Pheromones are chemicals by which individuals of different species of animals communicate with each other. However, the reason why pheromones are mentioned the most often is because of their influence on sexual desire, also in humans. Read what pheromones are, how they work and find out if they are effective.
Pheromonesare volatile chemical compounds most often composed of several substances with one dominant component. Scientists have been interested in their influence on emotions and human desire for a very long time. For the fact that we can find their presence in the air, or rather around the person we feel the so-called mint, is to correspond to the nose-share organ (abbreviated VNO, from Englishvomeronasal organ ). Its existence was discovered in 1703 or 1724 (opinions are divided) Dutch physician Frederick Ruysch. He argued that the organ only occurs in animals and not in humans. Scientists who studied the issue of pheromones later added that humans have the organ responsible for "sensing" them in utero, but later it disappears. It turned out that they were also wrong.
Pheromones - what do scientists say about them?
Until today, research on the existence or absence of the nose-nose organ in humans is continued - it turns out that some have it and others do not. Such results were brought, among others, by research conducted in 1985 by scientists from Cardiff University on … human corpses, and more specifically - their nasal septum1 . The presence of VNO was observed in 37 percent of the subjects who underwent dissection.
Research on pheromones was also carried out by Polish scientists from the Military Medical Institute in 20072 . They examined 634 people of different sexes who were patients of the Department of Otolaryngology of the Military Institute of Medicine. It turned out that the existence of a nose-nose organ was found in 49.12% of the respondents, the organ was more common in men than in women, but there was no correlation between the presence of the organ and the age of the respondents. The researchers also asked those patients who experienced VNO about their erotic experiences. The results were interesting, though difficult to interpret. More than 27 percent of respondents confirmed that their excitement is accompanied by "strange" feelings in the nose that are difficult for them to define. People without a nose-nose organobserved a similar relationship in only 2.79 percent of the cases.
According to one theory, the hair on the head and pubic hair are responsible for the spread of our natural pheromones.
Pheromones were also taken care of by scientists from China, more specifically from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Psychology3 . Professor Zhou Wen conducted research on as many as four groups: heterosexual women, bisexual and homosexual women (in one group) and heterosexual and homosexual men. They were shown a human silhouette on the screen, consisting of 12 luminous points that corresponded to specific joints, and a further 3 points representing the head, pelvis and chest. During the experiment, its participants were exposed to the male (androstadienone) and female (estratetraenol) pheromones, as well as a preparation that did not contain any pheromones. All substances smelled like cloves. It turned out that women who were exposed to the male pheromone assessed the gait of the figure as male, while in heterosexual men under the influence of the male pheromone such a relationship was not found. The same heterosexual men exposed to the female pheromone saw the body as female, while heterosexual women who were exposed to the same pheromone did not. Homosexual men reacted to what they saw as heterosexual women, and the response of homosexual and bisexual women ranged between heterosexual men and women.
An interesting study related to the effects of pheromones is also mentioned in his book "Skin. A Fascinating Story"4Dr. med. Yael Adler, a German dermatologist and nutritionist. Scientists sprayed male and female pheromones in a spray (because pheromones can also be produced artificially, see below) on the chairs placed in the room. Then they invited women and men to join her and asked to take seats - it turned out that the ladies were attracted by chairs strewn with male pheromones, and men - as you can guess - female ones.
Worth knowingDo pheromones smell? How do we pick them up?
Pheromones, contrary to popular opinion, do not have a smell, unless they are in a very high concentration, but even then it is very delicate. Another surprise is the fact that the VNO organ, by means of which we sense their presence, is located in the nose - there are two openings to it, located on both sides of the nasal septum. How is it that we perceive the effects of pheromones? The impulses that flow from the nose-nose organ reach the brain, more specifically the hypothalamus, which plays important functionssecretory. So the hypothalamus is stimulated and the "smell" of pheromones is picked up.
Action of pheromones
The name "pheromones" was created in 1959 by Peter Karlson and Martin Lüscher. It is worth adding, however, that it was supposed to denote substances thanks to which individuals of one species relate to each other, but it did not apply specifically to humans. Although several decades have passed since then, pheromones still remain a mystery to us, and scientists from the most prestigious universities (Berkeley University, Skanska University) are wondering about their operation and existence. Because although there are studies that confirm the effect of pheromones on some individuals, there are no specific theses yet about how this mechanism should look exactly. The presence of two human pheromones has certainly been confirmed - maleandrostadienone (vomeropherin)andfemale estratetraenol , but their effects are not fully understood. The experiments use those advertised by various types of producers, but the prevailing opinion is that in humans the process of choosing a partner is more complicated than in animals - we complicate it in some way, because in our case not only chemistry plays a role, but also feelings and intellect. .
The name "pheromone" comes from Greek - "ferein" means "carries", and "horme" means "stimulation".
The action and existence of pheromones has been best studied among insects - in their case, apart from sex pheromones, significant territory was identified, aggregating (causing individuals to gather in one place) and distracting (having the opposite effect: keeping individuals at a distance from myself). It is not that easy with mammals, and with humans - the hardest. The most famous research on the effects of human pheromones was carried out in 1971 by Martha McClintock in a women's prison in Chicago - it showed that pheromones synchronize the menstrual cycles of groups of women staying together for a long time in one place. There is also a pheromone responsible for the child's attachment to the parent, and even for the fact that the child is able to recognize the parent's gender or for the greater attachment of mothers to their sons and fathers to their daughters.
The same Martha McClintock stated that in men's sweat and breath there are substances that affect women. Pheromones affecting humans are to be in the sweat and urine and influence our subconsciousness so that, as it were, without the participation of the will (intellect), we start to associate a given person as sexually attractive, and we receive signals from him about being ready to have intercourse. On the other hand, with the help of pheromones (natural andartificial) we are also supposed to become more attractive bites for the opposite sex (or the same sex in the case of homosexuals).
Worth knowingHow are artificial pheromones made?
Artificial pheromones are produced in special laboratories. First, the process of their separation from other substances takes place - distillation takes place in steam containers, first the dissolving substance is separated, then the alcohol. The alcohol is then condensed, and the pheromones are distilled and crystallized again. The last stage of production is filtration to increase their efficiency.
Artificial pheromones - composition and action
Although research on pheromones in humans is ongoing, there are preparations for men and women on the market that help them transform into ideal candidates for sexual partners. Among the substances present in artificial pheromones, the following are distinguished:
- androstenol
Androstenol is a pheromone designed for men to "attract" women. Scientific research has shown the presence of this substance in sweat and urine, especially in men. Women produce it before ovulation, in the follicular phase. Though a more appropriate statement would be "boys" and "girls", since in humans this pheromone is present only during adolescence. Androstenol is supposed to make men who used the preparation more attractive in the eyes of women, but other men get out of their way. The substance is supposed to improve the mood of women and influence their sexual arousal. Men avoid toilets sprayed with it (because the area has been marked), but they read magazines with its layer on it willingly - they perceive them as more masculine. Men themselves are much less sensitive to the effects of androstenol than women.
- androstenone
Androstenone is also a male pheromone ( although, unlike androstenol, it is also used to a lesser extent by women), so strong that it is associated with aggression - apparently people in prisons have a higher concentration of it in the body than others. Androstenone is one of the components of human saliva, sweat and urine. 80 percent of women are to be sensitive to its effects, although this sensitivity depends on the phase of the cycle and the use of contraceptive pills. Androstenone not only attracts ladies, but also acts on men who become more friendly towards a given man. Androstenone is sprayed on hard-to-sell cinemas because they are more likely to be chosen by women and gays.
Most artificial pheromones are intended for men.
- androsteron
Androsterone is advertised as a pheromone that "signals the winner" and increases the effectiveness of other pheromones. It also belongs to the male pheromones, produced exclusively by humans, it is supposed to eliminate the negative - aggressive nature of androstenone. Men, under the influence of adrenaline, produce more of it, but their level decreases with age. Therefore, the use of androsterone is recommended for mature men.
- androstadienone
Androstadienone is produced by women and men (by the latter in greater amounts). The content of the substance was detected in urine, semen, sweat and armpit hair. Androstadienone is supposed to be a unique pheromone that influences emotions, increases heart rate and respiration rate. However, it only works between a man and a woman, not between people of the same sex.
- estratetraenol
This, in turn, is a female pheromone with an estrogen-like structure, found in women in the third trimester of pregnancy. It is supposed to make ladies sexier and more seductive in the eyes of men. This pheromone also enhances sexual arousal in both sexes. Estratetraenol improves a man's mood, increases his ability to concentrate, increases energy levels and reduces fatigue.
- domes
Copulins are found in a woman's vaginal secretions and have an effect similar to estratraenol - they make ladies more attractive in the eyes of men. To such an extent that they increase testosterone levels in men by 150 percent. The amount of secreted pheromones is to be greater in the fertile period.
Oxytocin is also advertised as a pheromone, i.e. love hormone.
This will be useful to youHow to use artificial pheromones?
- Apply pheromones several minutes before putting on clothes.
- It doesn't matter what time of day you use them.
- Pheromones last from 4 to 6 hours.
- The substances last longer on oily and combination skin than on dry skin.
- Spread the pheromones in places such as the neck, wrists, knees bends, elbows bends, for women - the space between the breasts.
- Do not rub the substance on the body as this may damage the epidermis.
Are pheromones effective?
There are studies like the one above that prove that some pheromones have an effect on some people. It should be noted, however, that the effects of pheromones on humans are constantly being tested. The situation is different with online forums and producers of artificial pheromones - on thesethe first ones have positive opinions about the substances they have purchased, and the producers are sure about the effectiveness of their inventions.
What are the effects of pheromones? First of all, they are to seduce other people, which is to be manifested with buttery eyes directed at the sprayed person, "accidental" touching, surreptitious glances, and sexual allusions. Once there is sexual intercourse, it will be full of passion.
Pheromones are believed to influence sexual relations, but also in a more general sense - interpersonal. Whoever sprinkles himself with pheromones is to be listened to more attentively by other people and to be shown more respect. According to some theories, others may even unknowingly imitate his gestures and manner of speaking.
Worth knowingHow much do pheromones cost?
Pheromones are not cheap - their price often exceeds what we would spend on perfumes. Their cost depends primarily on the type of pheromone, but also on its capacity. On average, a 1-ml sample costs PLN 50, a preparation with a capacity of 15 ml - PLN 150, and a 40-ml product - over PLN 400. The prices of pheromones for men and women are the same.
1. Access to the research results of Welsh scientists at:
2. Access to the study of Polish scientists at:
3. Access to the study by Chinese scientists at: S0960982214003273% 3Fshowall% 3Dtrue & cc=y=.
4. Access to a fragment of the book on the website: