Moles on the skin - pigmented, vascular and other - can be congenital or acquired. Some of them are harmless, but some can change their nature and even turn into skin cancer. Check which skin marks stand out, what they look like and which are the most dangerous.
Marksare abnormalities in the structure of the skin in the form of spots or bumps. Some of them are encoded in genes and arise in fetal life ( birthmarks ), others areacquired,i.e. they appear throughout life . Some of them are harmless, but some can change their nature and even turn into skin cancer.
Dye marks
There are several types of birthmarks, the most popular of which arepigmented nevi,otherwise melanocytic, also professionally called benign melanocytic neoplasms (commonly known asmoles ) are derived from skin pigment cells. Among the pigmented lesions, the following are distinguished:
- stains the color of coffee with milk - these are large, light brown stains with an even color and a delicate demarcation. They usually appear in early childhood
- lentil spots - these are dark brown lesions close to 1 cm, which can be located within the skin of the whole body and on the border of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as within the conjunctiva
- melanocytic spots of the mucous membranes - these are large melanocytic spots that appear within the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals
- Becker's birthmark - it is usually a light brown lesion, from a few to several centimeters, with irregular borders, most often located within the skin of the shoulder or arms. As the years go by, it becomes darker and darker, and then it can glow again
- Spitz nevus - This is a special variation of the common pigmentary nevus that occurs mainly in children. It has the form of hard, round, red-brown bumps. This birthmark often grows quickly within 3-6 months to a size of 1-2 cm. It most often appears on the face and lower limbs
- Sutton's nevus - this is another special variation of the ordinary pigmented nevus. It usually appears after the age of 20. This is called birthmark halo as around ita discolored border appeared. It is characterized by a firm, clear edge and an even, light or dark brown color
- blue nevus - is a maculopapular change in the size of a lentil grain with a characteristic blue color. often present at birth or early in childhood. These types of birthmarks rarely turn into melanoma
- Clark's birthmark - this is a slightly raised, smooth or slightly warty birthmark
- atypical birthmark - has the form of spots darker in color than the surrounding skin, often raised above its level
The pigmented moles are the most dangerous, as they can turn into skin cancer. Fortunately, most pigmented lesions are mild and only rarely lead to malignancy. According to the research, about 30 percent of these changes are caused by these changes. malignant melanomas.
Other types of birthmarks
- seborrheic warts
- fibroids
- hemangiomas - flat vascular birthmarks, commonly known ashemangiomas , are formed as a result of the expansion of blood vessels located within the skin. They are pink to vivid red or purple in color. They are most often located in the head and face, although any area of the body can be affected