Hybrid nails have become very popular in recent years - mainly due to the fact that hybrid manicure is more durable than the traditional one. You can make hybrid nails at home, you just need to know how. Performing a hybrid manicure will take no more than a dozen or so minutes, but it requires practice and the use of appropriate products. Learn, step by step, how to make hybrid nails and a manicure that will last for several weeks. See also the gallery of the best-rated hybrid nails on Instagram!
Hybrid nails - what is it?
Hybrid nailsare currently one of the most popular methods of decorating and caring for nails. Why?hybrid manicureowes its popularity mainly to durability. Well-made hybrid nails last up to several weeks. Such a manicure guarantees that the nails will remain in good condition for a long period of time, which is why it is an ideal solution for holiday trips.
Hybrid manicurecan be done in a professional salon or at home. Due to the fact that the accessories and products needed to make the hybrid are generally available, the cost of such a manicure is small.
Hybrid nails: what do you need to make them?
To make a hybrid you will need:
- file,
- cube (polishing block),
- degreaser,
- primer,
- hybrid base,
- selected hybrid color,
- topcoat hybrid,
- UV lamp,
- cuticle oil.
Hybrid nails: how to make them step by step?
- We start with filing the nails according to our preferences.
- We push back or cut the skins.
- Then mat the nail plates with a polishing block.
- The next step is to wipe the nails with a degreaser, thanks to which we clean the nails of dust. If our nail plate is extremely difficult or greasy, then we additionally apply a primer.
- Apply a thin layer of the base on the cleaned plate and harden it in a UV lamp (approx. 2 minutes). Then we apply the first thin layer of the chosen onecolor and harden it in the lamp (about 2 minutes).
- After the hybrid's color has hardened, we apply a topcoat (often called a top coat). The top coat will fix the hybrid and give it a beautiful shine (we harden for 2 minutes).
- We wash the last layer with a degreaser. We put the oil on - massage it into nails and cuticles. Et voilà! The nails are now ready. They should last for about 2-3 weeks. After this time, they should be supplemented or changed in color.
Hybrid nails: how to remove the hybrid nails?
We start with a slight filing of the top layer of the nail covered with the hybrid. Then, soak a cotton swab in the hybrid removal liquid, apply it to the entire nail plate and wrap it with aluminum foil. We wait about 15 minutes (if necessary, we leave it for longer). After this time, unwrap the foil and gently remove the varnish - we can help ourselves with a wooden stick or a file. The varnish will come off in flaps or pieces. Let's not break the hybrid by force, because this will damage our nail plate.
According to an expertJoanna Kaczorowska - nail stylistDoes the hybrid weaken and damage nails?
I have been doinghybridregularly for 8 months
every 2 weeks. Now my nails are as thin as a sheet of paper and the hybrid won't stick well, after two days it goes away. Why?Joanna Kaczorowska: The nails were weakenedwith hybrid . Eight months of non-stop application of the hybrid resulted in this effect. It is a chemical product, so it will not nourish your nails. Unfortunately, in most cases, the nails become thinner and more sensitive after the hybrid has been discontinued. In order for them to return to their previous state, I suggest that you do not apply the hybrid for 2-3 months. During this time, use a conditioner for thin and weak nails. If you notice an improvement, you can return to the hybrid. Currently, I do not see the point in doing it again, because as you write, it will not stick to your nails. Also, do not use tips during this time - they also burden the nail.
Important- Always remember to maintain cleanliness and hygiene when styling your nails. In this way, you will avoid infections in the event of possible rupture of the epidermis.
- Use products of proven brands and good quality - they will last longer, and the quality of the nails will be more durable and more aesthetic.
- Remember not to pour over the cuticles when applying the basehybridsand to cover the nail edge well.
- Until we harden the hybrid in the lamp, we can make any changes and corrections.