How to strengthen male orgasm? If average sensations dominate your sex, surprise your partner with something completely new. Give him an orgasm he has never had before. These few steps will help you to strengthen your male orgasm and liven up the atmosphere in your bedroom. A sensational final is guaranteed!
Sophisticated lovers make it a point of honor to bring their partner to a wonderful orgasm. They can get the most demanding caresses to cope with this difficult task and confirm their masculinity. They don't pay much attention to their orgasm - eventually they'll achieve it anyway.
It's true that men don't have much difficulty reaching orgasm, but it is important to remember that the quality of it varies. How intense the male orgasm will be depends on several factors, the most important of which is the partner's efforts. If you want to give your man a unique orgasm this time, try these five foolproof ways.
For orgasm enhancement: perfect fellatio
Nothing gets men more exciting than fancifully performed fellatio. It doesn't matter that you donate them to your partner during each foreplay. This time, do them perfectly. In order fororal sexto end in your partner's strong orgasm, you should stimulate as many erogenous points as possible at the same time. During oral caresses of a member, move your fingertips along the scrotum suture, and then perform a gentle massage of the testicles. If you don't mind bolder caresses, you can do this maneuver with your tongue.
Then proceed to stimulate his perineum, which is the area between the scrotum and the anus. Halfway through this episode, you should feel a small dimple. Stimulate them with your finger by pressing with varying intensity. You are thus awakening the male G-spot from the outside. Move your tongue on the underside of the penis all the way to the frenulum - a thin fold of skin that connects the foreskin with the glans. It is a place that is extremely sensitive to touch. Men like to be rubbed with the tip of the tongue alternately with sweeping. You should caress the head of the penis in a circular motion, focusing primarily on the part called the crown. It is a kind of step that separates the head from the stem. This inconspicuous hollow is a source of extremely strong sensations, so sweep it carefully during fellatiolanguage.
For orgasm enhancement: "deep throat" and "warm-cold"
The tricks from the movie "Deep Throat" are extremely exciting for men. If you have no qualms about advanced caresses, try to put your penis as deeply as possible into your mouth. Push it in slowly until you can fit the entire penis in your mouth. Mastering this trick without gagging takes a lot of practice, but getting the position right - one with your mouth and throat in line - can help.
The second trick, warm-cold, will give your partner an unusual sensory experience: slide the penis out of your mouth while taking a deep breath. Once the tip is between your lips, slide it back in as you exhale warm air from your lungs. The alternating cooling and warming of the penis will surely appeal to your partner.
Once you feel your partner is close to orgasm, you can cool him down a little by doing the following trick: press with two fingers on the area between the penis and testicles and hold for a few seconds. This should stop ejaculation for a while. Another effective method is to hold your hand firmly on the penis about 3 cm below the head. Hold the penis for about 10 seconds, then move your hand towards the root as if to withdraw the semen. When the strong excitement has passed, you can start caressing again.
To strengthen your orgasm: tighten your Kegel muscles around your penis
Strong Kegel muscles in a woman is a condition for a man to achieve an intense orgasm. If you want to strengthen your partner's sensations during intercourse, tighten your Kegel muscles as he enters you. At the moment of your partner's climax in the classic position (or any other position where the man is on top), tighten the Kegel muscles around your penis and "pull" him in as deeply as you can. Hold the hug as your partner withdraws from you. Naturally, he will do it slowly, which will only prolong his delight.
To enhance his orgasm: pull his hips down
In order to strengthen your and your partner's sensations, you should tightly tighten the Kegel muscles around your penis as you lift up and relax them when you come back to the starting position. Your movement should look as if you want to pull out your penis and bring it upright only by the strength of your muscles. Try to vary the pace of lifting by alternating a series of fast and slow movements. Just before your partner's orgasm, pull his hips towards you and pull your penis firmly inside using the strength of your Kegel muscles.
For orgasm enhancement: passionate waves
Do this only when your partner is close to orgasm.Ask him to make slow, deep thrusts and give you control of intercourse. Rhythmically tighten your Kegel muscles as your penis enters you and relax as it retreats. Just before ejaculation, contractions should be as fast and strong as possible so that your muscles move like a wave. Your partner will go crazy with pleasure!
For orgasm enhancement: G spot massage
The male G-spot is located deep inside the anus, on the inside wall, about 5 cm from the sphincter. It can be stimulated in two ways: from the outside - by firmly pressing your fingers on the groove in the perineum or through the anus - by inserting the finger 5 cm deep and moving it, similar to stimulating the G-spot in a woman (as if you wanted to summon someone). Caressing the G-spot just before orgasm greatly enhances its intensity. However, take into account the fact that male G-spot stimulation is not a normal caress and may not be enjoyable for inexperienced partners at all.