Your child doesn't want to go to school or kindergarten? Reluctance to go to school does not have to be a sign of laziness. This is how school phobia can manifest, accompanied by vomiting, low-grade fever, headaches, and diarrhea. What are the causes of school phobia and how to help a child?
Everyone has undoubtedly had days when going to school or kindergarten seemed the worst possible idea. However, when the reluctance to school or kindergarten becomes a constant feeling, andchildstrongly and categorically refuses to go to her, when the attempts made by parents and teachers do not help, and the child complains of he alth problems - it could beschool phobia .
School phobia: neurosis found in students
School phobia is one of the neuroses of children related to the school environment, the requirements and obligations set there. So if every morning a child feels unwell, "pretends to be sick," and looks for an excuse to stay at home, then the parents have cause for concern. This behavior between the ages of five and ten means that the child experiences a paralyzing fear of leaving the house - a safer haven.
When going to school for the first time, every child, even those with an enthusiastic attitude, experiences anxiety. It is the fear of the unknown which is school. Most students get used to these fears and anxieties in a short time. However, there are children who cannot cope with "taming the unknown".
Then the anxiety related to separation from parents and the stress resulting from finding a new, strange environment may turn into a school phobia. This neurosis can develop slowly and unnoticed.
The essence of this neurosis is the total refusal (and also even physical inability) to go to school. At the same time, protests before going to school usually appear for the first time after a summer vacation, a short illness or a stressful event such as a move for a child.

Don't ignore complaints
This irrational fear occurs in children attending nursery, kindergarten and kindergarten, but it reaches its greatest intensity in the first graders. Characteristic in children suffering from school phobia are morning complaints of headache,throat or stomach. Most of these symptoms usually disappear after a few hours - if the parents let their child stay home, of course.
They are also often accompanied by the expression of a whole series of messages by the child, with the help of which the child tries to justify his reluctance to school. Parents may hear that the lessons are too difficult, the teachers are not fair and their classmates are stupid. However, underestimating such behavior and forcing them to go to school is not a good solution. Such treatment of a child may lead to exacerbation of symptoms and worsening of neurosis.
Every sixth child avoids using the school toilet. The problem is the level of cleanliness and the lack of basic equipment
The condition of toilets in Polish schools is far from ideal. Children complain about inconvenience in using school bathrooms - the toilet is dirty, toilet paper, towels or soap are missing. They prefer to wait until they can use the toilet at home or at a friend's.
The POSITIVE NOTE civic campaign hit schools all over the country. Anna Zapał - mother of Nikodem and Anna Bartoszewska, a teacher from Primary School No. 52 in the capital city of Targówek, told Michał Poklękowski about what the action is and what the main goal is. Do children in Poland lack the attention of teachers? Hear:
ImportantFactors contributing to the emergence of phobias:
- negative attitude of the teacher, which becomes a source of anxiety for the child
- emotional disorders, speech impediments, dyslexia, disability
- conflicts at home
- financial problems
- stressful events: loss of a beloved four-legged friend, death in the family, change of residence, kindergarten, school.
School phobia requires treatment by a specialist
First of all, at the beginning, try to distinguish between school phobia and an excuse for ordinary truancy. Since the physical symptoms - all kinds of pains - are non-specific and may be indicative of other diseases, it may seem difficult. If you suspect school phobia, you should seek specialist advice as soon as possible - it is best to consult a psychiatrist. If a child plagued by anxiety does not receive professional help, the consequence may be a disturbance in the normal rhythm of education, as well as the child's social development. A pediatrician who takes care of the child may refer to a child psychiatrist. According to specialists, any case of irrational fear of school is amenable to therapy. If a child gets the help of a doctor, parents and educators, he has a great chance of recovery.
Is this a school phobia?
Child suffering from school phobia:
- tries by all means to obtain parental consent to leave the class, also resorting to manipulation
- usually likes school - careful, compulsory and thorough, but afraid of going to school because of anxiety
- worries about school and parenting matters
- suffers from he alth problems when he has to attend school
- reluctantly leaves the house, still wants to be with her parents
The most common physical symptoms of school phobia:
- abdominal pains and cramps
- headaches and dizziness
- stomach discomfort: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
- accelerated heartbeat
- low fever
What distinguishes school phobia from truancy?
Wagarowicz - simulator:
- tries to hide school absences from her parents
- has no fear of going to school
- often cheats
- he rarely mentions physical ailments
- willingly goes away after school
- is heavily influenced by peers