B vitamins, a lot of calcium, potassium and magnesium, as well as phytosterol, pectins, sugars, organic acids and tannins. On the other hand, blackthorn flowers, which have a diuretic and laxative effect, contain, among others, flavonoids, pectins, tannins, sugars, minerals (mainly potassium) and vitamin C.
Sloes for diarrhea
Sloes, similarly to blueberries (blueberries), have an anti-diarrheal effect. It is due to the tannins they contain, which, upon contact with the intestinal mucosa, create an impermeable film, and thus - protect them against substances that cause diarrhea. In addition, they slow down the worming movements of the intestines and have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties (tannins bind with bacteria and neutralize them). In addition, the fruit is especially recommended for elderly people and children, in chronic gastroenteritis with excessive fermentation.
Blackthorn flowers in urinary tract diseases
Blackthorn flowers soothe inflammation in the urinary tract, therefore modern phytotherapy recommends their use as an aid in the treatment of urolithiasis, inflammation of the kidneys, bladder and urethra, as well as oliguria, because they have a diuretic effect. In folk medicine, blackthorn flowers are consideredfor the "blood cleansing" drug - thanks to the flavonoids they contain, they accelerate the removal of waste products with urine. Therefore, consumption of blackthorn flower infusions is recommended for various types of cleansing diets. In addition, the flowers have a mild laxative effect.
This will be useful to youTarnina - sloe decoction
1 tablespoon of sloe fruits put in a pot, pour a glass of water and cook for 3 minutes. After this time, strain and leave for 10-15 to cool down.
Tarnina - blackthorn flower infusion
1 teaspoon of blackthorn flowers (1 g) pour a glass of boiling water. Then cover the glass and wait for the herbs to brew (about 10 minutes). Drink a warm infusion once a day.
Tarnina - blackthorn bark decoction
1 tablespoon of blackthorn bark in a pot, pour a glass of water and cook for 3 minutes. After this time, strain and leave for 10-15 to cool down.
Blackthorn bark decoction as a mouth rinse
Blackthorn bark has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Cooled bark decoction is suitable for rinsing the mouth, mouth or gums in inflammatory conditions.
Tarnina against atherosclerosis
Flavones contained in blackthorn (mainly anthocyanins) lower blood pressure, triglycerides and "bad" LDL cholesterol. In addition, they increase the concentration of "good" HDL cholesterol, seal capillaries and reduce the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. Therefore, eating sloe fruits prevents the formation of atherosclerosis, and thus - the development of diseases such as ischemic heart disease, stroke or heart attack.
Tarnina - when to collect?
Tarnina is a tall, thorny shrub that can be found on the edges of forests and along roads. The flowers are harvested from April to May, preferably on sunny days, and after the dew falls (when wet, they darken when dried). They are dried at 35 degrees or in the sun. Then they take a cream color.
In turn, dark blue fruit with a bluish coating is harvested in autumn (October / November). They are so sour that they cannot be eaten raw. They lose their tart taste after the first frost, or after freezing in a freezer (for 12-24 hours). Then they can be eaten raw and used in jams, compotes, marmalades, jellies, tinctures, wines and liqueurs.
ImportantBeware of poisonous blackthorn seeds
The blackthorn seeds contain hydrogen cyanide, the so-called prussic acid - a substance that is poisonous when consumed in large amounts. Therefore, you should not chew or crush the blackthorn seeds.However, don't worry - swallowing the stone without chewing it is not harmful to your he alth.