The Babylonian dream book is one of the oldest ways of interpreting dreams known to mankind. Read why and how the Babylonians interpreted the figures, objects and animals appearing in their dreams. Learn also the interpretation of the most common symbols in dreams according to the Babylonian dream book. How does believing in dreams affect your mental he alth?
Babylonian dream book , as the name suggests, has its source in ancient Babylonia. The Babylonians were animists, that is, they believed that everything in their surroundings - whether objects, animals or elements of nature - had a soul. Some of these souls were the souls of the gods, while others were the souls of demons that needed to be tamed. Hence the various amulets, spells, divinations, rites and prophecies. And also himselfBabylonian dream book .
In Babylon, dreams were used … for therapeutic purposes. Just as an amulet or a specific rite was to chase away dangerous demons, the Babylonians were able to translate each dream to themselves, so that its interpretation in the end would be a kind of clue on how to proceed in the future.
Dreams were also supposed to help be a remedy for troubles in the present - Babylonians believed that if they interpreted them properly, they would find a way to overcome illness or personal problems. Dreams were a kind of clue for them, and the Babylonians devoted much more time and attention to mysterious, apparently disturbing dreams than to pleasant, positive dreams.
The first dream book known to mankind is the one created by the Assyrian king (at that time Babylon was part of the Assyrian monarchy) Ashurbanipal - in the 7th century BC he collected descriptions of dreams on clay tablets. These records, in turn, were used by the Roman geographer Artemidor, who created his dream book, and after him other dream collectors started to work, and thus the Babylonian dream book has survived to this day.
The Babylonians believed in the goddess Mamu, to whom they prayed for protection from unwanted dreams.
Epic of Gilgamesh
One of the first instances where dream interpretation was described comes from the Epic of Gilgamesh, created in Babylonian times - around 1800-1400 B.C.E. to the main character - Gilgamesh -dreams an ax falling from the sky. Finally, the man grabs him and places him in front of his mother's feet, then runs to her "to embrace her like a wife."
Gilgamesh is concerned about the sleep pattern, but his mother reassures him that it is a prediction about his future. Gilgamesh is to meet on his way another and very powerful man (symbolized by an ax), whom he will initially treat as an enemy - there will even be a fight, but in the end they will both become friends.
Babylonian dream interpretation - meaning of dreams
Below we present the meaning of the most popular symbols in the Babylonian dream book:
Pregnancy- if it appears in a dream, news can be expected.
Child- a small child in a dream means illness, but their whole group - joy.
Cat- cat scratching heralds trouble, just like a black cat. According to the dream book, stroking a cat is ingratitude, and its meowing - a harbinger of legal troubles.
Blood- leaking blood bodes well, spitting blood - worries, black blood is a sign of illness, and drinking blood - fulfilling hope.
Spider- a spider appearing in a dream, according to the Babylonian dream book, foretells a successful turn of events, and if the dreamer kills him in a dream - he may in fact expect victory.
Dog- symbolizes devoted friends, and playing with a pet - reconciliation with someone with whom you have been in conflict for a long time. A mad dog signifies a friend in danger, and a dog bite signifies that someone is acting against the person behind their back.
Rat- symbolizes an ambush, but if a killed rat appears in a dream, you can expect to defeat your enemies.
Teeth- have many meanings. If a tooth that does not bleed is dreamed, it means the death of a person from outside the family, if blood appears during the loss - it can mean death among loved ones. Shining teeth mean friendship, and growing ones - that they can clear up previous disagreements with others.
Snake- it does not bode well in any of its interpretations. Meeting him means adversity, and if the dreamer himself becomes a snake - he can expect that others despise him. If anyone runs away from the snake, an unhappy future awaits him.
Water- can have different meanings depending on your character. Cold water is a sign of happiness to come, clear water is joy, but falling into it means suffering. If someone drinks water in a dream, they can expect help to arrive.
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