A pregnant teen rarely visits a gynecologist in early pregnancy. Usually, a minor's pregnancy is already advanced. This is not good, because for physiological reasons it is a threatened pregnancy, which often ends in premature delivery by caesarean section. Doctors also point out the disturbing fact that for a minor mother it is also her first visit to a gynecologist.

A teenage girl is pregnantshe most often comes to the gynecologist when she is already pregnant, terrified, in the company of her mother.A pregnant minorusually does not know what is happening to her, the question "how did it happen?" Is often asked. Gynecologists confirm that usually a pregnant teenage girl has no idea about the menstrual cycle and contraception.

Teen pregnant: risks and complications of underage pregnancy

Juvenile pregnancy is inherently more risky due to the immaturity of the adolescent's body. The girl is not prepared for it. The child growing in her has great needs, and yet her body is also developing. This can cause a physical underdevelopment of the fetus. The most common complications in pregnant minors are:



pregnancy poisoning manifested by proteinuria, hypertension, edema, and this increases the risk of premature birth (between 23 and 37 weeks of pregnancy) and the birth of a newborn with low birth weight.

Teen pregnant: premature delivery and caesarean section

Teenage pregnancy is at high risk of premature birth. Why? Because pregnant minors experience very strong stress caused by the situation in which they cannot find themselves, and the fear of the reaction of their parents, teachers and the environment in which they live. This enormous pressure, physical and mental immaturity of pregnant minors very often leads to premature birth. In the case of teenage pregnancy, doctors often choose to terminate the pregnancy by caesarean section. Firstly, because these pregnancies are significantly more frequent, and secondly, because in the case of juvenile pregnancies, natural childbirth is difficult due to incomplete development of pelvic bones and maladjustment of the birth canal to childbirth by means of natural means.

Teen pregnant: the doctor reports to the prosecutor's office

Everyonea doctor, when a pregnant teenager comes to him, and he decides on the basis of a gynecological examination and an interview that the minor was fertilized before the age of 15, he is obliged to notify the prosecutor's office about this fact.
Prosecutors note that that teenagers often hide their sexual contacts and nobody knows about them, especially their parents. It also happens that their parents know about them and agree to such situations, so the case cannot be brought to the prosecutor's office. If it does, it is usually reported by the girl's parents.
