Cherry juice has a distinct flavor and therefore usually tastes good even to people who do not like cherries. It is worth drinking it, because it refreshes, stimulates, provides vitamins and minerals, and has a number of properties valuable to he alth. It can be prepared in a traditional way or with a juicer. How To Make The Perfect Cherry Juice? Get to know proven recipes.
Cherries can be eaten in a variety of ways, and you can make delicious juice. Why is it worth it?Homemade cherry juicehas much more nutritional properties than the juice made from concentrate, which you can buy in the store, which is due to the much higher fruit content.
It is also much he althier than the store's cherry drinks, which producers can add to them, for example, flavor or color improvers or preservatives.
Making such a juice at home, you can also decide on its taste (by adding, for example, natural additives that affect the acidity - e.g. lemon juice) and calorific value, by adding more or less sugar to it.
Learn the 8 he althy rules for eating fruit

What are the properties of cherry juice?
Homemade cherry juice, just like cherries themselves, has a number of properties valuable to he alth.
- Protects against cancer and slows down the aging process- because it contains a lot of antioxidants, thanks to which it neutralizes free radicals.
- Supports the work of the cardiovascular systembecause it contains, among others, anthocyanins that increase the elasticity of capillaries and vitamin C, which seals the blood vessels.
- Protects the heartdue to its high potassium content.
- Reduces the risk of atherosclerosisbecause its ingredients, including fiber, lower the level of "bad" cholesterol.
- Helps with insomnia- cherries are one of the few fruits that contain melatonin, and research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food proved that a glass of juice with cherries drunk in the morning and in the evening for two weeks.
- Lowers fever, has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves muscle acheswith colds or flu.
- Helps heal urinary problemssuch as kidney stones or cystitis.
- It is recommended in the absence of appetite , because the fruit acids contained in it stimulate the secretion of saliva and digestive enzymes.
Which cherries are the best for juice?
It is obvious that the fruit for the juice should be ripe, but not overripe. However, the variety of cherries is just as important as the quality of the fruit. There are over a dozen varieties of cherries growing in Poland, but - due to the taste of the fruit or their juiciness - not all of them are suitable for juice.
The most popular cherry used for juice isSłupsk cherry , also known as the Vistula cherry. A tasty, slightly sour juice can also be made withLucyna cherries , withNana cherries(which gives sweet and sour fruit), and North Star cherries(which, according to experts, is slightly sour with a hint of cinnamon) andfrom Sabina cherries , giving an aromatic, very tasty, sweet and sour juice.
Cherries in glasses are not always suitable for juice -their juice is usually very light and sometimes even colorless, while the taste depends on the variety. One of the most popular cherries of this variety is the so-calledEarly Ludwika , the fruit of which has an almost orange flesh and gives a bright juice with a sweet and sour taste.
How To Make The Best Cherry Juice? Cherry Juice Recipes
Cherry juice is very easy to prepare and you can make it both in the traditional way and with a fruit juicer or juicer (only in the latter case, cherries do not need to be pitted, and by preparing cherry juice in a juicer you can get much more than with other methods).
Cherry juice with sugar and lemon juice
You need:1 kg of pitted cherries, 1 kg of sugar, medium-sized lemon juice.
Washed cherries put in a pot, sprinkle with sugar, add lemon juice, then stir and set aside for a few hours in a cool place. When the fruit gives off the juice, heat the pot on gas for 15-20 minutes (the flame should be small enough so that the fruit does not burn and the juice does not boil over).
Stir the contents of the pot from time to time. During this time, scald the previously prepared bottles. While they are still warm, pour the hot juice into them and screw them tight. If you want the juice to last through the winter, you can pasteurize it: line the pot with a towel, put the bottles of juice in it, add water to 3/4 of its height and pasteurize for 20 minutes after boiling the water.
Cherry juice from the juicer
You need:1 kg of cherries (without pitting), 1/2 kg of sugar. Wash the cherries, pour them into a strainer - let them dry. During this time, prepare the juicer according to the manufacturer's instructions - vIn most models, you need to pour water into the lowest part of the juicer, and attach the drain tube to the middle part and lock the clamp.
Then put the cherries into the highest part of the juicer, add sugar, cover with a lid and set on the gauze. Check from time to time if the juice is collecting in the central part of the juicer (depending on the juiciness of the fruit, it may take from a few to several minutes). Start decanting it into clean, scalded bottles right away. Stir the cherries in the top part of the juicer every now and then to get more juice out of them.