- Robot da Vinci - how does it work?
- The da Vinci robot - what operations can be performed with its help?
- Robot da Vinci - benefits of the procedure
- Robot da Vinci - is it really safe?
- Robot da Vinci - this technology is considered the future of modern surgery
The da Vinci robot is a surgical device that makes it easier for doctors to perform operations. The da Vinci robot enables precise execution of complex surgical procedures, especially in hard-to-reach places of the body. However, these are not the only advantages of the robot. Check how the da Vinci robot works.
Robot da Vinciis a surgical device that was developed by Intuitive Surgical Inc. of Sunnyvale, California (USA) in the late 1990s. The first da Vinci robot treatment was performed in 2001. It was a teleoperation - professor Jacques Marescaux, visiting New York, removed the gallbladder of a patient lying on the operating table in Strasbourg. In turn, the first operation in Poland using the da Vinci robot was carried out in the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Wrocław in December 2010. The surgery was performed on a 71-year-old man suffering from colorectal cancer.
There are only 2 such robots in Poland - in the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Wrocław and in the Specialist City Hospital in Toruń. For comparison - in Germany there are 48, in the Czech Republic and Romania - 9. In addition, Poland is the only EU country where treatments using the da Vinci robot are not reimbursed by the National He alth Fund.
Robot da Vinci - how does it work?
The da Vinci robot consists of two parts - a medical robot and a surgical console. Both devices are a little apart from each other. During the operation, the surgeon is not at the robot, he does not operate the patient directly, but sits at the console and uses it (specifically, the control levers) to control the device. In the glasses of the console, the surgeon has a preview of the part of the body being operated on - in three dimensions, high definition HD, natural colors, and even 20 times magnification.
The da Vinci robot costs 1.5 million to 2.5 million dollars
In turn, the medical robot consists of four arms. Three of them are equipped with various surgical tools - scalpels, forceps, sewing vices, scissors, etc. On the fourth there is an endoscopic camera that sends the image of the operated person to the console. It is worth knowing that the robot, apart from the image, sends the doctor information about flexibility, pressure and resistance of the operated patients.tissues.
The da Vinci robot - what operations can be performed with its help?
With the help of the da Vinci robot, you can perform operations in the range of:
- general surgery (e.g. treatment of gallbladder diseases, esophageal achalasia, obesity)
- vascular surgery (e.g. coronary revascularization, i.e. expansion and restoration of the narrowed coronary vessel)
The robot is named after Leonardo da Vinci, considered a pioneer of robotics.
- oncological surgery (tumor excision)
- proctology (e.g. colectomy - partial or complete removal of the large intestine)
- urology (e.g. prostatectomy - removal of the prostate gland, cystectomy - removal of the bladder, nephrectomy, i.e. removal of the kidney)
- of gynecology (e.g. hysterectomy - removal of the uterus)
- cardiac surgery (e.g. mitral valve repair, insertion of by-passes)
- transplantology (e.g. kidney or liver donation)
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The da Vinci robot enables precise execution of complex surgical procedures, especially in hard-to-reach places of the body. All this thanks to the twenty-fold enlargement of the operated place and the vibration elimination system (even if the doctor who operates with the console really shakes his hand, it will not disturb the robot's work). Da Vinci robot operations mean minimal surgical trauma, little blood loss and quick recovery. The robot only pierces the body, making small-sized incisions at the same time. Therefore, it is not necessary to cut the skin to operate on a patient. As a result, he loses 10 times less blood than in the case of traditional surgery, and thus - blood transfusions are less frequent. In addition, after the operation, the patient feels less pain, and thus - needs less painkillers. Therefore, the operation using the da Vinci robot is associated with a lower burden for the patient. In addition, postoperative complications are minimized and the recovery time and full fitness are significantly shortened. For example, in robotic prostate surgery, the patient has a greater chance of retaining potency and regains sexual function faster than in open surgery (with the latter, the recovery lasts 440 days, with da Vinci robot surgery - 180 days). In 2009, 30-year-old Erin Izumi from Tacoma (Washington,USA) underwent surgery performed with the da Vinci robot to cure endometriosis. Ten days after surgery, doctors discovered that her colon and rectum had been torn apart during surgery. It turns out that this is not an isolated incident. According to the data published in the journal "The Journal for He althcare Quality", from January 2000 to August 2012, thousands of robot failures were reported to the FDA, the American Food and Drug Administration. Data from the journal also shows that 174 injuries and 71 deaths occurred after the da Vinci surgeries. Source: "24 HOURS online.pl" Source: Lifestyle.newseria.plRobot da Vinci - benefits of the procedure
Robot da Vinci - is it really safe?
Robot da Vinci - this technology is considered the future of modern surgery