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Drying of mucous membranes in winter is very common - central heating, air conditioning and avoiding opening windows make the air very dry at this time of the year. In order to achieve a state of equilibrium, that is, maximum humidity, it "pulls" water wherever it can. It also does it at the expense of people, which is why our mucous membranes, eyes and skin dry up. You have to counteract it.

Desiccation of the mucous membraneshappens more often in winter. Why? We are able to ensure proper hydration of the body in hot weather, because the need for frequent drinking reminds us of a visible sign of water escaping from the body - profuse sweating. It rarely occurs in winter, so we drink less. Meanwhile, when it is dry, our need for water increases, because the body uses more of it, for example to moisturize the air we breathe. So remember to drink a few glasses of fluids a day to avoid drying out of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and eyes. It is also the best method of moisturizing the skin. In addition, this way you can get rid of the feeling of fatigue and problems with concentration, because their cause is sometimes the lack of water in the body.

Prevent drying of the mucous membranes - reduce the effects of air conditioning

It is ubiquitous. We have it in offices, shopping centers, cinemas and hotels. It should maintain the proper temperature, humidity and chemical composition of the air. Unfortunately, it can be different. Often it only serves the first task. The optimal air humidity is 40-60 percent. In office buildings, it generally barely exceeds 30 percent. As a result, people working in rooms with poor air conditioning are more likely to develop upper respiratory tract infections. Why? Because the poorly moisturized mucous membranes of the nose and throat do not defend themselves well against the attack of viruses and bacteria. In addition, due to too dry air, the skin becomes dry, eyes sting. What can you do when working in such a room? First of all, air them several times a day. Keep it short, but keep your windows wide open. Then the heat losses are smaller. If there are opponents of such a solution in the room, take advantage of their absence.


Water demand depends on age, body weight, physical activity, ambient temperature, and air humidity. On average, we should provide the body with 2-2.8 l of water per day (cdrinks, fruit, vegetables and other products). Every day we lose this much with urine, feces, exhaled air, through the skin.

wet your nose from the inside

It is not always possible to avoid rooms with too low air humidity. As a result, the nasal mucosa becomes dry. And then they cease to protect the respiratory system well against the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, when you experience an unpleasant feeling of dry nose, use aerosol or gel preparations that have a moisturizing and cleansing effect (eg Sterimar, Marimer, Afrin gel). And, of course, you should take care of maintaining the appropriate air humidity in the apartment.

Appreciate eye drops

The cornea of ​​the eye is covered with the so-called tear film, which includes moisturizes it, improves the quality of vision and makes the eyelids "slide" like a lubricant. When the air is dry, the tear film evaporates too quickly and the symptoms of dry eye appear: sand under the eyelids, burning eyes, decreased visual acuity. They worsen when we spend a lot of time in front of the computer, because we blink too rarely when we look at the monitor. Blinking, on the other hand, spreads tears on the cornea and stimulates their secretion. So if you work in a room with too low air humidity or use a computer for many hours, carry eye moisturizing drops, the so-called eye drops, with you. artificial tears (e.g. Hialeye, Visine Dry Eyes, Starazolin Hydrobalance, Artelac). All you need to do is put 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac and you will feel relief immediately.

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