Divorce is nothing more than a judicial dissolution of a marriage. Couples decide to break up for various reasons - the cause of divorce may be both treason and some addiction in one of the spouses. Read about in which cases the court can grant a divorce and in which not. Also, find out how much does a divorce cost and what is the difference between divorce and separation. Find out about the possible consequences of divorce for the psyche of both divorced people and their children.
Divorceis almost commonplace in modern times. This is the sad reality - more and more married couples decide to finally break up on the path ofdivorce . Although Poland is not in the forefront of countries with the highest number of divorces, the breakdowns of marriages are not at all rare in our country. It turns out that as many as 70,000 Polish marriages get divorced annually.
- When the court decides to divorce?
- When will the court not pronounce the divorce?
- How much does a divorce cost?
- Divorce and separation
- Common causes of divorce
- Consequences of divorce
When the court decides to divorce?
In Poland, the conditions under which a divorce may be granted are set out in the Family and Guardianship Code. The basic aspect that is required for the judicial dissolution of a marriage is the permanent and complete breakdown of the marriage. But what are we talking about here?Marriage is considered on three levels: spiritual, physical and economic.
The first two of these are basically quite clear: the termination of a marriage can be said when the emotional bond between the spouses has disappeared and when they no longer undertake intercourse. The most interesting, however, is the last of the aforementioned aspects of married life - the economic aspect. It is not uncommon for spouses to meet even with new partners, and at the same time still live together in one house or apartment. In such a situation, the economic dimension of marriage does not cease, but it is not a situation that prevents divorce. The court may in this case order a divorce when the dimensioneconomic marital life does not cease for reasons such as, for example, the inability of the spouse to move out of the apartment, for example due to financial reasons.
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When will the court not pronounce the divorce?
There are certain situations where a court will not order a divorce even if the criteria for termination of marriage are met. Of course, divorce cases are considered individually, but there are certain universal aspects that prevent divorce. This is primarily about situations where:
- divorce could lead to unfavorable phenomena in children - e.g. a significant deterioration of their financial situation or serious mental problems;
- the divorce is filed by the spouse whose fault the marriage has ended, while the other spouse does not consent to the dissolution of the marriage;
- divorce and its consequences would be inconsistent with the rules of social coexistence - here we are talking about a situation where one of the spouses becomes seriously ill and in fact, after the marriage is dissolved, no one would have to take care of this man.
How much does a divorce cost?
The fee for a petition for divorce or separation is PLN 600, and a compatible application for a legal separation is PLN 100.
Divorce and separation
The difference between divorce and separation is fundamental - divorce, according to a court decision, dissolves the marriage. Divorce is decided on the basis of an application by both or one of the spouses. Separation, on the other hand, is the annulment of the conjugal community. In order to obtain a divorce, it is necessary to recognize that the spouses have permanently and completely broken down the marriage, in the event of a separation "it is sufficient" to completely break down the marriage. Most importantly, after divorce, you can get married again, separation does not give you that option.
Common causes of divorce
Just as marriages and their rules and feelings can be extremely varied, so are the causes of divorce. The most common reason a relationship breaks up is because of betrayal. There are, however, a number of other factors through which people decide to end - sometimes even a long-term - relationship. Among them you can mention:
- non-conformities of character;
- domestic violence (both physical and mental);
- various addictions (the cause of divorce can be both the addiction of one of the partners to psychoactive substances, and a completely different type of addiction, e.g. workaholism);
- financial problems.
Consequences of divorce
1. Psychological aspects
Divorce causes the formal ties between spouses to cease to exist. This is the obvious and essentially expected effect of dissolving a marriage, but few people think about the impact of divorce on the human psyche.
There is a so-called a list of the most acute events that a person can experience in a lifetime - divorce ranks among the top. While marriage is a different bond from that which exists between a parent and a child, that does not mean that it is less durable. After all, it is the very awareness that you have a spouse that can have a significant impact on a person's sense of life stability. The partner is the one we go to after an exhausting day at work, he will comfort us when one of the family members dies or support us in any other situation in which we need it.
You might think that happy people don't get divorced - if a decision is made to end the relationship, then probably the marriage did not give the above-mentioned stability. Theoretically and yes - stuck in an unsatisfactory relationship that is the source of problems is very difficult, but one aspect should be emphasized - such a partner, even if imperfect, is just next to it.
After the divorce, this partner is gone. Just knowing this can be disheartening - the spouse is ultimately alone. This is what can be the source of, above all, overwhelming sadness, but not only that. Divorce is one of the risk factors for various mental disorders, especially depression and various anxiety disorders. The dissolution of a marriage can also contribute to problems such as addiction to psychoactive substances - such drugs as, for example, alcohol, can be treated as an illusory way to chase away unpleasant anxiety and sadness. Going through a divorce, which is also impossible not to mention, also increases the risk of committing suicide - sometimes suicidal behavior is treated as an attempt to persuade the other spouse to return to the relationship, and sometimes the divorced person falls into such deep despair that he simply ceases to see the next the meaning of your life.
2. Economic aspects
Divorce is often associated with it as welleconomic consequences. There are situations where in a marriage one spouse works and the other looks after the house. After a divorce, the situation usually has to change - the person who has so far cared for the privacy of the home has to go to work. Such a necessity is a challenge, but also a significant burden for the psyche - after all, it can be a completely new situation and it is simply difficult for many people to face it. These aspects may further increase the risk of various mental disorders developing after divorce.
3. The impact of the parents' separation on the child
Dissolution of marriage affects both spouses and their children. Children endure their parents' divorce in different ways - some of them, after some time, manage to find themselves quite well in the new situation, while others endure it much worse. It is not without reason that the parents' separation is mentioned as a risk factor for mental disorders in children and adolescents. Young patients may fall into depressive disorders or develop anxiety disorders. The risk of abuse and addiction to psychoactive substances is significantly increased in them, in addition, various behavioral disorders can also appear in children.
Worth knowingCan divorce be beneficial?
Divorce can definitely be a source of all sorts of problems, but that doesn't mean it's always bad. It happens that the spouses split up in complete agreement - they simply realize that something has gone wrong between them and they decide to build their lives anew. Such a situation is beneficial, because it allows you to start looking for a partner with whom life will actually become much more colorful.
There is also a chance that - after some time - also in those who experienced significant bitterness and low mood after the marriage was dissolved, it will eventually turn out that this decision was indeed the right one. You could say that some divorces just have to "get sick". Ultimately, it may turn out that someone who relied solely on his spouse, when he is to take his life into his own hands, copes with it perfectly, and besides, he begins to notice his own worth much more.
Sometimes marriages are concluded too early in the relationship, in other cases it turns out (even years later) that there is not really the famous chemistry between the partners. In such a situation, divorce and looking for a new partner can actually be beneficial and allow you to find the only and right life companion. However, it is always part of a divorceapproach slowly and calmly - such a serious decision should be made only after very careful consideration, because it will allow you to avoid making a potential mistake, the effects of which will be difficult to undo.
About the authorBow. Tomasz NęckiA graduate of medicine at the Medical University of Poznań. An admirer of the Polish sea (most willingly strolling along its shores with headphones in his ears), cats and books. In working with patients, he focuses on always listening to them and spending as much time as they need.