According to the assumptions of Gest alt psychotherapy, a person has a fundamental influence on his fate. With the therapist's support, he is able to find answers to the questions that bother him and to develop his own ways of coping with the difficulties he experiences (this is the so-called creative adaptation). Natural resources from his mind, body and emotions are helpful in this. The increasing popularity of the Gest alt approach has made it one of the most important psychological trends in recent years. Who can Gest alt help and how?
As part of theGest alt psychotherapyit is possible to work effectively with a variety of problems, including both temporary crises and serious disorders such as neurosis, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, addiction.
Its universality results from the specificity of the method. According to the research results, the relationship between the therapist and the patient is one of the most important factors influencing the effectiveness of psychotherapy, regardless of the method used. In Gest alt therapy, a lot of attention is paid to the therapeutic relationship. The training program for Gest alt therapists places great emphasis on the ability to stay in touch and create relationships with people who come to the office with various areas of suffering.
Gest alt therapy also helps you work on common problems such as difficult emotions, relationship complications, feelings of pointlessness or dissatisfaction in certain areas - that is, everything that interferes with life and worsens its quality. The course of therapeutic work depends on the specific client. If the crisis is temporary, the therapy may close after just a few meetings. This time increases with the depth of the problem, and in some cases therapeutic work may last even several years.
Gest alt psychotherapy is also often chosen as a tool for personal development, helpful in building greater awareness of oneself in relations with others and with the world, improving the quality of life. You can use it at any time, not necessarily waiting for a life crisis.
Worth knowingGenesis of the Gest alt approach
Gest alt is both a form of psychotherapy, a field of psychology and a specific philosophy of life. It developed in the 1940s in the USA.The creators of Gest alt therapy were Fritz and Laura Perls and Paul Goodman. As a field of study in psychology, Gest alt derives from psychoanalysis, although at the same time it stands in sharp contradiction to it. Gest alt's popularity grew in the mid-1970s.
Therapist and client instead of doctor and patient - assumptions of Gest alt therapy
In Gest alt therapy, terms such as "patient", "recommendations" or "diagnosis" do not function. One of its fundamental assumptions is the belief that every human being is capable of finding the best solution to his problem and that no one can do it for him. The client is not the therapist but the active and decisive party. The role of the therapist is not to evaluate, point to new problems or suggest ready solutions, but to help the client discover his real desires, emotions and needs. The therapist accompanies him in his development, in the process of becoming aware of his own individual system of values and beliefs. It creates opportunities for research, experiments, in which the client himself checks what is appropriate for him and what is not. This can be illustrated by the following metaphor: in ancient times, there was a special person in the chariot who protected and supported a fighting soldier. In the Gest alt approach, it is the therapist, and the soldier - the client. This approach also applies when the client is people with serious problems - suffering from neurosis or deeply depressed. For a Gest alt therapist, the question of addiction is just a symptom of a deeper problem that a human being is struggling with. No two addicts are the same, each of them experiences problems differently and for each of them alcohol or drugs play a different role in life.
The disorders provide the therapist with important information about what the client "does" with his feelings, how he or she realizes or does not fulfill his needs, where he is "stuck" in his development process. This is important information about the therapeutic process and tips on what needs support. A Gest alt therapist helps the client to become aware of what their symptoms are saying, what function they have in their life and why they appear.
Worth knowingThe most important assumptions of Gest alt therapy:
- each person is a self-determining individual, capable of finding solutions to his problems, sometimes he needs the support of a therapist,
- each person is responsible for their own fate, contacting a therapist is one of the manifestations of agency,
- our body, mind and emotions constitute an inseparable whole - through the body we can influence the mind and emotions and vice versa,
- awareness is the keyallowing us to creatively use our internal resources and find the answers we need,
- authentic client-therapist relationship is a key aspect of therapy,
- not a therapist, but the client knows better what he needs.
Gest alt psychotherapy: relationship with the therapist
Gest alt therapy begins with the client and therapist entering a unique type of relationship that is shaped differently each time. Both sides bring each other to it. They come into contact where they openly and honestly show who they really are. This relationship is characterized by equality and mutual trust. The therapist and the client participate in a real meeting of two sentient people. How often in everyday life can we allow ourselves to be so close? Sometimes we don't allow ourselves to do this, even in a relationship with a life partner.
Therefore, the therapeutic relationship is a wonderful, unique opportunity to get to know yourself better. In some cases, it is believed that just getting in and actually making contact with another person is healing. Of course, in practice it is not easy. In situations when the client does not feel completely comfortable, he automatically reacts by withdrawing, avoiding contact, and closing. However, it is not about forcing him to open himself, but rather to observe his own reflexes and see if he wants them to remain so.
What can be achieved with Gest alt therapy?
We come to another point of great importance. According to the assumptions of Gest alt therapy, an important ally in development is the awareness of one's own feelings, thoughts, emotions, needs and desires. It's only natural that at times people aren't sure what they want and what they don't. They lose connection with their inner voice. The best tool for regaining it is to experience the present moment consciously - focusing on what you can see, hear and feel, and observe the thoughts flitting through your mind. Focusing on "here and now" helps to get rid of the luggage that is usually burdened with awareness: beliefs, stereotypes, expectations, over-intellectualising and many others.
The goal of Gest alt therapy is to develop agency - it is about making us feel the creators of our lives and giving up the expectation that someone will solve problems for us. As a result, we will be able to enter into satisfying relationships with ourselves, with other people and with the world. During therapy, we become aware of ourselves at different levels, including the body, mind, and emotional levels. Then we are able to adequately respond to various circumstances of life. This is actually enough, because then all problems are solvedon a regular basis, do not build up. And we can realize our highest potential in life.
About the author Bartłomiej Żukowski, psychotherapist, member of the Gest alt Institute team in KrakowCertified psychotherapist and member of the Gest alt Institute team in Krakow, holds the European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) and the European Certificate of Gest alt Psychotherapy. Group trainer, addiction therapist and certified HIV / AIDS Adviser. Participant of the international Gest alt Program in Organizations at the Gest alt Institute in Krakow.