Evolutionary spine is adapted to movement, it doesn't like sitting or standing. Therefore, nothing will do him as good as regular physical activity. Follow these 8 simple rules that will help you avoid back problems in the future.

How to avoid back problems

1.Start your day stretching yourself. When lying down, straighten your arms behind your head as much as possible and place your feet with your heels forward. Then stretch asymmetrically (straighten your right arm and left leg at the same time). Then bend your knees and bring them to the right side while twisting your torso to the left. Repeat to the other side. Roll over to your side and slowly stand up.

2.While brushing your teeth, do not lean over the sink, but stand straight. When you wash your hair, do not bend over the bathtub. Better wash your head in the shower.

3.At the desk, bring the chair as far as possible, sit as deep as possible so that your buttocks touch the backrest and your body does not rest on the sacrum, but on the sciatic tumors (you can feel them, putting your hands under the buttocks).

4.When you sit for a long time, use a sensorimotor cushion (it looks like a thick disk), as it forces the correct position and stimulates the micromovement of the intervertebral discs. Position the monitor in front of your face, not to the side.

5.Do not lift heavy things on straight legs, just crouch and then lift the object while straightening both legs at the same time.

6.Distribute the shopping nets evenly on both hands.

7.Choose a mattress that follows the contours of your body.

8.Do not stay in one position for a long time, whether you are standing or sitting.

Exercises to relieve the spine

These simple exercises relieve the spine and stimulate blood circulation.

  • Stretch in the chair without stuffing your stomach. Then lower your arms and try to "pull out" the top of your head.
  • If you have a swivel chair, put your hands on the desk and then twist your torso by moving the chair to the right and then to the left. If you have a regular chair, straighten your arms in front of you and twist your torso first to the right and then to the left.l
  • Push your breasts forward by pulling your shoulder blades back. Then relax your shoulder blades and "hide" your bust. Finally, straighten up.
  • Place your torso on your thighs with your head touching your knees, then straighten up with your arms wide apart.

Spine pain sports

In case of back problems, consult a physiotherapist on what form of exercise will be safe for you. The best exercises for the spine are exercises in a standing position, because they stimulate the deep muscles, which are decisive for its efficiency. This is how walking on uneven ground works, as well as Nordic walking or playing tennis. Short-distance jogging is also good, but not for overweight people. At the beginning, it is worth working out on a big ball. On the other hand, swimming - often recommended in the case of problems with the spine - does not strengthen the muscles responsible for its proper functioning (they are not stimulated to relieve the load), it only improves the metabolism of the intervertebral discs. Therefore, they can be treated as relaxing muscles and relieving the strained spine.

It is also a myth that by strengthening the so-called muscle corset (abdominal and back muscles), we will avoid problems with the spine. It is not so. Not only that, classic "crunches" can lead directly to back problems.