Riga are edible mushrooms that are considered to be one of the tastiest mushrooms - especially stewed in butter. The orange color of red mushrooms is a distinctive feature, which makes them easy to find in the forest. Unfortunately, red pine mushrooms can be confused with poisonous mushrooms that resemble him - woolly milk and alder. Check what the blackberry milk mushroom looks like, how to distinguish it from poisonous mushrooms and what can be prepared from it.
Mleczaj rydz( lactarius deliciosus ), otherwise tasty or real, it isedible mushroomwhich is one of the most wanted mushrooms. However, rice is not valued for itspropertiesandnutritional values , because it consists mainly of water and contains small amounts of valuable ingredients (in large amounts it contains only provitamin A, i.e. beta-carotene, which is why it is orange)
Rydz is an inseparable element of traditional Polish cuisine due to its delicious taste and unique, almost fruity aroma.
In addition to the dandelion red, the forests also include late autumn dandelion ( Lactarius salmonicolor ), variable dandelion ( Lactarius semisanguifluus ), reddening dandelion ( Lactarius sanguifluus ) and spruce milk ( Lactarius deterrimus Groger ). All of these mushrooms are also edible.
Lleczaj rydz - what does it look like? How to recognize rydz?
Rydz grows in Poland from August to November in coniferous (especially spruce) forests and young stands (especially spruce), on sandy soils.
Rice hat, 4-10 cm in diameter, is initially flat, convex, with time it becomes concave, funnel-shaped. It is usually orange, salmon or reddish in color.
Its characteristic feature are concentric darker stripes. The edge of the hat is rolled up, and in older copies additionally wavy.
Gill blades are usually dark orange, dense and protrude slightly to a low (3-5 cm) stem, which is lighter than the cap, with characteristic shallow orange pits. After breaking it, you can see the empty interior (in older individuals).
The distinguishing feature of red rust is that when damaged, it releases orange milk (hence the namemleczaj), which resembles carrot juice and turns green after contact with air.
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Don't confuse rice with poisonous mushrooms!
Dandelion rydzka can be confused with poisonous mushrooms that are confusingly similar to it: woolly milk ( Lactarius torminosus ) and alder, i.e. rolled krowiak ( Paxillus involutus). These mushrooms share a similar color scheme, a concave hat with folded edges, which is mounted on a low stem. However, they differ in several essential details.
How to distinguish rust from woolen? The rim of the hat is covered with woolly villi.
Besides, the flesh of the woolen is white, and the milk is white and burning. It also does not have the bays on the backbone characteristic of rustica. In turn, when damaged, alderwood does not emit orange milk, which turns green, but becomes reddish-brown.
Remember! If in doubt, go to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station closest to your place of residence.
Mushroom experts employed in the he alth resort provide free advice on the species belonging to mushrooms.
How to distinguish a woolly from a red corn?
Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN
Rydz - what can be made of them?
Riga are usually pickled in vinegar, because then they acquire an excellent, spicy flavor. Prepared in this way, they are perfect for salads, finger foods and sandwiches, they are also perfect as an appetizer or appetizer. However, the most delicious ones are fried in butter.
You just need to melt the butter in the pan, and then place only the hats on it, with the plates facing up. After about 2-3 minutes, turn the mushrooms over and fry for a few more minutes.
When the mushrooms let out their juice, the butter takes on a beautiful golden-orange color. Sprinkle the fried mushrooms with a pinch of s alt. It is worth knowing that 100 raw safflower mushrooms have about 40 kcal. Rydzów is not recommended to be dried or added to soups.
Riga, like other mushrooms, should be eaten (or used for preserves) as soon as possible after harvesting, becausethe protein they contain breaks down quickly and can become toxic.
You can eat a few olives or a chicory salad before eating saffron mushrooms - the bitterness in them will increase the secretion of gastric juice and facilitate digestion.
This will be useful to youRiga - recipe for spicy marinade
To prepare marinated saffron mushrooms you will need: 1 kg of small saffron mushrooms, 20 g of onion, a teaspoon of peppercorns, a glass of fruit vinegar and 2 teaspoons of s alt.
Put the washed and drained mushrooms into a saucepan and s alt them. Peel the onion, rinse, cut into slices, divide into hoops and add to the saffron mushrooms.
Simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally. When half of the liquid produced has evaporated, add pepper and vinegar and cook for 1-2 minutes.
Fill the jars with hot marinade and close them with lids lined with a double circle of parchment. Then put the jars in a pot of heated water, bring to a boil and keep them there for 15 minutes. Then take it out of the water and let it cool down.
TRY: Recipe for honey marinated mushrooms
Rydz - recipe for butter rice
To preserve the safflower in butter, you will need: 1 kg of young, fresh safflower hats, 30 grams of butter and s alt.
Dress and clean Riga. Then, put half the butter in a saucepan and heat it until it melts. Dry the washed hats, put them in a saucepan with melted butter, stew (but not to brown) and s alt. Place the hot mushrooms in hot, boiled jars and pour the melted butter over it immediately. Close the jars and put them in a bowl of warm water.
Bring to the boil and keep the jars at this temperature for an hour. Then take the jars in the water and let them cool to room temperature for 24 hours.
Then put them back into the pan with warm water and keep it boiling for an hour. Finally, take the jars out of the water and put them in a cool, dark place. Riga must be fried in the preserved butter.
Mikołaj Rey on how you can prepare red mushrooms
Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN
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