Early symptoms of Parkinson's disease are not only hand tremors, but also decreased physical and mental performance, slower movements, balance disorders, slurred speech, swallowing disorders and depression. Did you know that the first symptoms of Parkinson's disease may appear around the age of 21? What are the early symptoms of Parkinson's disease?
The symptoms of Parkinson's diseaseare often nonspecific, associated with many other diseases, and discrete at first. They may be preceded by pains recognized assciatica , brachial, and sometimes alsoolfactory disorders.
Parkinson's symptoms: decreased performance
This symptom usually affects one side of the body. The movements become awkward, slow, accompanied by a feeling of stiffness in the limbs. There are problems with making precise hand movements (e.g. writing, buttoning buttons) and walking (limping on one leg, shuffling, stumbling).
Parkinson's symptoms: general slowing down of movements and their depletion
Carrying out everyday activities takes more time than it used to be. Patients have difficulty starting movement, they react slowly, they say. The face begins to resemble a mask. It does not express emotions because facial movements are limited.
Parkinson's symptoms: tremor
This symptom occurs only in about 1/3 of patients, usually at rest, when the muscles are relaxed. It goes away or decreases with conscious movement.
Parkinson's symptoms: increased muscle tone
Increased muscle tension causes the body to tilt, which is conducive to the development of degenerative changes in the spine. It also causes painful muscle cramps.
Parkinson's symptoms: slurred speech
It occurs rather in the advanced stage of the disease. It becomes monotonous, devoid of emotional intonation, blurry, quiet.
Parkinson's symptoms: balance problems
Imbalance is associated with a change in the body's center of gravity as a result of tilting the figure and slower brain responses. Falls are a consequence of imbalances.
Parkinson's symptoms: sudden blockage of movement while walking
Sudden traffic blockage while walking, i.e. freezing. The patient is unable to lift the foot off the ground to take the next step. Such sudden immobility causes him to lose his balance. When the traffic lock occurs at the momenttwisting or turning, legs cross and get tangled, which can often result in a fall.
Also read: Rehabilitation and exercise for Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's symptoms: mental problems
In the late stage of the disease, thinking slows down, memory deficits (the information stored in it is not erased, but access to it is difficult), and spatial orientation and concentration disorders are disturbed.
Parkinson's symptoms: swallowing disorders
There is a dysfunction of the esophageal muscles, which causes a bite of food to move slowly. The consequences are difficulties with eating and leakage of saliva from the mouth.
Parkinson's symptoms: depression
Depression: depressed mood, chronic fatigue, and the inability to feel pleasure are both the result of brain damage that lowers the levels of dopamine and other neurotransmitters, and awareness of the limitations associated with the disease.
Parkinson's symptoms: vegetative disorders
Rapid drops in blood pressure when changing from sitting to standing and fainting, persistent constipation, bladder and thermoregulation disorders, paroxysmal sweating and shortness of breath.
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