Slimming can be supported by numerous chemical compounds belonging to the group of thermogenics that occur naturally in nature. Some of them are worth reaching for in the form of supplements, while others are better included in the diet. Thermogenics accelerate metabolism and fat burning, helping you achieve your dream weight faster. In what foods can they be found and how do they work? See the list of the most effective thermogenics.

The amount of body fat can be reduced in two ways - by limiting the caloric content of the diet, i.e. creating an energy deficit, and increasing thermogenesis through exercise and eating appropriate products - thermogenics, which accelerate metabolism and fat burning.
Thermogenic - what does it actually mean?
Thermogenesisis a set of physiological and metabolic processes that generate heat and maintain a constant body temperature. Increased thermogenesis is beneficial in regulating body weight. Greater heat production means greater expenditure of energy by the body and faster access to energy reserves in the form of adipose tissue. Thermogenesis can be accelerated through physical activity, as well as substances derived from food, the so-called thermogenics.
Thermogenicsare chemical compounds naturally found in food that accelerate metabolism and slightly raise the temperature of the body's cells, which is associated with faster metabolism and better fat burning. It is worth using them in your daily diet. Some of them are exotic and available only in the form of supplements, others can be easily bought in any store. Depending on the substance used, metabolism speeds up by 10-25%. This means that while the thermogenic is working, the body, instead of using 1000 kcal for a given activity, will use 1100 or even 1250 kcal! If you don't get this extra energy with your food, it will be used up from your body fat reserves and you will move closer to your weight goal.
What to eat to speed up metabolism? [TOWIDEO]
ImportantRemember not to exceed the recommended doses of your supplements and do not take them as a solution to any weight problems. Thermogenics support the fight against excesskilograms, but the basis in this process is a rational diet and physical activity.
Where to find thermogenics?
• Garcinia cambogia
A new product on the market is Garcinia cambogia extract, which is found in Southeast Asia. Its pumpkin-shaped fruits were used in Indian natural medicine, including to treat rheumatism and improve the functioning of the heart muscle. Garcinia cambogia contains HCA hydroxycitric acid, which is responsible for its slimming properties. HCA is a well-researched and safe substance, with no side effects found. Numerous studies also show its effectiveness. The combination of a he althy diet with Garcinia cambogia extract can give spectacular results. How does hydroxycitric acid work? Apart from the fact that it increases thermogenesis, it has a number of other properties. It slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. It intensifies the transport of fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are transformed into ketone compounds that suppress appetite. It stimulates the increased production and deposition of glycogen in the liver and muscles, and also sensitizes liver glycoreceptors. The direct effect of this is sending signals to the brain informing about the body's satiety and the lack of demand for food. HCA inhibits lipogenesis, i.e. fat production. Taking Garcinia cambogia extracts, in addition to very good weight loss results, can support the treatment of atherosclerosis by reducing the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Remember, however, that no supplement, even the most effective one, exempts you from following the principles of he althy eating.
• African mango polyphenols
African mango seeds contain specific polyphenols that harmonize the work of the so-called obesity hormones - insulin and leptin. For this reason, they are a good weight loss aid, especially for people who have a dysregulated hormone balance due to diseases. Mango extract eliminates hunger pangs occurring as a result of disturbing the insulin metabolism. Its polyphenols sensitize cells to insulin and leptin - hormones responsible for gaining weight and losing weight. Moreover, African mango stimulates the secretion of leptin. Its level rises even though the body is not actually getting carbohydrates. A high level of leptin informs the hypothalamus that the body can freely dispose of energy stored in adipose tissue. As a result, lipolysis processes are intensified. Adipose tissue is reduced because oflimited supply, carbohydrates do not accumulate as a reserve substance. This mechanism, combined with an appropriate diet (preferably with carbohydrate restriction), allows you to get rid of unnecessary kilograms faster.
• Guarana
Guarana is mainly known for its presence in energy drinks. It has a stimulating effect, improves concentration and has a positive effect on thought processes. But not only. This exotic fruit from South America contains guaranine - a substance with a structure and action similar to caffeine. However, they are not the same relationships. Chemically, caffeine is trimethylxanthine (3 methyl groups linked to the purine base xanthine), while guaranine is tetramethylxanthine. This slight difference in chemical structure causes the action of guaranine to be longer than that of caffeine and it lasts for about 6 hours. During this time, the stimulation of the nervous system results in an increase in thermogenesis and an acceleration of the metabolic rate. Guarana gives the best slimming effects in combination with other herbs, such as green tea or yerba mate. If guarana is taken in the form of supplements, the recommended dose should not be exceeded, as side effects such as headaches, vomiting, loss of appetite or abdominal muscle cramps may occur. Due to its strong stimulating effect, guarana should not be used by people with hypertension, diabetes, cardiac arrhythmia, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
• Artichoke and green coffee
Both artichokes and green coffee are characterized by the presence of a compound that is responsible for stimulating the processes of lipolysis, i.e. burning stored adipose tissue. This compound is chlorogenic acid. Animal studies and few human clinical trials suggest that the use of products rich in chlorogenic acid is beneficial for weight loss. What is the mechanism of action of this compound? Chlorogenic acid stops glucose absorption at the level of enterocytes - intestinal cells through which absorption of nutrients into the blood takes place. Reduced blood sugar forces the body to trigger lipolysis to obtain glucose by burning stored fat.
• L-carnitine
L-carnitine is produced in the human body from the amino acids lysine and methionine, and it is abundant in the muscles. It is found naturally in meat and milk. Plant-based foods are very poor in it, which is why people who are slimming and athletes can obtain larger amounts of it from supplements. It is a well-researched compound with proven effects. Whatdoes L-carnitine play a role in the body? It is essential in the transport of fatty acids to the mitochondria of cells, where they are converted into energy. Working muscles get their energy mainly from fatty acids. The more L-carnitine in the body, the faster fatty acids will be transferred from the body's energy reserves and the greater amounts of spare body fat will be burned. The presence of L-carnitine prevents the formation of unnecessary reserves and reduces the already existing subcutaneous fat.
• Tea and red wine
Green and red teas are credited with the ability to accelerate fat burning. These properties are due to the presence of several active substances in the tea leaves (especially unfermented ones). The strongest of them seems to be catechins - polyphenolic compounds that act as very strong antioxidants. Catechins regulate the activity of many enzymes. They limit the activity of the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of adrenaline. More adrenaline in the bloodstream translates into an increase in thermogenesis and faster fat burning. Catechins also limit the absorption of energy ingredients from food, bind them into permanent complexes and hinder their absorption. This effect is enhanced by the natural presence of theine and phenolic acids in tea. You can also find catechins in large amounts in red wine. For people who are slimming, dry will be the best.
• Coffee
Caffeine contained in coffee beans has long been known as a stimulant and accelerates fat burning. Caffeine in an amount of more than 300 mg a day gives a thermogenic effect. This amount is contained in 3 cups of aromatic drink. However, this only applies to ground coffee. By drinking the soluble coffee, you will not get the desired effect (the caffeine content in a cup of instant coffee is half that in a cup of ground coffee, moreover, soluble coffee contains much smaller amounts of antioxidants, with which caffeine has a synergistic effect). Coffee alkaloids stimulate the cerebral cortex, keeping the body slightly tense. This results in faster work of internal organs, and thus, greater energy consumption and better fat burning.
• Spicy spices
Spices such as ginger, cinnamon, curry, chilli, cayenne pepper and garlic are rich in ingredients that create an impression of spiciness and baking. These include, for example, capsaicin, gingerol and curcumin. When you eat hot spices, your brain stimulates your body to work harder. An impulse is sent to the adrenal medulla from the brain that causes itsecretion of adrenaline responsible for faster heart rate and acceleration of metabolism. Capsaicin stimulates the receptors present in white and brown fat cells. White cells store energy, while brown cells are responsible for generating heat in the process of burning fat. Regular intake of capsaicin with food increases thermogenesis, accelerates the oxidation of fatty acids and the production of ATP. ATP is adenosine triphosphate, which is an energy carrier in the body. The bonds of adenosine with phosphorus are very energetic, the energy from their breakdown is used for the functioning of cells and carrying out all life processes. Increased ATP production is associated with better availability of energy for the body, and then less of it can be converted into adipose tissue.
• Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C
Vitamin C is a very powerful antioxidant. It protects cells against oxidative stress, slows down aging, and prevents cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. But what does it have to do with weight loss? The presence of vitamin C stimulates the production of L-carnitine, which accelerates thermogenesis. In addition, ascorbic acid is essential in the production of collagen. Collagen is responsible for the proper density and tension of the skin, which is especially important for people who are slimming. Losing weight can be associated with a slightly sagging skin effect. Increased collagen production is then extremely helpful. Vegetables and fruits are also great sources of fiber. Dietary fiber slows down the release of sugar into the blood, which slows down hunger pangs, and also binds fat and accelerates its excretion from the body.
• CLA linoleic acid
How can butter have a positive effect on weight loss? All thanks to the presence of conjugated CLA linoleic acid. There are also many dietary supplements on the market that contain this ingredient, which will be a much better solution for people on a reduction diet. In our climatic conditions, CLA linoleic acid is practically absent in food - apart from butter and cheese, it can be found in small amounts in meat. CLA has many very important functions in the body. It also has a beneficial effect in reducing body weight. Conjugated linoleic acid blocks the action of the enzyme that allows triglycerides to penetrate into the adipose tissue. It has been proven that CLA accelerates the transport of fatty acids to the mitochondria and enhances their use in the thermogenesis process.