Parnosis refers to the nail fold, which is the skin fold surrounding the nail. It may appear as an inflammatory infiltrate or an abscess. Usually, it should be treated as it may turn into a chronic form. Learn how to cure foot rot.
Spankingis an inflammatory infiltrate or an abscess under the nail caused by a bacterial infection.The causes of foot rotmay be different. They are usually trivial and concern, for example, incorrectly performed manicure or nail biting. However, they can be the result of bacterial infections that need to be treated. What specificsymptoms of foot footindicate the acute stage of the disease? In this case, it is very important not to underestimate the symptoms and decide ontreatment for the footas soon as possible. After treatment, it is also worth remembering about prophylactic measures that will help to avoid recurrence of the inflammatory infiltrate or abscess.
Why is paronychia formed? - reasons
Parnellis isinflammation of the nail fold , usually caused by:
- biting nails and cuticles
- trauma (usually damage e.g. during nursing procedures)
or by finger sucking (in children).
It also happens thatparonychia is acute , which is most often caused by a bacterial infection. It is usually associated with an infectionStaphylococcus aureus , which is golden staphylococcus, orPseudomonas aeruginosa , which is a stick of blue oil. More rarely, paronychia may be the result of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) or, less frequently, it is caused by iatrogenic causes, such as the use of retinoids in patients.
What are the symptoms of paronychia?
Parnosis is a condition in which an inflammatory infiltrate is formed. The skin fold is thenred, swollenwhich can also causepulsating pain .
If the paronychia results from a bacterial infection,abscessalso appears under the nail shaft. It is a purulent discharge that can also leak out.
In case of infection with the blue pus stick, thegreenish discoloration of the nail may appear .
If left untreated, the paronychia goes intochronic phasewhere shaftsthe nails are still swollen, and the nail plates are thick, gray, scaly and discolored. This phase is characterized by transverse grooves (the so-calledBeau's grooves ). Sometimes the nail is also completely destroyed .
Parnosis - treatment
Wsymptomatic treatment of foot rot warm baths provide incredible relief . Just mix waterwith gray soapand soak your fingers with inflammation in it. Soap baths have an anti-swelling effect.
However, if the paronychia is bacterial, a surgical incision is necessary andto drain the abscess . In some cases, antibiotic therapy (topical or oral) is also implemented.
In turn, if paronychia is chronic, antibiotics are also administered, and in some cases, antifungal drugs. In people with abscesses, soap baths are also an important action, as they facilitate the spontaneous leakage of pus.
What preventive measures help to avoid foot rot?
Above all, remember to gently handle the nail plate and the skin around them during beauty treatments such as manicures and pedicures.
You should not cut the skins excessively, the damage of which may quickly cause rot. Thus, you should also cut your nails properly and with sensitivity. Additionally, you should stop biting your nails, which can also lead to foot rot injuries.
It is also worth paying attention to the hygiene and disinfection of hands, which can protect against bacterial contamination.
Also remember to wear gloves when doing household or work activities that may increase the risk of injury to your nails.
In addition, it is also worth taking care of moisturizing the skin of the hands and nails, which will reduce the risk of skin tearing. You should also remember to see a specialist if anything happens to the nail and its plate or the surrounding area is changed.