Pseudoephedrine is found in many cold medications. It effectively relieves its troublesome symptoms, but is pseudoephedrine always safe?
Pseudoephedrineisa derivative of ephedrinefound in nature (it is obtained from a herb calledEphedra ). Pseudoephedrine is a sympathomimetic, a substance that acts directly on the receptors in the mucosa of the airways. It is used in inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, sinusitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and rhinitis. In over-the-counter medications, it is in the form of hydrochloride or sulfate. It can be an independent drug or an additive to painkillers, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Pseudoephedrine: action
Pseudoephedrinedilates the bronchial tubesso it makes breathing easier. Orally administered, it reduces nasal congestion. It constricts blood vessels, thusreduces swelling of the mucosa . After taking the drug, within 15-30 minutes (it is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract), the airway patency improves and the sinuses and nose are cleansed more easily.
The effect ofpseudoephedrinelasts for 3-4 hours , and that from long-acting drugs - up to 12 hours.
Pseudoephedrinecan improve hearing performance , e.g. equalize pressure in the middle ear during an airplane flight or diving. Some experts suggest thatcan be helpful in combating stress urinary incontinence.
Drugdoes not make you drowsy .
Pseudoephedrinealleviates symptoms of viral infectionsbut does not treat the underlying cause or speed up recovery.
Pseudoephedrine: side effects
Asephedrine derivativehas a similar, but much weaker effect. Nevertheless, maybe:
- raise blood pressure
- accelerate your heart rate
- provoke rhythm disturbances
Overdosed ongives the symptoms typical of Parkinson's disease. It is sometimes the cause of urine retention in men. It acts on the central nervous system, causing:
- headaches
- nausea
- arousal
- sleep disturbance
- muscle tremors
- itching
- rash
- dry skin
Drugdilates the pupils , photosensitivity appears, sometimes delayed reaction and concentration disorders.Abuse of pseudoephedrineprovokes Raynaud's phenomenon, i.e. fingers and toes turn pale and blue under the influence of cold or stress.
You are using pseudoephedrine - be careful
Drugs containing pseudoephedrineshould be used for no more than 3-5 days . Taken from:
- some antidepressants can lead to an increase in blood pressure
- with antihypertensive drugs - weaken their effect
- with antacids - increase the absorption of pseudoephedrine
People taking acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in the so-called in cardiac doses, they need to know that pseudoephedrine neutralizes the antiplatelet effect of ASA.
The substance must not be administered to children under 2 years of age, and in extended-release tablets also to children under 12 years of age.
During the treatment nYou must not drink coffee or beverages with caffeine , because this combination increases the effect of pseudoephedrine.
With alcohol, the substance forms a metabolite that is highly toxic to the liver.
Without the consent of the doctor, pseudoephedrine must not be taken with:
- hypertension
- coronary heart disease
- diabetes
- hyperthyroidism
- prostatic hyperplasia
- during pregnancy and lactation
Pseudoephedrine - Sales Restrictions
As of July 1, 2015, only one package of over-the-counter medication containing pseudoephedrine, dextromethorphan or codeine can be purchased. What's more, a pharmacist can only dispense a drug containing any of these substances to an adult.
In addition, it may refuse to sell it if it believes that the drug may be used for non-medical purposes or pose a threat to he alth and life.
Read also:
- Cetirizine
- Amphetamine
- Codeine
The text comes from the monthly "Zdrowie"
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