You are a woman. What? Sexy, beautiful, gorgeous? Do you deserve love and respect? If in doubt, we'll tell you how to feel sexy, beautiful, love-worthy and the best of everything.
Do you feel gorgeous,sexy and beautiful ? Do you think you deserveloveand respect, or do you accept humiliation and even violence? You are in bad relationships, dissatisfied with yourself, you often suffer. A lot depends on what pattern of femininity your mother gave you. If she considered herself sexy and beautiful, worthy of love and respect, and dad respected her and treated her with affection - you are lucky. If, in addition, dad saw in you a beautiful, respectable and loving womanhood - you had it like in paradise. Such miracles, unfortunately, do not happen often. We advise you how to deal with difficult experiences and feel a beautiful, sexy, wonderful and loving woman.
I deserve love - the strength of my roots
If a girl sees loving parents who respect each other, she will want the same for herself in life. If she left home with a sense of self-esteem, respect for herself and for others, she will be able to enter into relationships with other people that will not disturb her value system. More importantly, they will be rewarding, creative, upbuilding. But home experiences can have a devastating effect on life. Women whose mothers were despotic, disciplining, dominant over their husbands, did not respect other people, may have problems with establishing proper interpersonal relationships. If they have heard from their mothers or fathers that they are worth little, ugly, that they can do nothing, they will be inclined to assume the role of a victim in life. They will be ready to blame themselves for the failure of their children at school, for their husband's troubles at work, even for being cheated on. And often for being victims of domestic violence.
Self-love - boundaries of duties
Many women act against each other without setting a limit to the responsibilities they assume. They agree to be exploited by their husbands and children. And although they know it is destroying them, they don't oppose it. It is a tormented and martyred woman. Usually women do this out of fear of loneliness, of being rejected, often becausethey have no education and are afraid that they will not earn their livelihood, and often also because of their unconscious desire to be irreplaceable - "without me everything will collapse". But it also happens that women are ready to endure various humiliations just to keep a man with them. Most of the time they were brought up that way. Yes, they do complain, say they can't cope, but they don't try to alleviate their plight. It happens that the form of defense is constantly grumbling, making sharp remarks, abusing children and often depression. Fortunately, more and more women do not want to be just housework robots.
ImportantMinitest of a fulfilled woman
Select sentences that match you.
- I often smile at my reflection in the mirror.
- I sometimes refuse to help my friends.
- I take care of my appearance.
- I have plans for the future.
- I usually sleep well.
- I had a happy childhood.
- I like having sex.
- I have a close person I can trust.
- In my house, everyone has some responsibilities.
- I'm an attractive woman
If you marked at least 8 sentences, you are a satisfied woman.
A woman in pursuit of youth
The pursuit of the ideal of beauty, which is shaped by television and color magazines, can also have a devastating influence. A woman who has not acquired self-esteem at home, whom her mother has not taught to care for herself, to have her own style, will quickly fall into the trap of fashion dictates. This will become the goal of her life - to have breasts of the right size, sufficiently prominent lips, etc. If a woman is not mentally strong, she will easily believe color magazines that since she is wearing a size 44 and not 38 - she is fat and unattractive. This is a dangerous trap - to build self-esteem only on perfect appearance. Hence, among other things, the breakdowns, bitterness, and depressive states of women in their 50s, mature and beautiful, but not accepting the changes brought about by time. And they are inevitable.
A fulfilled woman - striving for balance
It can be built in every sphere of life, regardless of the we alth of the wallet or past life experiences. You can still live as a victim of parents, educators, the so-called difficult past, and explain everything about it, and you can avoid demons, face them, disenchanting their influence on our lives. It is not about not having difficult moments, whims, whims, and avoiding going to the beautician or hairdresser. Rather, it is important not to expect an ideal life, an ideal husband, ideal children, not to chase after youth when it is passing away, becauseit leads to frustration and takes away the joy of life. It is important to keep a distance to yourself, to your loved ones and to what the fashion dictates. And - most importantly - consciously build your life, taking into account your personal abilities and limitations. Respect yourself and demand respect from others, refrain from being mistreated and humiliated.
ImportantFemininity - reorganization campaign
Do you feel hemmed in by piling up responsibilities? Are all domestic matters on your head? It was like that in your family house, is it like that in the one created by you? Think how much you lose because of it. If you have thought to change, you will need support. They can be given by a friend, a wise therapist, someone who will help you acquire one of the most valuable skills in life, i.e. assertiveness.
Assertiveness is the wise definition of boundaries, setting goals, taking care of your needs and not being manipulated. If you dare to tell your family that you will not be doing all the chores at home alone, you will set yourself free. You will gain your own respect, the space needed for self-realization, and this will allow you to build your new identity. At first, the family will rebel because no one likes to change and put on responsibilities, but with time they will accept your new conditions. What's more, your new attitude will gain recognition and respect from your relatives.
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