The Egyptian dream book is, next to the Babylonian dream book, one of the most popular ways of interpreting dreams. Do dreams reflect our psyche and he alth? Read how the ancient Egyptians translated dreams and learn about the meaning of the most popular symbols in the Egyptian dream book!
Egyptian dream interpretationwas created as a result of the Egyptians' belief that the gods want to convey messages to them during their sleep, e.g. tips on how to get rid of a serious disease. Such a dream could also be a coded message from a deceased relative.
The Egyptians also believed that a deity could demand a specific (pious) action from them through sleep, they also expected a god or goddess in a dream to give them a warning or a way to solve a specific problem.
Egyptians also "induced" dreams - they went to specially built temples where they spent the night. On a piece of linen cloth, they even wrote down the name of a particular god, hoping that he would visit them during their sleep. This cloth, placed in a special lamp, burned later during the person's stay in the temple.
In order to be able to visit the temple, the Egyptian had to be clean, preceded by an earlier fast. Often, a visit to the dream temple was accompanied by prayers.
Dream Interpretations were written in various books - one of them is an Egyptian dream book that survives to this day and can be viewed in the British Museum in London, dated to the reign of Ramses II, and more specifically around 1275 BC.
Egyptian Book of Dreams
Egyptian dream book from the time of Ramesses II was found in the Deir el-Medina settlement. In ancient times, it was inhabited by talented creators: craftsmen, builders who worked on building tombs for the pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings.
Egyptian dream book contains as many as 108 interpretations of different dreams and a description of 78 different activities and emotions that appear in dreams. The dreams themselves are divided into successful and unsuccessful - the latter are marked in red.
Most of the symbols described in the dream book are related to seeing various objects while sleeping, but also to activities: drinking, eating, having sex.
Sentences in the Egyptian dream book are always formulatedin the same way, for example: "If a man sees himself drinking warm beer in a dream, it is wrong. Warm beer means suffering" or "If a man sees himself looking out of the window in a dream, then good. Looking out the window means that god will listen. his pleas ".
Egyptian dream interpretation: meaning of dreams
Below we present the meaning of the most popular dream symbols according to the Egyptian dream book:
Pregnancy- according to the Egyptian dictionary, this is a definitely positive symbol - if a woman dreams that she is pregnant, good news awaits her. If someone dreams of a pregnant woman - happiness awaits him.
Child- symbolizes looking for a way out of a difficult situation, but also new development opportunities. But a thin child can mean bad days to come, and a failing child may mean business failure. Interestingly, a dying child heralds upcoming successes.
Cat- if a man dreams, it symbolizes femininity, the need for contact with a woman - but more than sexuality, it is about tenderness and caring. However, the cat is also a warning against falsehood, betrayal by friends. Petting a cat is ingratitude, and a fattening cat means that someone wants to make love to the person whose cat is dreaming.
Blood- according to the Egyptian dream book, red blood means joy, black blood means disease, just like blood clots. Bathing in blood is supposed to herald the loss of property, and blood flowing from the nose - the repair of difficult relationships.
Spider- if you see a spider - luck is waiting, if you kill it - you will overcome your enemies.
Dog- playing with a dog and a barking dog mean consent, joy, while a dying quadruped - that someone is setting a trap for the dreamer. An attack by a dog symbolizes danger.
Rat- a running rat is a sign of danger, a rat trapped - betrayal. Killing a rat is trouble in love, and fear of him - the fear of making a decision. A dead rat, on the other hand, means that you have to make a decision according to your conscience.
Death- if someone sees himself dying in a dream, he will live a very long time.
Snake- means nothing but various adversities. A wrinkling snake is a waste of money, a flexing snake is to avoid danger. Stepping on the snake is to symbolize false friends. Only killing him means defeating your enemies.
Water- is to reflect what is happening in the human soul. Clear water means inner peace, harmony, but cloudy - inner chaos, lack of self-confidence. Frozen water is in turnwithdrawal in oneself, dryness towards others.
Tooth- the loss of a tooth means the death of a close family member. The teeth on the left are women, those on the right are men. The molars are the old ones and the incisors are the younger generation. The upper teeth are to correspond to the more important family members, the lower ones - the rest.
Pain in teeth means the achievement of goals, white teeth - great success. Cleaning your teeth is, in turn, unnecessary working for others, overworking yourself.
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