You will be a mom soon. It's time to start eating wisely because what you eat affects the course of your pregnancy and your baby's he alth. Remember that a properly balanced diet should provide the body with all the nutrients it needs in the right amounts and proportions. The he althy eating pyramid, developed by scientists, will make it easier for you.

It would seem that what is he althiest is at the topof the food pyramid . Nothing similar! To reach for something from the top, you first need to satisfy your hunger with the products on all the lower levels, starting at the base and missing any. Then it turns out that there is not much space left for what is at the top.
The pyramid contains only general guidelines, so you don't have to stick to it. The point is for you to learn how to choose products in your daily menu and which you should avoid. Correctdietwomen inpregnancymust take into account the individual needs of the body, and they depend, among others, on on age, physical activity, metabolism, he alth, weight. When arranging your daily menu, remember that it should contain as many calories as you can burn. So use the pyramid wisely.

Principles of nutrition in pregnancy

  • Eat for two, not for two.

In the first trimester, you need the same amount of calories per day as normal. In the following months, a maximum of 500 kcal more - this is the same as a kajzer with butter, ham and cheese plus the "Fabulous" candy. If you are thin, you can gain a maximum of 15 kg during pregnancy, up to 12 kg when you are slightly overweight (10 kg), and even less when you are obese.

  • Eat regularly.

5-6 times a day, small portions at regular intervals, last meal 3 hours before bedtime. Then your baby will develop properly and you will feel good, and then you will quickly regain your weight.

  • Avoid what was harmful to you.

If you had something bad to digest before you got pregnant, avoid it all the more. Also, do not eat unfamiliar foods, as they may cause allergies.

  • The he althiest diet will be useless if you stay still .

If your pregnancy is going well, you can go to the swimming pooldancing, doing yoga. Sign up for gymnastics for pregnant women. Walk a minimum of half an hour each day.

He althy Eating Pyramid

Coarse mill products, vegetable fat - in every meal

At the base of the pyramid are carbohydrates, but only complex carbohydrates, i.e. derived from whole grain cereal products - wholemeal bread, paddy rice, buckwheat and barley groats, wheat bran. They are a source of fiber that improves digestive processes and prevents constipation (a common ailment during pregnancy),
has satiating properties (thanks to which we eat less) and regulates the level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. They provide starch and many valuable vitamins and minerals. They should be included in most meals.
Apart from carbohydrates, there are vegetable fats. Nutritionists mainly recommend olive oil or rapeseed oil (without erosion), but also sunflower oil, soybean oil and high-quality spreads (without trans acids). This doesn't mean you can eat them as much as you want - all fats are caloric (1 g of fat provides 9 kcal). The point is that you should replace animal fats with vegetable fats, which are the source of omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids and vitamin E. You should completely eliminate lard and bacon from your diet, avoiding fatty meats (e.g. bacon, pork neck), and eating butter in a limited amount. Avoid fried foods (also in oil) as they can aggravate the indigestion symptoms associated with pregnancy - a feeling of heaviness, bloating, excess gas.

Fruits and vegetables - at will

When you are hungry, reach for a carrot or kohlrabi. They are low in calories and quickly give you a feeling of fullness. Be careful with fruit - they contain more calories and provide a lot of sugar (fructose), which should be controlled during pregnancy.
Vegetables and fruits are a treasure of vitamins, minerals and fiber, involved in all metabolic processes, and regulate the body's work. Thanks to antioxidants, they protect against free radicals. Choose green and orange vegetables because they provide the folic acid you need to help prevent neural tube defects. It's best to eat them all raw or steamed. By boiling in water, we flush out valuable nutrients. For variety, drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices, less often fruit juices.

Nuts, legumes - 1-3 times a day

They are on the third step of the pyramid. Hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts and, to a lesser extent, peanuts are a source of essential fatty acids, protein, fiber,potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron (the amount of which is even greater than in meat), as well as vitamin E and B vitamins, however, they are calorific (100 g provides 600-650 kcal) and difficult to digest, so you should not eat more of them than a few a day. Avoid s alted nuts - s alt retains water in the body, promoting swelling and increasing the risk of high blood pressure. If you've never had gas, a feeling of heaviness after legumes, there's no reason why you should avoid them now. Soybeans, lentils, beans, peas, broad beans, chickpeas are an important source of proteins and starch (wholesome soy protein is in no way inferior to milk protein). They provide essential fatty acids and vitamin E, are a good source of B vitamins and folic acid (responsible for the nervous system), potassium (essential in the prevention of hypertension), calcium (bone building material, regulator of muscles and nerves), iron (necessary in formation of red blood cells) and fiber (supports the work of the digestive tract). Nuts and legumes help regulate the level of bad cholesterol, insulin and blood sugar, and lower blood pressure.

Fish, poultry, eggs - 0 - 2 times a day

"Zero times" means you don't have to eat them every day. It is also important to make a choice when composing the menu: fish (mainly sea fish), poultry or eggs, and not everything in one day. Sea fish fat provides omega-3 fatty acids, which are irreplaceable for he alth - they improve brain function, protect against heart and circulatory diseases, prevent blood clots and embolism, lower cholesterol and regulate blood triglycerides, they are good for eyes and bones. They influence the intellectual development of a child. It is best to choose deep sea fish. You can successfully eat uns alted herring, halibut, flounder, salmon. Avoid pangasius (it is a river fish that comes from polluted Mekong waters) and canned tuna (may be high in mercury). We recommend turkey or skinless chicken breasts (it is important that the poultry come from organic farms, not from large farms - it may contain antibiotics or estrogens, added to the feed) - boiled, grilled or stewed without fat. Only meat prepared in this way provides little saturated fatty acids and few calories.
It may be a surprise to see eggs in this place, so far regarded mainly as a cholesterol bomb. Where did this change come from? Recent studies have shown that eggs do not dramatically increase cholesterol in people with normal cholesterol levels, but contain all the essential amino acids and omega-6 fatty acids. They are a good source of antioxidants that protect us from the effectsfree radicals, vitamin B12 and folic acid. The yolk is a mine of lecithin, which is a component of cell membranes and plays an important role in the nervous system. If your cholesterol levels are low, you can now eat up to six eggs a week (including those found in foods).

Dairy products or calcium supplements - 1-2 times a day

Dairy products provide calcium, protein, fat-soluble vitamins, it is an important building block of the skeletal system, so you should not regret milk and its products. If your body does not tolerate milk, replace it with yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese. Reach for organic yoghurts, preferably without sugar, because they contain probiotics that improve the functioning of the intestines. Choose semi-fatty products, because you do not need animal fat. The new nutrition pyramid is both controversial in recommending that you only eat dairy products 1-2 times a day and including calcium supplements in your daily diet. In our country, the daily requirement for calcium is 800-1000 mg depending on age, gender, and for pregnant women - 1200. To provide 1000 mg of the element, you would have to drink almost 1 l of milk (100 g of milk equals 120 mg of calcium) or eat almost 25 grams of
feta cheese (100 g contains 500 mg of calcium). Eating such a large portion of dairy products every day is impossible for most of us, so it's better to spread it over several meals. You should also not replace dairy products with calcium supplements on your own. The doctor must always decide about it.

Red meat, white bread, sweets - very rare

This is the top of the pyramid. Red meat (pork, beef, lamb), as well as fatty poultry are very caloric products, provide a lot of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, and contribute to obesity and atherosclerosis. That is why you can only afford pork chop (after cutting the visible fat) or beef chops once a week. And if you do not belong to thin women or you have a tendency to gain weight, it is better to give up such delicacies altogether. Also, avoid hot dogs, sausages, and fatty ham. Also, sweets are not recommended because they provide empty calories. If you are craving something sweet, eat some dried fruit (not a packet!). You can also try a strip of dark chocolate (across, not along!). Chocolate provides a lot of magnesium and improves your mood, but is full of calories. At the top of the pyramid there are white pasta, bread and rice, because their nutritional value is negligible, but they are a source of a large amount of calories. Pasta cooked al dente, as well as groats and potatoes from water can be eaten more often, but without sauces and garnish. Give up fries, chips -they are greasy and difficult to digest. The chips also contain acrylamide, which is harmful to the developing baby.

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